Chapter 4: Design Surveys

Anchor: #i1003099

Section 1: Design Surveys

Anchor: #i1267496


Design surveys are an essential part of the design process. These surveys touch on a multitude of specialties including Photogrammetry, Geographic Information Systems, and Engineering Services. Design surveys are defined as topographic data collection for precise engineering decisions.

Anchor: #i1267540

Roles and Responsibilities

The TxDOT District Survey Coordinator shall enforce standards and provide exceptions as necessary.

TxDOT Survey Staff shall track all project requirements and complete projects.

ROW Division Surveying Section shall curate and provide training for all survey standards and processes.

Information Technology Division (ITD) Engineering Services shall develop software and hardware processes and procedures. They shall also provide training for all processes and procedures that they develop.

Design Division Photogrammetry Section shall develop processes and procedures for aerial data processing. They shall also provide training for all processes and procedures that they develop.

The Design Team shall provide all project specifications to District survey staff and provide specific deadlines for receipt of data.

Anchor: #i1267614

Open Roads Designer

All graphic design survey files shall be provided in MicroStation Open Roads Designer (ORD). These shall follow all standards within the TxDOT Surveyors’ Toolkit and seamlessly integrate with TxDOT systems. Only TxDOT ORD formats such as fonts, cell libraries, linestyles, and other graphics styles shall be utilized. It is the responsibility of the surveyor to provide the design team with files in the appropriate format with no further processing required by design to fully utilize the files.

Anchor: #i1267655

Aerial Data

All data acquired from aerial platforms shall be processed under the supervision of an American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)-certified photogrammetrist. Flight plans and photogrammetric procedures shall follow the Photogrammetry Guide and Photogrammetry Feature Collection Standards provided in the TxDOT Surveyors’ Toolkit.

Anchor: #i1267699

Precision Standards

Both Schematic and Plans, Specifications, & Estimates (PS&E) surveys shall follow the same precision standards. These standards are below:

    Anchor: #DYEKUYLN
  • Horizontal accuracy error allowance:
  • Vertical accuracy error allowance:
    • Multi-phase bridges: less than 0.02 feet.
    • Single-phase bridges and other roadway structures: less than 0.04 feet.
    • Utilities and improvements: less than 0.1 feet.
    • Cross-sections and profiles: less than 0.2 feet.
    • Bore holes: less than 0.5 feet.
  • Anchor: #NCCYCASY
  • Spatial density requirement:
      Anchor: #XWLGDHFS
    • Manmade features: Maximum distance between measurements is 25 feet.
    • Natural features: Maximum distance between measurements is 50 feet.

It is the responsibility of the surveyors to understand the capabilities of the measurement devices used for the survey. Recommended practices and procedures are provided in the TxDOT Surveyors’ Toolkit. TxDOT District Survey Coordinators shall randomly check data using the recommended practices and procedures to ensure compliance. The surveyor is responsible for reacquiring all data for a survey that does not satisfy the random checks.

Anchor: #i1267805

Completeness of Survey

Surveyors are responsible for the measurement of all required features in the specified survey area that exists on the date of survey(s). If a survey takes place over multiple months, then all features that exist at the end of the survey period shall be measured and provided to the design team. A list of required features and their measurement methodology exists in the form ROW-S-DesCheck Design Survey Checklist and the Photogrammetry Feature Collections Standards in the TxDOT Surveyors’ Toolkit.

Anchor: #i1267840

No Acceptable Failure Rate

There is no acceptable failure rate for any TxDOT survey. Any surveys found not in compliance with the precision and completeness requirements above shall not be considered finished and cannot be invoiced.

Anchor: #i1267873

Teams to Receive Surveys

Upon receipt of a finished survey, design survey graphics files shall be stored in Projectwise and notification of their location provided to the following teams: District Design Team, ROW Division Commercial Signs Section, and TxDOT District Utility Coordinator. If the contact for any of these teams is unknown, contact ROW Division Surveying Section for support.

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