Anchor: #i1007899

Section 17: Intersections and Irregular Shapes

Anchor: #i1007904


In general, intersections and irregular shapes should be seal coated before the main lanes. This will minimize aggregate loss due to turning movements from construction equipment and provide a sharp longitudinal joint.

Anchor: #i1007914


Transitions are shot in a similar manner to shoulders. It is good practice to start at the narrow end, whenever possible. Then as the surface widens, one or two nozzles can be turned on quickly at the right time. If progression is toward the narrow end, there is more potential for overspray error. There are cases where it is not practical to start at the narrow end.

In some cases, transitions may require some touch-up with the hand sprayer in order to even up the outside edge. The inside joint at the full lane should be straight and sharp. The outside edges can be touched up easier than a ragged joint.

Anchor: #i1007929

Radii at Intersections

To seal the radii at intersections, apply the asphalt with the distributor hand sprayer and apply the aggregate with the spreader or by hand.

Anchor: #i1007939

Crossovers on Divided Highways

Sealing the crossovers on divided highways normally entails a combination of techniques used for transitions and intersection radii.

Anchor: #i1007949

Driveways and Private Roads

Driveways and private roads, which provide access to the highway, are not normally sealed even though they are within TxDOT’s right of way.

Anchor: #i1007959

Problems with Hand Work

Anytime that hand spraying and manual aggregate spreading is required, achieving uniform application rates will be difficult. It is desirable to keep hand work to a minimum. Any lack of uniformity will usually result in some type of problem, either immediately or in the future.

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