Section 9: Reappraisals

Anchor: #i1005936


Before or during negotiations, it may be found that a market change has occurred, indicating a need for revising or updating existing appraisals. Such action is not considered a new (additional) appraisal, but would require that a new work authorization be created to compensate the appraiser for the additional work.

However, conditions may arise that did not exist at the time of the original appraisal, resulting in a change in values, i.e., a change in design, a parcel split, or a combination into new ownerships, all of which would require a new appraisal. When such changes occur, it is usually necessary to reappraise the property to determine new values for negotiation purposes. A new work authorization is required for the assignment of a new appraisal. A statement should be made in the new work authorization to identify the need for the updated appraisal (for example, "reappraisal due to change in design" or "update for Special Commissioners’ Hearings"). NOTE: A reappraisal by the original appraiser on a parcel in eminent domain will be paid based on the appraiser's PREAS contract Attachment D-1 fee schedule. The time required to complete a reappraisal report may be less than the time required to complete the initial report; therefore, the complexity level of a reappraisal is frequently but not always lower than the complexity level of the initial appraisal report.

In each of the above situations, the applicable recommended value entered into TxC will be necessary to show any change in the parcel or its value. Care should be taken to ensure that TxDOT’s position is adequately supported by appraisal information.

When changes in design or access control occur after appraisals have been obtained, all work previously completed must be reviewed to determine if the valuation is consistent with the revised design or if the appraiser should be requested to make a reappraisal. If the parcel has been acquired and the revised design constitutes an additional acquisition, ROW PD should notify the ROW Program Office. After coordination with the appropriate divisions, ROW PD will be advised as to appropriate procedure.

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