Section 3: Park Road and TPWD Facilities Maintenance



This section outlines the responsibilities of both the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) regarding the maintenance of park roads and TPWD facilities within the state. This information is included in a Memorandum of Agreement between TxDOT and TPWD. The agreement establishes that TxDOT will review the conditions of park roads, determine needs, and set priorities to perform the work. Park Roads (PR designation) are roads that are on the state highway system. Parks and Wildlife Roads (PW designation) are roads, streets and parking lots owned by TPWD.

Anchor: #i1001520

TxDOT Responsibilities

The following outlines the responsibilities for TxDOT regarding PW Maintenance.

The Texas Department of Transportation should, at its own expense:

    Anchor: #BXFSIFCS
  • Maintain the surface of paved roads. (This will include surface, base, subbase, and subgrade.)
  • Anchor: #JUYPNEIV
  • Maintain unpaved roads. Surfaces will be bladed as necessary to provide adequate drainage. TPWD may designate some unpaved roads to receive only limited maintenance when requested by the facility manager.
  • Anchor: #RGHQEEPR
  • Maintain the surface of parking lots and camper pads to provide an acceptable parking surface and to provide for adequate drainage.
  • Anchor: #CSPOUEWY
  • Provide for maintenance of bridges. All components of bridges and channels within the limits of the normal construction width will be maintained by TxDOT.
  • Anchor: #LYUOCRWE
  • Maintain drainage inside the construction width of roadways. (Drainage maintenance should include repairs to all structures less than bridge classification and maintenance of all ditches under and adjacent to the road not to exceed the construction width.)
  • Anchor: #IIUGVSSN
  • Maintain and replace all existing regulatory and warning signs and delineators, such as stop signs, speed limit signs, etc.
  • Anchor: #GUNGRCVX
  • Maintain all road striping as currently exists and as required for safe traffic operations.
  • Anchor: #KFQRQVYD
  • Repair and replace existing guardrails and other safety appurtenances as necessary.
  • Anchor: #BYECJMNC
  • Provide for the operation of all PR designated roads. TxDOT may close park roads when emergency conditions exist.
  • Anchor: #PSEQALST
  • Coordinate plans and schedules for significant repair such as seal coats with the facility manager.

The Maintenance Division has the responsibility to provide TPWD with an annual report by facility of maintenance work performed.

Anchor: #i1001590

TPWD Responsibilities

The following outlines the responsibilities for TPWD regarding PW Maintenance.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department should, at its own expense:

    Anchor: #LVWQSQDR
  • Perform all mowing, trimming, litter removal, sweeping, herbicide applications, tree and brush removal, and other roadside maintenance.
  • Anchor: #YYDVODIY
  • Maintain boat ramps within state parks.
  • Anchor: #EEDXMYQF
  • Maintain cattleguards.
  • Anchor: #UPPQUDJX
  • Maintain drainage outside the construction width of roadways.
  • Anchor: #KGNQPIKJ
  • Provide for maintenance and new installation of facility rules and regulation signs and all specialty signs.
  • Anchor: #GFCISRXW
  • Provide for the operation of all PW designated roads and parking.
  • Anchor: #FCCFXWXO
  • PW roads may be closed by TPWD when emergency conditions exist.
  • Anchor: #AEJBMTDD
  • Method of utility installation along or across PW designated roads and parking should remain the choice of TPWD.
  • Anchor: #QXHACOAM
  • Approval by TPWD Regional Director must be obtained prior to paving any unpaved road within a facility.
Anchor: #i1001654

Local Points of Contact

The primary point of contact for TPWD concerning maintenance of park roads is the park manager for each park. The TPWD point of contact may notify the TxDOT point of contact of maintenance needs as they are observed.

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