Manual Notice: 2017-1

From: Camille Thomason, P.E. Director, Design Division

Manual: PS&E Preparation Manual

Effective Date: October 26, 2017



Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 are being revised:

    Anchor: #EEDFXLWU
  • To comply with SB 312 and Senate SB 82 regarding roadway closures during Key Dates / Special Events.


Chapter 1, Section 1:

    Anchor: #XTGNLVYL
  • Added “Road Closures During Special Events” link under Overview.
  • Anchor: #FMYJFHIT
  • Added “Key Dates / Special Events when roadway closures are prohibited” as a diamond bullet point under Description for Design Concept Conference.
  • Anchor: #QGDOHKFX
  • Added “Road Closures During Special Events” section to include language describing the requirements for SB 312 and 82.

Chapter 3, Section 3:

    Anchor: #JCQVICRH
  • Added “Road Closures During Special Events (Special Provision 007-009 and 007-010)” as a diamond bullet point under Special Provisions.
  • Anchor: #JJXYPXRL
  • Added “Road Closures During Special Events (Special Provision 007-009 and 007-010)” as a section to include language of the requirements of special provision 007-009 and 007-010.

Chapter 3, Section 4:

    Anchor: #MFIEULHK
  • Added “All construction projects must include either special provision 007-009 or 007-010 to include a procedure for handling road closures before, during and after key dates / special events into the contract.” as a diamond bullet to the Specifications List Checklists.

Chapter 3, Section 6:

    Anchor: #EFOYQKYA
  • Added “In accordance with special provisions 007-009 and 007-010 all construction projects must include the note “Roadway closures during the following key dates and/or special events are prohibited:” with a list of events and/or dates that road closures are prohibited under Item 7 of the General Notes. If there are no expected road closures involving key dates / special events, a note indicating “No significant traffic generator events identified” must be included.” as a diamond bullet to the General Notes Checklist.


Contact the Field Coordination Section staff of the Design Division with any questions or comments.



Past manual notices are available in a PDF archive link.

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