Section 14: General Services Signs

Anchor: #i1009709


The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) contains guidelines for businesses qualifying for general services signing, both on freeways and conventional highways. This section expands and elaborates on the use of these signs.

NOTE: General services signs for gas, food, lodging, camping and 24-hour pharmacies should not be used on roadways eligible for specific services (LOGO) signs.

Anchor: #i1009722

Expanded Use on Conventional Highways

As a result of the emphasis on removing illegal advertising signs adjacent to highways, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has received complaints from businesses that without these advertising signs, motorists are unaware of their services. Often these businesses provide necessary motorist services (GAS, FOOD, LODGING, and CAMPING) for which general services signs (D9 series) can be provided by TxDOT. General services signs for qualifying businesses may help alleviate business owners’ complaints of reduced retail sales due to the removal of illegal advertising signs.

In the past, general services signing was primarily used on freeways and expressways where an exit maneuver had to be made before the services became visible to motorists. General services signing is usually unnecessary on conventional highways where the businesses are adjacent to and directly accessible from the highway. However, some businesses providing motorists services which are not directly visible or accessible from a conventional highway may be signed (D9 series), as referenced in Chapter 2I of the TMUTCD. Districts should consider greater use of general services signs in areas where motorist services are infrequent.

Anchor: #i1009737


When requests are received for additional signs for motorist services (either on conventional highways or expressways and freeways), districts should verify that the service requesting signing meets the guideline criteria contained in the TMUTCD.

For campgrounds, the verification of acceptable drinking water supplies can be accomplished by contacting the regional engineer of the Texas Department of State Health Services.

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