Anchor: #i998836

Section 2: Vending Machine Procurements

Anchor: #i998841


If DARS declines the installation and operation of vending machines, Maintenance Division will assist in the procurement process.

Anchor: #i998851

Maintenance Division

When a D/D decides there is a need for a vending machine in its area, it should contact the Program Administrator in the Maintenance Division (MNT) to seek authorization by obtaining a Commission Minute Order.

The Program Administrator is the main point of contact for vending machines in all D/Ds and is the Vending Machine Coordinator.

MNT reviews and recommends site locations for installation of vending machines at all TxDOT safety rest areas. Vending machine installations at other TxDOT facilities or offices do not require a MNT site location and review process.

Anchor: #i998871


The vendor must submit a monthly report to the appropriate D/D no later than the fifteenth day of each month, along with a check or warrant made payable to the State of Texas in the amount of the percentage of the monthly receipts.

Anchor: #i998881


Should disputes arise between the D/D and the vendor, reasonable efforts should be made to resolve it. If a dispute cannot be resolved, the D/D should consider terminating the contract as provided in the contract.

Anchor: #i998891


State auditors shall have access to any information the auditors consider relevant to the investigation or audit. If the D/D believes an audit is necessary during the lifetime of the contract, then the Internal Audit Division is available for assistance.

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