Anchor: #i1003731

Section 3: Vegetation Management

Anchor: #i1003735


Detailed information on mowing is contained in the Roadside Vegetation Management Manual. This manual contains the following:

Anchor: #i1003772

Vegetation Management

The department will maintain highway right of way vegetation in an environmentally sensitive and uniform manner consistent with the special conditions presented by local climate, topography vegetation and level of urbanization.

Anchor: #i1003782

Chemical Selection for Control of Pests

TxDOT should use chemicals that are proven to be effective on the target pest species, low in toxicity and are not dangerous to the traveling public, applicators or the environment. Most materials used to control growth of vegetation are either patented or proprietary products. Materials proposed for departmental use are continually being tested for possible highway use to determine their effectiveness and any harmful side effects. Research and test applications are coordinated through the Vegetation Management Section. Detailed information on herbicide operations is located online in the Roadside Vegetation Management Manual.

Anchor: #i1003795

Training in Pesticide Application

Personnel assigned to apply pesticides should be trained and certified in the proper use of chemicals and equipment. The Vegetation Management staff of the Maintenance Division is available to assist the district vegetation manager in training programs for district personnel.

Anchor: #i1003805

Wildflower Program

The wildflower program is part of a comprehensive vegetation management program. It not only improves the appearance of the highways, but also reduces the cost of maintenance by encouraging the growth of native species that requires less mowing and care. As with grasses, it strives to establish roadsides that blend into their surroundings. The grasses and wildflowers also help to conserve water, control erosion and provide a habitat for wildlife. Mowing should be delayed until wildflowers have set mature seeds, thus assuring the preservation and propagation of wildflower species. Detailed information on the wildflower program is located in the printed Roadside Vegetation Management Manual.

Anchor: #i1003818

Brush Control, Tree Removal and Tree Trimming

Timely tree and brush removal, tree trimming, and pruning is necessary for:

All tree trimming, tree removal and brush removal should follow the guideline provided in Chapter 5 of the Roadside Vegetation Management Manual, Pruning Guidelines.

Anchor: #i1003855

Landscape Agreement

Incorporated municipalities may request an agreement to be used in areas within the jurisdiction of cities under a Municipal Maintenance Agreement. The purpose of the Landscape Agreement is to establish the responsibility for maintenance of various landscape features within the right of way, including median plantings and any cost sharing or beautification plantings. Please contact the Travel Division, who administers the Adopt-A-Highway Program, for landscaping by an individual.

All landscaping performed within the right of way will be done in compliance with the Presidential Executive Memorandum on Beneficial Landscaping and Presidential Executive Order 13112 on Invasive Species.

The Landscape Maintenance Agreement is a separate agreement with the city that is added by resolution to become a supplement to the Municipal Maintenance Agreement. The Landscape Maintenance Agreement should be executed in duplicate and supported by Municipal Maintenance Ordinance/Resolution and City Secretary Certificate.

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