Chapter 10: Traffic Engineering Agreements

Anchor: #i999392

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i999398


TxDOT has the authority to enter into agreements with cities for location, relocation, maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of state highways within and through the cities. Tex. Transp. Code §221.002.

TxDOT has the authority to install, operate, and maintain traffic signals on the state highway system. 43 TAC §25.5.

TxDOT has the authority to construct, maintain, and operate lighting systems on highways on the state highway system. 43 TAC §25.11.

TxDOT encourages and facilitates access to TxDOT highway facilities and their adjacent right of way for the promotion of Texas’ goal of promoting the development of music, film, television, and multimedia industries in Texas while preserving the safety and convenience of the traveling public. 43 TAC § 22.13, Tex. Gov’t Code ch. 485.

TxDOT is allowed to authorize the closure of a segment of the state highway system for no more than seven days, if closure serves a public purpose and is consistent with the safety and convenience of the traveling public. 43 TAC §22.12.

TxDOT may allow municipalities to erect and display signs concerning points of interest, or geographical, recreational, cultural, or civic information at the city limits on state highway right of way. 43 TAC ch. 25, subch H.

TxDOT may erect a suitable locally identifying memorial marker provided by a local government at the local government’s expense at a place most suitable to TxDOT’s maintenance operations. Tex. Transp. Code §225.004.

TxDOT shall mark with a historical name a farm-to-market or ranch road that follows a historical route if a county historical commission has been authorized by the Texas Historical Commission to construct such marker at the county historical commissions’ expense. Tex. Transp. Code §225.005.

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This chapter describes the contract standards for and types of traffic engineering agreement templates available to TxDOT.

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