Section 4: Special Situations

Anchor: #i1001312


This section covers special situations that may be encountered on the right of way.

Anchor: #i1001322

Manicured Areas

Manicured areas are generally maintained under separate landscape maintenance contracts.

Anchor: #i1001332

Grass Establishment

In areas of new construction or anywhere newly seeded, sprigged, plugged, or turfed right of way is being established, frequent mowing may be necessary to reduce competition from weeds and noxious grasses. However, native grasses must be managed somewhat differently from the more conventional introduced species like fescues and bermudagrass.

Anchor: #i1001342

Native Grasses

To avoid weakening a stand of native grasses, it is important that they not be cut too short or too often. Frequent mowing of native grasses would allow noxious weeds to invade. Once established, native warm season grasses (bluestems, gramas, green sprangletop, and plains bristlegrass) should be cut no lower than seven inches to ensure survivability.

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