Anchor: #i999543

Section 3: Types of Agreements

Anchor: #i999548

Municipal Maintenance Agreement

The Municipal Maintenance Agreement (MMA) establishes the responsibilities of TxDOT and a city within that city’s incorporated area. The MMA addresses numerous traffic issues, including, but not limited to:

The MMA includes the maintenance of many parts of the highway system within a municipality. Not all cities elect to enter into an MMA.

If a city wants to install red light cameras, an amendment must be added to the MMA.

For additional information on the MMA, contact Maintenance Division or see the Maintenance Management Manual.


Traffic Signal Agreements

Traffic signal agreements are used to fix responsibilities between TxDOT and a city for the funding, installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic signals on the state highway system within a city.


Lighting Agreements

A lighting agreement is usually required whenever TxDOT installs continuous or safety lighting in incorporated cities or under special circumstances when requested by counties.

A continuous lighting system provides relatively uniform lighting on all main lanes and direct connections and complete interchange lighting of all interchanges. Continuous lighting requires the financial cooperation of the city, because the benefits derived extend beyond enhanced safety for motorists.

Safety lighting is used at urban or rural interchanges, highway intersections, and points of night time hazards to enhance safety of the facility. If the safety lighting is within a municipality, TxDOT must enter into an agreement with the city. The type of agreement depends on whether TxDOT will maintain the system directly or contract with the city for maintenance. TxDOT installs lighting mostly on roadways on the state highway system. TxDOT occasionally installs lighting on off-system roadways as part of larger projects when no state funds are being expended.


Utility Pole Agreements

A Utility Pole – Master Agreement is used when an existing utility pole can be used to support a TxDOT signal or lighting installation in lieu of installing a new pole.

The various utility pole agreements provide reimbursement to the pole owner for adjustments made to the pole’s wires, cross arms, etc., and for providing necessary clearances between the power lines and signal cables. The agreement also provides for a nominal attachment fee.

Anchor: #i999662

Film and Video Production Agreement

A person or entity producing a film, video, or other production on a segment of the state highway system or right of way must obtain approval by way of an executed Film and Video Production Agreement from TxDOT prior to initiating the activity.

The agreement grants TxDOT approval for any activity within the state highway right of way that:

A person or entity desiring approval for an activity subject to this requirement should first notify the Texas Film Commission.

Anchor: #i999704

Road Closure Agreements

The road closure agreements grant TxDOT approval when an individual or entity wants to conduct an activity requiring closure of a segment of the state highway system in an incorporated area for a public purpose.

The following activities do not require a road closure agreement:

    Anchor: #GWOVDWLX
  • Emergency Traffic Control. Closure necessary for emergency traffic control and maintenance activities pursuant to an MMA.
  • Anchor: #JHDHHPJW
  • Bicycle Races. A competitive bicycle race that does not involve complete restriction of vehicular traffic and utilizes a detour is not subject to approval by TxDOT, provided that the sponsoring organization has obtained the approval of the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
  • Anchor: #MFBIJPIG
  • Routine Traffic Control. A closure involving routine traffic control does not require TxDOT approval, provided the closure is in an incorporated area and does not take place on a controlled access highway. The district engineer should be notified at least seven days before the routine traffic control event occurs.
Anchor: #i999734

City Pride Sign Agreement

The City Pride Sign Program is a voluntary program that allows a city to erect and maintain a sign at city expense near the city limits sign, with the names of civic organizations and other messages. The City Pride Sign Agreement is used to ensure that the city erects the sign in compliance with TxDOT specifications and requirements.

Anchor: #i999744

County Historical Commission Route Sign Agreement

In order for TxDOT to mark a farm-to-market or ranch road with a historical name, the Texas Historical Commission must certify that the name has been in common usage in the area for at least 50 years. Any markers must be paid for by the county historical commission.

Anchor: #i999754

Named Marker or Memorial Marker Highway Sign Agreement

A part of the highway system may be designated by the name of a person only if the person is deceased and was significant in Texas’ history or in the lives of the people of Texas. Local governments may buy and furnish to TxDOT a suitable locally identifying memorial marker of a type and size that must be approved by TxDOT.

Anchor: #i999764

Private Agreements

A private agreement is required when a TxDOT traffic signal or lighting installation encroaches upon private property. No work should be started on private property until the property owner has been furnished a fully executed copy of the agreement.

Anchor: #i999774

Modifying Standard Templates

Contract Services should be contacted if either party wishes to modify the terms and conditions of the standard contract templates.

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