Section 2: Implementation Projects
Anchor: #i999418Funding
An implementation project is typically triggered by the need for specific funding to help integrate a product, new method or process, or innovation into department operations. The Research and Technology Implementation Division (RTI) manages the department’s implementation program, which mainly provides funding for these needs. Funding may support costs including:
- Anchor: #WHQTTOOX
- the incremental cost for the first use of a product or innovation in construction or maintenance operations, Anchor: #TIQEWAYT
- the purchase of newly developed non-capital equipment for use in the field, or Anchor: #UTJBHSOJ
- training of field personnel in the use of new equipment or methods. Anchor: #FVHRQNLL
- Implementation related costs for the following
items shall have prior RTI Director approval:
- Capital equipment purchases of $5,000.00 or more need prior approval from FHWA Texas Division, and Anchor: #HQOPLCVV
- travel expenses for TxDOT personnel.
Most implementation projects stem from products delivered from TxDOT's research program. Implementation projects become eligible for implementation funding when select research projects are complete and the results are ready for integration into TxDOT’s operations.
An implementation project may also be developed to aid in the implementation of a product or innovation from a non-TxDOT program or source. For these projects to be eligible for implementation funding, the TxDOT OPR must evaluate the product or innovation and determine that it is ready to implement.
Anchor: #i999558Implementation Project Recommendation (IPR) Approval
IPRs are reviewed and approved at several levels during their development. These include the DD/DE of the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR).
Anchor: #i999568Overview of Implementation Project Contracting
Implementation projects fall under two main contracting processes, depending primarily on whether or not a university will be involved in the project. The contracting process for university implementation projects echoes that of university research projects.
Anchor: #i999578University Work
If University involvement is needed to implement a research product, the work is generally performed by the university that developed the product. In these cases, the Project Supervisor develops the funding estimate for University work.
A competitive RFP is generally issued for university support for implementation activities if the product did not come from a research project, or as determined by RTI’s Director. In these cases, the OPR and RTI Project Managers work together to estimate University activities and funding needed.
University Project Agreements include only the work the University is contracted to perform.
Anchor: #i999598TxDOT Activities
The OPR’s responsibilities under an implementation project are documented in various ways, depending on the scope of the work. Contracts related to the OPR’s or other TxDOT responsibilities are not typically executed by RTI. The implementation program generally does not fund purchases or contracts executed by a district or division.
RTI determines the best way to establish funding under implementation projects for TxDOT contracts and purchases. When purchases can be charged to RTI’s budget, RTI provides a charge number to the district or division making the purchase. When funding must be established in a different budget strategy, RTI initiates a transfer of budget authority to the appropriate strategy funding the contract.
Anchor: #i999613Management of University and TxDOT Performance
The Project Manager directs the University, Federal agency, and TxDOT work on an implementation project.