Manual Notice: 2018-1

From: Daniel L. Stacks, P.E., Director, Maintenance Division

Manual: Roadside Vegetation Maintenance Manual

Effective Date: May 01, 2018



The Roadside Vegetation Manual has been revised to reflect current policy on mowing widths on rural highways of no more than 30 foot widths, with some stated exceptions; new policy regarding no more than three modified full-width mowing cycles per year within incorporated areas with Municipal Maintenance Agreements; and to add new language about pollinators.



Chapter 1, Section 3, Guidelines for Levels of Vegetation Management now adds language specific to pollinators. It also adds new language about the acreage mowed, mowing by TxDOT employees and exceptions and variances to provisions. New language also covers the use of two modified full-width cycles per year along rural highways and consideration for non-mow areas for lands adjacent to Conservation Reserve Program or forested properties.

Chapter 2, Section1, Types of Mowing, spells out new policy that mowing along rural highways is to be limited to a maximum of 30-foot width and spells out allowable exceptions to this policy.



Address questions concerning information contained in this Manual Notice to Randy Ormsby at (512) 416-3196 or



Past manual notices are available in a PDF archive.

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