Anchor: #i1004702
back end
The back end is a computer program that performs final edits on transactions to confirm all data is correct for the receiving subsystem.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
back order
A back order is created when there is not enough available inventory to cover the material request.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
back slope
The back slope is the ratio of slope on back side of ditch for roadway.
Anchor: #i1004687
A backbone is another term for bus. It is a collection of very fast networks that provides access points where other networks interconnect. Consider the Internet as a series of interconnecting roads, and you'll find the backbones are its highways.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004716
1) Backfill is the material used to replace other material removed during construction.
2) Backfill is the material placed adjacent to structures.
A backup is a copy of files and applications made to avoid loss of data and facilitate recovery in the event of a system crash.
Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004771
A balance is a scientific weighing scale.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004785
A ballast is a device which includes a transformer that modifies incoming voltage and current to provide the circuit conditions necessary to operate electric discharge lamps.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1004805
  1. A bandwidth is the amount of data a network link can handle.
  2. Bandwidth is the signaling frequency supported by a circuit. It is generally accepted to mean the capacity provided by a particular circuit expressed as a data transfer rate (bits/second). The term is also used to express a requirement for such capacity.
  3. Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004816
bank gravel
Bank gravel is found in natural deposits, usually intermixed with fine material, such as sand or clay, or combinations thereof; the terms “gravelly clay,” “gravelly sand,” “clayey gravel” or “sandy gravel” indicate the varying proportions of the materials in the mixture. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specifications Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004830
A banner is a sign painted or fabricated on fabric mesh or flexible plastic, placed between supports above or along a roadway or highway.
Maintenance Collection
Anchor: #i1004845
bank ID
A bank ID is the routing number assigned to the bank by the Routing Number Administrative Board of the American Bankers Association.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1004870
Barlow’s Formula (Design Pressure)
Barlow’s Formula (Design Pressure) is the formula used to determine the design pressure for steel pipe.
ROW Utility Manual
Anchor: #i1004884
A barrel is the inner part of a culvert through which the water is discharged.
Anchor: #i1004899
A barricade is the portable or fixed barrier with diagonally striped markings used to close all or a portion of the right-of-way to traffic.
Anchor: #i1004919
A barrier is the longitudinal system located on either bridges, medians, or along the roadside that is used to shield vehicles from potential hazards or work areas.
Anchor: #i1004929
barrier curb
A barrier curb is a curb designed to prevent or discourage vehicles from leaving the pavement.
Anchor: #i1004949
  1. A base, commonly referred to as a base course, is layer of specified or selected material of planned thickness ‑ constructed on the sub-grade, the natural foundation, or sub-base ‑ for the purpose of distributing load, providing drainage, or upon which a wearing surface or a drainage structure is placed.
  2. Base is the layer of material immediately beneath the pavement’s surface layer. It may be a layer of crushed tone, crushed or uncrushed gravel and sand, or various combinations of materials. It may also be treated with asphalt to bind it together, or it may be left untreated (see also Flexible Base and Stabilized Base).
Anchor: #i1004959
base curb weight
Base curb weight is the weight of a vehicle including a full tank of fuel and all standard equipment. It does not include passengers, optional equipment or cargo.
Equipment Manual
Anchor: #i1004985
base of fill
The base of fill is the existing ground line that is prepared before embankment is placed.
Anchor: #i1004995
base year
Base year is the year in which the urban saturation counts are made and the to which the model is validated.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #i1005009
basic employment
Basic employment is employment in businesses classified under the standard industrial classification system as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, construction, wholesale trade, transportation, communications, public utilities.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #i1005038
basis of estimate
A basis of estimate is the listing of pay items for a project that shows items of work and the amount or quantity of that particular item that is to be used for a project. Items that are listed are those that cannot be directly measured from the plans such as sprinkling, rolling, blading, lime, etc.
Anchor: #i1005048
  1. A batch is a quantity of like transactions that have been grouped together to be processed as one lot.
  2. A batch is a quantity of like transactions that have been grouped together to be processed as one lot in the Financial Information Management System (FIMS) front-end and back-end.
  3. Finance Division
  4. A batch is the quantity of finished material produced from each separate mixture of ingredients.
  5. Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1005070
batch interface
A batch interface is an interface that is generally used to execute high-volume repetitive tasks during non-peak times as a background process.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1005085
batch plant
A batch plant is a plant where asphalt hot mix is produced. The plant weighs the hot aggregates to specific proportions by grade, then adds the hot asphalt cement by either weight or volume. These plants are older than drum plants, as well as more expensive to operate and capable of less output. Most hot mix plants in Texas are now drum plants.
Anchor: #i1005095
The batter is the slope or inclination from a vertical plane - as the face or back of a wall.
Anchor: #i1005105
Bearing is the direction of a line with reference to a meridian.
Anchor: #i1005125
Beaumont District
The Beaumont District is a TxDOT district office including the following counties: Chambers, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Newton, Orange, and Tyler.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1005145
Bedding is the foundation material providing a bearing for culverts or other structures.
Anchor: #i1005155
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code is a programming language oriented towards introducing a person to programming. BASIC is very similar to FORTRAN (formulas translated).
Anchor: #i1005170
behavior problem
A behavior problem is a violation of a general work rule or standard of conduct.
Anchor: #i1005180
bench marks
Bench marks are permanent objects or markers used as a reference indicating elevation.
Survey Manual
Anchor: #i1005190
bending moment
A bending moment is the moment which produces bending in a beam or other structure. It is measured by the algebraic sum of the products of all the forces multiplied by their respective lever arms.
Geotechnical Manual
Anchor: #i1005210
benefit /cost ratio
B/C is used to compare the benefit versus the cost of proposed alternatives. For highway projects, benefits may include reduced fuel consumption, travel time, and air pollution; costs may include construction, right of way, and maintenance.
Anchor: #i1005225
A bent is the transverse part of a bridge that transfers lateral as well as vertical loads from the superstructure to the foundation.
Bridge Design Manual
Anchor: #i1005235
  1. A berm is a mound of earth, generally of triangular (or trapezoidal) cross-section, that parallels a roadway and serves as a noise barrier.
  2. A berm is the area between back slope and the right of way (ROW) line.A berm is a ledge or shelf that breaks the continuity of a slope.
Anchor: #i1005245
best and final offer
Best and final offer is a step in the purchasing process used only with requests for offers and requests for proposals.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1005266
best management practices
The best management practices are schedules of activities, practices, and procedures to prevent or reduce pollution of waters of the United States. Such practices include planning strategies, operating procedures, and physical practices to control site runoff.
Anchor: #i1005281
best value
Best value is a purchasing process allowing factors other than price to be considered in award of a purchase order to obtain goods or services that provide the best value for the state. Under these guidelines, a vendor is not awarded a purchase order simply because the vendor submits the lowest price to a bid, offer or proposal.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1005296
Betterment is a term to describe upgrading of a facility as either elective or forced. Elective is any upgrading of the facility being relocated that is not attributable to the highway construction and is made solely for the benefit, and at the election, of the utility. Forced is any upgrading of the facility being relocated that is attributable to the highway construction and not made solely for the benefit, or at the election, of the utility, pursuant to local codes, ordinances, documented company policy, or industry standards. Also referred top as non-elective betterments.
ROW Utility Manual
Anchor: #i1005322
bias factor
See K-Factor.
Anchor: #i1005356
bicycle lane
A bicycle lane is a portion of a roadway that has been designated by striping, signing, or pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists.
Safe Routes to School Program Guidelines
Anchor: #i1005370
bicycle path
A bicycle path is a bikeway separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier, either within the highway right of way or within an independent right of way that may also be used by pedestrians, skaters, joggers, wheelchairs, and other non-motorized users.
Safe Routes to School Program Guidelines
Anchor: #i1005384
A bicycle/pedalcycle is a device propelled solely by human power, having pedals, two or more wheels, and one or more seats.
Anchor: #i1005394
bicycle route
A bicycle route is a continuous pathway usually on a city street designated for bicycles.
Anchor: #i1005404
Bid Analysis Management System
The Bid Analysis Management System is a user-oriented, computerized Decision Support System (DSS) that manages and monitors highway construction contract data. Applications include: bid report generation ranging from vendor qualifications to bid tabulations; analysis of bidding patterns from bid distributions to vendor market shares; management of historical bid data for use in planning and forecasting; and system utilities that enable the user to design and generate tailored reports for special applications.
Anchor: #i1005419
Bid bond
Bid bond is a document provided by a contractor and a surety which pledges to reimburse the department for liquidated damages as a result of the contractor failing to enter into a contract with the department.
Maintenance Contract Manual
Anchor: #i1005433
Bid code
See Bid Item.
Anchor: #i1005443
Bid error
Bid error is a mathematical mistake by the prime contractor in the unit price entered into the proposal.
Maintenance Contract Manual
Anchor: #i1005457
  1. A bidder is any firm or company submitting a proposal to provide ROW services based on a qualifications/price method.
  2. Right of Way Manual
  3. A bidder is an individual, firm, or corporation or any combination thereof submitting a proposal for obtaining a highway construction contract.
Anchor: #i1005472
Bidding capacity
Bidding capacity is the maximum dollar value a contractor may have under contract at any given time.
Maintenance Contract Manual
Anchor: #i1005487
bidding proposal
A bidding proposal is a proposal for work to be contracted by the department. This document gives the location and type of work along with the governing specifications and bidding requirements. The document is submitted with the contractor's bid prices to ultimately become the contract with the department. A bidding proposal may only be issued to prequalified contractors, or contractors registered under the Bidder's Questionnaire.
Letting Manual
Anchor: #i1005501
bid evaluation formula
A bid evaluation formula is the method used to award a purchase order in accordance with established ratios of qualifications and bid price.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1005516
bid interpretation sheet
A bid interpretation sheet is a document completed by the Letting Official noting how incomplete, illegible, or smeared information was interpreted for calculating bid amounts.
Letting Manual
Anchor: #i1005530
bid item
A bid item is a unit of work that is specified in the plans to be performed project by the contractor on a particular project and as detailed in the specifications. Bid items are based on standard specifications or special specifications. A descriptive code is used for each bid item to describe the item and define its unit of measurement.
Design and Construction Information System Manual
Anchor: #i1005544
bid master
A bid master is a working document used by a purchaser to create a solicitation document in the Automated Purchasing System.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1005559
bid proposal
Bid proposals are documents that contractors need to bid for contracts. The project bid proposal must be accurate and the public and contractors notified so the project can be let to contract.
Design and Construction Information System Manual
Anchor: #i1005583
Biennial Operating Plan
The Biennial Operating Plan is a management tool to plan how TxDOT expends appropriated funds to ensure the cost effectiveness of information resources.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1005603
bi-fuel vehicle
A bi-fuel vehicle is a vehicle that can operate on two fuels, but not simultaneously.
Equipment Manual
Anchor: #i1005618
billing name
The billing name is the person or entity billed on an account (task). For damage claims, the billing name may be an insurance company.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1005633
bill of lading
A bill of lading is a shipping document that confirms receipt of a shipment.
Equipment Manual
Anchor: #i1005648
Binary Coded Decimal
Binary coded decimal is an early computer character coding scheme using six bits per character with 64 possible coding combinations.
Anchor: #i1005663
A bin-wall is a series of connected bins, generally filled with earth or gravel to serve as a retaining wall, abutment, pier, or as protection against explosions or gunfire.
Anchor: #i1005693
bisected improvement
A building or structure that is severed by the proposed right of way line.
Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies
Anchor: #i1005708
bisected improvement, Category I
A building or structure that is severed by the right of way line in such a manner that it would not be economical to reconstruct that portion outside the right of way to restore utility. Such a structure will be appraised as whole and the entire structure will either be acquired by the State or retained by the grantor. This requires special provisions in the instrument of conveyance.
Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies
Anchor: #i1005723
bisected improvement, Category II
A building or structure that is severed by the right of way line in such a manner that would permit that portion outside the right of way to be economically reconstructed. This requires special provisions in the LPA instrument of conveyance.
Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies
Anchor: #i1005738
  1. A bitmap is a black-and-white only, raster-based image.
  2. Bitmap can refer to the stair-stepped look, whether accidental or not, that is the result of displaying, scanning or printing an image at low resolution.
  3. Communications Manual
Anchor: #i1005754
bits per second
Bits per second is the number of bits (each character takes approximately 8 bits to represent) a given medium can carry in a second.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1005773
  1. Bitumen is a class of dark brown or black cementitious substances, which contain high concentrations of hydrocarbons. Asphalts, tars, and pitches are common types.
  2. Manual of Testing Procedures
  3. Bitumen is a mixture of hydrocarbons of natural or pyrogenous origin, or a combination of both, frequently accompanied by nonmetallic derivatives which may be gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid; and which are completely soluble in carbon disulphide.
  4. Asphalt Institute
Anchor: #i1005794
Bituminous means resembling or containing bitumen; such as asphalt or tar.
Anchor: #i1005809
black base
Black base is a coarse-graded hot mix used as base material. The methods for preparing black base are similar to those used for surface material.
Anchor: #i1005819
Blading is the process of smoothing roadbed with a blade.
Anchor: #i1005829
blanket agreement
A blanket agreement is an agreement identifying lighting projects authorized under the agreement by making the plans an attachment to the agreement. The agreement must have a statement that appears on the title sheet of the plans identifying the plans as part of the agreement. This statement must be signed by the appropriate city official.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1005844
blanket categorical exclusion
A blanket categorical exclusion is a categorical exclusion for which either no environmental analysis is done or a “memo” BCE is prepared. Typical BCE projects include traffic signals and pavement overlays. BCEs are not sent to FHWA. See also categorical exclusion.
Environmental Manual
Anchor: #i1005867
blank-out sign
A sign that displays a fixed message when turned “on” and is blank when turned “off”.
Anchor: #i1005882
blast furnace slag
Blast furnace is a non-metallic by-product, developed in a blast furnace simultaneously with iron in a molten condition, essentially consisting of silicates and alumina-silicates of calcium and other bases. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1005896
blast pressure
Blast pressure is the regulator pressure.
Anchor: #i1005906
blast time
Blast time is the time necessary for 2 kg (4.4 lbs.) of blast medium to move through the system.
Anchor: #i1005916
BLDPREP is a program written in Remote Operating System Conversational System Equipment Programming Facility (RPF) to facilitate entry of budget data into the computerized budgeting system.
Anchor: #i1005926
Bleeding refers to the upward movement of asphalt in a pavement, resulting in a film of asphalt forming on the pavement surface. It appears in patches of dark smooth surface, usually in the wheel tracks. Bleeding usually occurs in hot weather.
Anchor: #i1005936
Blend is a definite percentage mixture of two materials of different physical characteristics from different locations.
Anchor: #i1005946
Blockbusting is to induce, or attempt to induce, a person to sell or rent a dwelling by representations regarding the entry or prospective entry into a neighborhood of a person or persons of a particular race, color, religion, sex, familial status or national origin or with a handicap.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1005961
block cracking
Block cracking is an asphaltic concrete pavement distress type. Block cracking consists of interconnecting cracks that divide the pavement surface into approximately rectangular pieces, varying in size from 1 foot by 1 foot up to 10 feet by 10 feet. Block cracking ranges from 0 to 100 percent of the lane area.
Pavement Management Information System Users Manual
Anchor: #i1005975
block sod
Block sod is sodding for erosion control placed in blocks.
Anchor: #i1005985
Blood is human blood, human blood components and products made from human blood.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1005999
blood alcohol concentration
The blood alcohol concentration is expressed in hundredths of a percent.
Anchor: #i1006014
bloodborne pathogens
Bloodborne pathogens are pathogenic micro-organisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1006028
Blow-outs are the hydraulic condition of “reverse flow” or “bubbling” or “fountain-effect” of storm sewer flow whenever the hydraulic line rises above the top of manholes or gutter invert of an inlet during a design storm.
Anchor: #i1006038
blue top (can be red)
A blue top (sometimes red top) is a grade stake set for finished grade or roadbed at each breakpoint in cross-section. Finished grade must be flush with top of blue (or red) top.
Anchor: #i1006048
Board means a board, commission, committee, council, or similar entity in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of state government that comprises at least two members.
Travel Manual
Anchor: #i1006063
Board of Control Number
BOC Number
A Board of Control number is a General Services Commission (formerly Board of Control) contract number.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1006082
bolt length
Bolt length is the distance from the end of the threaded shank to the underside of the bolt head.
Anchor: #i1006092
bolt length to bolt diameter ratio
Bolt length to bolt diameter ratio is obtained by dividing the bolt length by the nominal bolt diameter.
Anchor: #i1006102
Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students
Boosting Alcohol Consciousness concerning the Health of University Students is a college-age, campus-based awareness program.
Anchor: #i1006117
border district
A border district is one of the geographical areas of the department managed by a district engineer that is headquartered in El Paso, Laredo or Pharr.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1006162
Boring is an earth-drilling process used for installing conduits or pipelines.
Geotechnical Manual
Anchor: #i1006172
Borrow is suitable material used for embankments. Borrow is excavating, removing and properly using materials obtained from approved sources of the right of way. Delivered borrow is borrow obtained by the contractor from sources other than the right of way.
Anchor: #i1006182
borrow pits
Borrow pits are pits used as a source for borrow.
Anchor: #i1006192
Highway sections that experience operational problems such as congestion. Bottlenecks may result from factors other than reduced roadway width. For example, the close spacing of exit and entrance ramps can cause a weaving pattern that result in congestion. A less obvious example is a steep freeway grade that can slow trucks and cause a localized bottleneck.
Anchor: #i1006202
bottom ash
Bottom ash is the heavy residue from the combustion of ground or powdered coal or lignite. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1006216
bottom of the ditch
Bottom of the ditch is the ditch grade required for drainage.
Anchor: #i1006226
Bounce is when your email message has not reached the person you sent it to. Instead, it has been sent back to you, informing you that your mail didn't reach its destination.
Information Technology and Services Manual
Anchor: #i1006240
breach of contract
Breach of contract is a failure, not caused by force majeure, to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract; for the purpose of this manual, the terms "breach of contract" and "default" are synonymous.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1006255
breakaway support
A breakaway support is a lighting pole support designed to shear easily under vehicular impact. The breakaway feature can be an aluminum transformer base, a frangible insert between pole base foundation, a slip base, or other device. The breakaway support must meet current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and Federal Highway Administration requirements.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1006270
The breakpoint is the point at which slope changes in cross-section.
Anchor: #i1006280
  1. A bridge is a structure, including supports, erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, a highway, or a railway; having a roadway or track for carrying traffic or other moving loads; and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between faces of abutments, spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of the openings for multiple box culverts or multiple pipes that are 60 inches or more in diameter and that have a clear distance between openings of less than half of the smallest pipe diameter.
  2. Bridge Inspection Manual
  3. A bridge is a product that connects a local area network (LAN) to another local area network that uses the same protocol (for example, Ethernet or Token Ring network.).
  4. Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1006303
bridge class culvert
A culvert (including multiple boxes) that measures greater than 20 feet(6 m) along the roadway centerline and between the insides of end walls. This includes pipes or pipe arches if the inside opening of a single pipe or pipe arch exceeds 20 feet (6 m).
Hydraulics Manual
Anchor: #i1053051
Bridge Division
The Bridge Division oversees and provides assistance in bridge program and project development; structural and geotechnical design; plan development; plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) review; safety inspection; and bridge construction and maintenance support to the districts.Source: Bridge Division
Anchor: #i1006328
bridge folder
A bridge folder is the file for each bridge maintained by the district bridge inspection coordinator. The bridge folder has dividers on which the various bridge record documents can be fastened in a specific order.
Bridge Inspection Manual
Anchor: #i1006352
bridge identification
Bridge identification is the unique 12-digit number assigned to any structure meeting the definition of a bridge. The number includes the three-digit county number, the four-digit control number, the two-digit section number, and the three-digit permanent structure number.
Bridge Inspection Manual
Anchor: #i1006376
bridge inventory file
The bridge inventory file is the electronic data in TxDOT’s bridge inventory, inspection, and appraisal files for each bridge on a public roadway in Texas.
Bridge Inspection Manual
Anchor: #i1006430
bridge record
The bridge record is the over-all collection of data including the bridge folder with completed forms, printout of coded electronic data, sketches, cross-sections, photos, etc. It also includes the bridge inventory file stored on electronic media. The bridge record also includes the bridge plans, if available, copies of which may be in the bridge folder or in TxDOT’s accessible file systems. Some of the bridge plans may also be available on electronic media in the form of computer-aided drafting (CAD) drawings.
Bridge Inspection Manual
Anchor: #i1006454
broadcast seeding
Broadcast seeding is a term used to describe any method of planting seeds which scatters the seeds in a random pattern on the surface of the soil.
Anchor: #i1006464
Brownwood District
The Brownwood District is a TxDOT district office including the following counties: Brown, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Lampasas, Mc Culloch, Mills, San Saba, and Stephens. Area offices are located in Brownwood, Eastland and Lampasas.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1006483
A browser is a client program that allows users to read hypertext documents on the World Wide Web and navigate between them. Examples are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Browsers can be text-based or graphic.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1006498
brute force attack
A brute force attack is a type of attack in which every possible key is attempted until the correct key is found.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1006512
Bryan District
The Bryan District is a TxDOT district office including the following counties: Brazos, Burleson, Freestone, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Milam, Robertson, Walker, Washington. Area offices are located in Brenham, Bryan, Buffalo, Hearne, and Huntsville.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1006531
A budget is a financial plan, actual or estimated, showing the items on which the expenditure of contract funds are authorized.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1006546
budget account
The budget account is the account against which budgets and expenditures are tracked in the budget monitoring system.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1006561
budget authority
The budget authority is the empowerment by the U.S. Congress that allows federal agencies to incur obligations to spend or lend money. This empowerment is generally in the form of appropriations. However, for the major highway program categories, it is in the form of “budget authority.” Budget authority permits agencies to obligate all or part of the funds which were previously “authorized.” Without budget authority, federal agencies cannot commit the government to make expenditures or loans.
Anchor: #i1006571
budget code
A budget code identifies the district or division which has primary responsibility for the funds and expenditures covered by an authorization. Code Chart 3 details the assignment of these codes.
Anchor: #i1006581
budget D/D
The budget D/D is the district, division or office budget to which expenses will be posted.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1006596
Budget Monitoring System
The Budget Monitoring System is an automated system that records and maintains expenditures and equipment and stock receipts by district/division, budget activity, budget account, and budget object of expenditure.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1006616
buffer zone
  1. A buffer zone is undeveloped, open spaces which border a highway.
  2. A buffer zone is an area which provides a degree of insulation from effects.
Anchor: #i1006626
A bulb is a reservoir of fluid on one end of the stem of a liquid-in-glass thermometer. The bulb is inserted into the material whose temperature is being determined.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1006641
bulk specific gravity
  1. Bulk specific gravity of aggregates is the ratio of the oven-dry weight of the aggregate to the bulk volume of the aggregate particles.
  2. Bulk specific gravity of bituminous mixtures is the ratio of the weight of the compacted bituminous mixture specimen to the bulk volume of the specimen
  3. Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1006657
bulk volume (of an aggregate)
Bulk volume of an aggregate includes both the volume of the impermeable portion of the aggregate particles and the volume of the permeable voids in the particles. The bulk volume of the aggregate is equal to the volume of water displaced by the aggregate in a saturated, surface-dry condition.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1006671
Bulletin Board System
A bulletin board system is a computer information system that is usually accessed by dialing the BBS with a modem.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1006690
Buoyancy refers to the power of supporting a floating body, including the tendency to float an empty pipe (by exterior hydraulic pressure).
Anchor: #i1006710
A business is any lawful activity, except a farm operation, that is conducted:
  • primarily for the purchase, sale, lease, and/or rental of personal and /or real property, and/or the manufacturing, processing and/or marketing of products, commodities, and any other personal property; or
  • primarily for the sale of services to the public; or
  • primarily for outdoor advertising purposes, when the display must be moved as part of the highway project; or
  • by a nonprofit organization that has established it nonprofit status under applicable Federal and State laws.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1006745
business activity
A business activity is a distinct, non-decomposable task within a process.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006760
business analyst
A business analyst is a person responsible for the analysis and documentation of business processes.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006775
business area
A business area is a set of logically-related business processes, usually directed towards a common result or set of results.
Information Systems Business Process Retooling
Anchor: #i1006791
business area computing
Business area computing is any information service that meets the statewide needs of one business area and can be provided by the business area and/or the Technology Services Division.
Technology Services Business Process Retooling
Anchor: #i1006806
business continuity planning
Business continuity planning is the process of identifying critical data systems and business functions, analyzing the risks and probabilities of service disruptions, and developing procedures to restore those systems and functions.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1006821
business entity
A business entity is a person, place, thing, event, or other object of interest to the enterprise.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006836
business entity relationship diagram
A business entity relationship diagram is a graphic representation (conceptual view) of business entities and the relationships among them.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006856
business entity relationship model
A business entity relationship model includes the business entity relationship diagram and any accompanying textual documentation.
Anchor: #i1006871
business farm to market road
A business farm to market road is a roadway so designated by the Texas Transportation Commission.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1006891
business IH highway
A business IH highway is a roadway so designated by the Texas Transportation Commission.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1006911
Business Information and Systems Plan
The business information and systems plan defines guidelines to assure that the investments made by the department in both retooling its business processes and establishing its information systems environment are consistent with the department’s business mission, vision, goals and objectives; justified by the business benefits provided; providing the technology infrastructure necessary to proactively meet future business challenges and opportunities.
Business Information and Systems Plan
Anchor: #i1006941
business job description
A business job description is a description that defines the duties and responsibilities of a job. A business job description specifies the appropriate state classification title for each job and includes differences between it and the jobs immediately above and below it on the classification ladder. A business job description also includes the appropriate FLSA exemption status and the minimum qualification requirements an applicant must meet to be considered for that job.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1006960
business model
A business model is a representation of information about a business; its data, activities and the interaction between them.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006975
Business Opportunity Programs Office (former)
The Business Opportunity Programs Office is responsible for administering the department’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) programs. In March of 1998, the office became a section of the Construction Division.

NOTE: The Business Opportunity Program has been discontinued. It was replaced by DBE/HUB/SBE Progams.

Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1006994
business process
A business process is a set of activities that are performed continuously and produce one or more major outputs.
Business Information and Systems Plan
Right-of-Way Acquisition
Anchor: #i1007010
business resumption plan
A business resumption plan is a plan that has been developed and tested under simulated conditions before it is actually needed and that will be put into operation after a natural or man-made disaster in order to allow a business entity to resume its operations that were temporarily interrupted by the disaster.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1007030
business rule
A business rule is a rule, standard, policy or procedure, formal or informal, within which the business must operate. Business rules are the context within which knowledge about the data becomes relevant. Business rules may be depicted graphically as relationships on entity relationship diagrams, or written in textual descriptions.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1007045
business term
A business term is a word or phrase used at TxDOT to identify a process, event or thing of importance to the enterprise. It should have a uniform and unambiguous meaning throughout the enterprise. If more than one meaning exists, the different meanings and the context in which they differ.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1007060
Business Title Classification System
The Business Title Classification System is an internal system for naming jobs used by the department. Business titles are designed to reflect the specific job duties and responsibilities of each position. Pay rates are determined by matching business job titles to state titles. Managers and supervisors use these descriptions to match types and levels of work in different positions and to ensure that those doing similar work are in the same salary group.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1007094
business state highway
A business state highway is a roadway so designated by the Texas Transportation Commission.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1007114
business US highway
A business US highway is a roadway so designated by the Texas Transportation Commission.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1007134
butter batch mix
Butter batch mix is a small quantity of asphalt and aggregate fines used to pre-coat a mixer bowl and whip to offset a similar quantity of the same expected to be left behind as a natural consequence of mixing a new batch using the same equipment.
Manual of Testing Procedures
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