Anchor: #i1003669

Section 11: New Utility Installations in Existing Right of Way

Anchor: #i1003674

New Locations Beyond the Limits of TxDOT Right of Way Projects

Utilities planning to place facilities in TxDOT right of way outside a TxDOT right of way project should submit a request to the District Engineer by use of a Utility Installation Request form.

    Anchor: #CMMKRHHB
  • The form must give the name and address of the utility owner for future contact and must contain an original and binding signature.
  • Anchor: #ORKDCRTJ
  • Include an accurate and complete identification of the type of facilities to be placed.
  • Anchor: #XAQIXJPU
  • Include the methods to be employed in placing the facilities.
  • Anchor: #EEGKKFXU
  • Indicate the county and roadway designation.
  • Anchor: #NJPONLHN
  • Indicate the exact location of placement, shown to within one foot of the proposed location.
  • Anchor: #KTENEYLC
  • Identify the location by using a thorough description tying the proposed location to an easily identifiable feature of the roadway or map of the roadway. A survey is encouraged (see Task 2230 in the Project Development Process Manual).

The review of the Utility Installation Request should ensure:

    Anchor: #CUBBVADP
  • that the form is complete;
  • Anchor: #WBHYWJPA
  • the existence of the utilities’ statutory right to occupy TxDOT right of way in the manner proposed;
  • Anchor: #ATMKJGCB
  • compliance with the UAR in the type, manner, and location of the proposed installation;
  • Anchor: #QQDUJQRI
  • by an actual on-site visit to determine that the proposed location can be accommodated without harm to the maintenance or operation of the roadway; and
  • Anchor: #HVWCOSOJ
  • that there is no conflict with any proposed or active highway project.

Form 1082 Utility Installation Request is used for new utility installations placed in right of way previously acquired by TxDOT for the State Highway System, as distinguished from existing, adjusted, or relocated installations. Approval of these new installations in right of way is the responsibility of the District, except for those installations on utility bridges, attachments to highway structures, or exceptions to the UAR. Approval of exceptions to the UAR is the responsibility of the Maintenance Division. Refer to TxDOT’s Use of Right of Way by Others manual, Chapter 1, Utility Policy for more information on new installations. Approval of attachments to highway structures and the preparation of the attachment agreement are the responsibility of the Bridge Division.

Notify the utility of any discrepancies or objections to the notice and suggest possible solutions. The form may either be held or returned until the corrections are made.

Upon successful submission of the Utility Installation Request form, send an executed approval back to the utility. The approval should be handled as follows:

    Anchor: #QKVEEYOU
  • The District Engineer or designee should sign the approval.
  • Anchor: #USLFITTR
  • A TxDOT representative should be clearly identified as the primary contact before the initiation of placement.
  • Anchor: #QCSFIOVQ
  • The approval should contain the necessary special provisions needed to ensure compliance with the UAR and TxDOT policies.
  • Anchor: #EQPCKLEP
  • Forward a copy of the approval to the designated TxDOT Representative, the TxDOT Area Engineer, or appropriate TxDOT personnel.
  • Anchor: #FIKSLNBA
  • Place the original Utility Installation Request in the District’s permanent records.
Anchor: #i1003793

New Installations Within the Limits TxDOT Right of Way Projects

New installations on active transportation projects or projects under construction require a Form 1082 Utility Installation Request, and:

    Anchor: #UKPUXXMD
  • plan review by the appropriate TxDOT Design or Construction office;
  • Anchor: #QFETFDGT
  • the TxDOT Representative to be selected for contact by the utility must be the TxDOT Project Engineer or designee; and
  • Anchor: #WLLDJCUO
  • Form 1082 Utility Installation Request should be executed by the District Engineer or designee.

If the Form 1082 Utility Installation Request may negatively impact the highway construction or cause potential delay claims, the request may be denied or deferred until highway construction is complete or progressed to a point where installation would not affect the highway project.

The demand for access to accommodate utility placement within TxDOT right of way will continue to grow. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important that utilities are carefully placed. The degree of inspection and attention to detail exercised for any placement should be the same as that for a TxDOT construction project.

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