Chapter 2: General Surveying Procedures
Anchor: #i1001248Section 1: Definitions and Procedures
Anchor: #i1083261Committee on Geomatics and Surveying
A subject-matter-expert community of practice that includes a cross-section of district and division representatives. Governing authority that reviews and approves survey standards and oversees survey programs.
Anchor: #i1083289Emergency
Any change that has an immediate improvement for safety, schedule, or cost.
Anchor: #i1001253TxDOT District Survey Coordinator
District employee appointed by the District Transportation Planning and Development Director to ensure compliance with all survey standards and provide written exceptions for design and construction survey standards when needed.
Anchor: #i1001298TxDOT Project Manager
The lead TxDOT contact for outside parties who may be assisting TxDOT with completing a project.
Anchor: #i1001319Project Team Member
Any stakeholder, inside or outside of TxDOT, whose performance is essential to the completion of a TxDOT project.
Anchor: #i1001334Public Entity
Any governmental, educational, or non-profit institution whose mission is the service of Texas citizens.
Anchor: #i1001371Public
Any entity that does not fall into the other categories.
Anchor: #i1086034ROW Division Survey Section
Publishes TxDOT land survey standards and job aids. Provides support and training in the implementation of standards and job aids. Evaluates and performs emergency updates to standards and job aids. Generates standards and job aids related to boundary. Assist Districts with compliance with Survey Standards and Best Practices.
Anchor: #i1086068Information Technology Division (ITD) Engineering Services
Provides equipment, software, and related support to TxDOT surveyors. Generates standards and job aids related to equipment and software.
Anchor: #i1086099Design Division Photogrammetry Section
Provides photogrammetric and aerial LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) support for TxDOT surveyors. Generates standards and job aids related to aerial data acquisition.
Anchor: #i1091124Design Division Digital Delivery Section
The Digital Delivery Section is the Office of Primary Responsibility for the implementation and support of OpenRoads, ProjectWise, and MicroStation design tools, providing support to the districts for training and assistance in the use of these software packages. This section is responsible for leading the State in the Digital Delivery Initiative using 3D technology to develop and deliver construction projects.
Anchor: #i1091197PEPS Division
Provides and oversees survey contracts for TxDOT. Generates standards and job aids related to contracts.
Anchor: #i1091231Construction Division
Provides support for contract administration and inspector development which includes construction surveying. Generates specifications and guidance related to construction contract administration and construction inspection.
Anchor: #i1086130GIS Workgroup
A subject-matter-expert community of practice that provides geographic information system support for TxDOT surveyors. Generates standards and job aids related to geographic information systems.
Anchor: #i1091392Aviation Division UAS Coordinator
Generates standards and job aids related to Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS). Provides uncrewed aerial vehicles and flight training to TxDOT Surveyors.
Anchor: #i1091830District Survey Staff
Any District staff that oversees or performs survey tasks whether personally or through contracts.
Anchor: #i1091553Standards and Job Aids
Figure 2-1. Standard and Job Aid Generation
Figure 2-2. Standard and Job Aid Review