Anchor: #i1002349

Section 2: Refund to State Based on Final Judgment

Anchor: #i1002354


Do not use rapid deposit for refunds of judgment. Refunds of previously disbursed funds related to acquisition of right of way must be made payable to TxDOT. See also Payments in Advance of Final Judgment in TxDOT’s ROW Relocation Assistance Manual. All refund checks must be sent from the district directly to FIN with a confirmation email to the mailbox, including the district, RCSJ, parcel #, payment ID number, refund reason, and an electronic copy of the check along with any supporting documentation for the refund.

The check must be sent by the ROW PM to: Texas Department of Transportation; Attention: FIN Accounts Receivable; 125 E 11th Street, Austin, TX 78701 OR physical address 6230 Stassney Lane, Austin, TX 78744 if sent via FedEx.

If the refund check is drawn on the Clerk of a County Court at Law or District Clerk, include in the submission the date the refund was deposited with the Clerk.

Promptly deliver the refund check to FIN Accounts Receivable and submit a copy to ROW Financial Management inbox so that the refund can be submitted to FIN within five working days of its receipt in TxDOT.

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