Anchor: #i1001616

Section 3: Plan Requirements for PS&E

Anchor: #i1001621


This section describes the sheets that should accompany submissions of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&Es). Depending on the type and size of a project, some of the sheets described may be combined or eliminated. For additional information, see the Design Division’s PS&E Preparation Manual.

Anchor: #i1001635

Data for Plan Preparation

The basic data used in preparing the plans can be found on the condition diagram and the design layout sketch submitted with the recommendations. These sheets plus additional information, such as the exact location of all utilities, should be available when preparing the detailed plans.

Affected Utilities. Negotiations with affected utilities must be started upon approval to begin plans for a project so that any utility adjustments can be made promptly when work begins.

Survey Data and Photographs. All survey data should be kept in a neat and detailed form so it can be referred to at any time. By detailing all information and obtaining photographs of the location and special features, unnecessary trips to the location may be eliminated. For this reason, adequate time should be devoted to project surveys and photographs.

Anchor: #i1001655

Title Sheet

The title sheet must contain the following information:

Anchor: #i1001719

Estimate and Quantity Sheet

The estimate and quantity sheet is necessary only for state financed contract projects and federally financed projects.

This sheet should list all bid items for the project. The list should consist of:

    Anchor: #VEYRYYFA
  • the estimated bid item quantities, showing a breakdown by control and section and the total for the entire project
  • Anchor: #TIYUVSEX
  • the specification item number as well as the descriptive code number and alternate number (if applicable)
  • Anchor: #HDEUSQPE
  • the bid item description (for example: “Installation of Highway Traffic Signals”) and the unit of measurement (for example: LS., EA, etc.).

This sheet should also show any state or city force account items and any materials to be furnished to the contractor by the state.

Anchor: #i1001756

Condition Diagram Sheet

The condition diagram (described in Chapter 3, Section 2 of this manual), which is included with the submission of the district’s recommendations, must also be included in the project plans.

Anchor: #i1001768

Plan Sheets

The plan sheets must provide a detailed, dimensioned layout of the location. North must be toward the top or left edge of the sheets. Plan sheets must include the following:

    Anchor: #MAYYEWYJ
  • existing conditions which include parking, signing, striping, traffic signals, lighting, etc.
  • Anchor: #MDKUGBFB
  • existing utilities, including indication of ownership as well as a detailed location with respect to roadway and depth below or height above the surface. If usage is to be made of any part of the utility, notes about such usage are to be included. If there are a large number of utilities, a separate utilities sheet should be provided to show their locations.
  • Anchor: #KCKANKTX
  • proposed highway improvements (design, geometrics, pavement type, etc.). Design and operational considerations for traffic signals are addressed in Chapter 4 of this manual. Safety lighting design is covered in the Highway Illumination Manual.
  • Anchor: #QVEFJMBN
  • proposed installation, including the exact location of all major items of equipment, such as poles, foundation, luminaries, conduit, signal heads and faces, ground boxes, detectors, controllers, etc. shown in detail.
  • Anchor: #MKXKCDSN
  • proposed additional traffic control, such as striping, stop lines, signs, etc.
  • Anchor: #ERVWEBKR
  • proposed signing layout, including location, sign nomenclature, and size for all signs to be removed, added, or remain in their current location.
Anchor: #i1001815

Elevation Sheets

The elevation sheets should show elevation views for all above ground equipment.

Traffic Signal Elevation Sheets. Traffic signal elevation sheets should include the dimensioned views of proposed mast arm and span wire mounted signal assemblies, above ground detectors, post or bracket mounted signal assemblies, and other similar items. Elevation views of proposed signal equipment should show the exact location of the equipment with respect to the existing roadway and all surrounding facilities. The sheets should also show the following information, when pertinent to the particular elevation view:

Utilities Elevation Sheets. Utilities should be checked in detail, and those requiring adjustment should be noted on the utilities elevation sheet, with additional sheets prepared showing proposed relocation.

Anchor: #i1001850

Detail Sheets

Standard sheets prepared by the Design Division (DES) and the Traffic Safety Division (TRF) and special detail sheets prepared by the district should include sufficient detail to adequately describe all of the following applicable items:

 Typical phasing diagram. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i999597grtop

Figure 5-1. Typical phasing diagram.

Anchor: #i1002050


The specifications submitted with each set of project plans for a state financed contract project or for any federally financed project must be adequate to provide for the purchase of all necessary equipment to be installed as well as other materials which must be used in completing the installation. The manner and method of installation must also be addressed. Reference should be made to the TxDOT’s Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets and Bridges, as applicable.

Occasionally special specifications are needed to procure equipment or define items of work not explicitly covered by the standard specifications. As existing specifications evolve through a history of use, special provisions to these specifications are developed to reflect any changes to current practice or special need. Contact TRF for the latest versions of the special specifications.

Anchor: #i1002067

PS&E Paperwork

PS&E paperwork may include, but is not limited to the following:

For information on all paperwork that needs to be submitted with a PS&E package, see the Design Division’s PS&E Preparation Manual.

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