Anchor: #i1004117

Section 6: General Notes Checklist

  • CheckboxMake sure that all notes required to supplement the specifications, Special Provisions, and standards have been included. Notes should not conflict with the plans or specifications.
  • CheckboxGeneral Notes should only be used to supplement the Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, Special Specifications, and standards and are usually mentioned in the specifications and/or standards. General Notes cannot be used to modify measurement and payment articles. Changes to specifications must be done by submittal of Special Provisions or Special Specifications to CST_RDWY_SPECS.
  • CheckboxCheck the notes for clarity, grammatical errors, and/or misspellings.
  • CheckboxMake sure all items appearing in the General Notes are included on the Specification List.
  • CheckboxMake sure that any material or construction methods notes specified are provided for by the specifications and do not require Special Provisions.
  • CheckboxMake sure the descriptions of items in the Basis of Estimate agree with the specification.
  • CheckboxMake sure all modified standards are listed in the notes and index of sheets.
  • CheckboxIf Item 504 has been included on the Specification List, make sure that the type of facility required has been specified by note.
  • CheckboxCheck notes specifying minimum aggregate class for surface aggregate.
  • CheckboxWhen manufacturer’s names are listed as examples, always list at least two names plus the words “Or Equivalent,” to be in compliance with FHWA directives regarding proprietary items.
  • CheckboxAny proprietary or sole source items included in the notes or in the specifications must be justified. Prepare and send a letter of public interest to the responsible Austin division.
  • CheckboxMake sure that all computer hardware and software referenced in the notes or specifications are in compliance with state law and TxDOT/FHWA policies.
  • CheckboxIf state-furnished equipment or materials are specified by note, a Public Interest Statement must be prepared and submitted to the responsible Austin division.
  • CheckboxCheck to make sure that there are no General Notes included which establish contractor qualifications.
  • CheckboxCheck to make sure that there are no General Notes which imply legal responsibilities of the contractor regarding traffic safety beyond the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
  • CheckboxCheck to make sure that the “safety contingency” note is included with Item 502.
  • CheckboxStandard workweek charges as defined by Article are assumed if there is not a note included to define another working day schedule.
  • CheckboxIn accordance with special provisions 007-009 and 007-010 all construction projects must include the note “Roadway closures during the following key dates and/or special events are prohibited:” with a list of events and/or dates that road closures are prohibited under Item 7 of the General Notes. If there are no expected road closures involving key dates / special events, a note indicating “No significant traffic generator events identified” must be included.

NOTE: “The Contractor Force Account ‘Safety Contingency’ that has been established for this project is intended to be utilized for work zone enhancements, to improve the effectiveness of the Traffic Control Plan, that could not be foreseen in the project planning and design stage. These enhancements will be mutually agreed upon by the Engineer and the Contractor’s Responsible Person based on weekly or more frequent traffic management reviews on the project. The Engineer may choose to use existing bid items if it does not slow the implementation of the enhancement.”

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