Chapter 2: Lighting Systems, Eligibility, and Warrants

Anchor: #i1000476

Section 1: Overview



This chapter describes the different lighting systems, which roadways are eligible for those systems, and the conditions that warrant each system.

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Types of Lighting Systems

Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Section 25.11, defines two basic types of roadway lighting systems — “continuous lighting” and “safety lighting.” The rules also describe instances in which continuous lighting may be classified as safety lighting. Subsequent sections of this chapter describe each of these types.

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Eligibility and Warrants

The rules specify the types of highways eligible for the spending of state funds on each type of illumination system. TxDOT can only install and maintain lighting systems on eligible roadways where the conditions warrant such installation.

Eligibility. Eligibility refers to the rules that determine when state funds may be spent to install roadway lighting on a state highway. Eligibility requirements for safety and continuous lighting are defined in Section 25.11 of the Texas Administrative Code and are described in this chapter.

Warrants. TxDOT uses warrants to justify the need for and expense of roadway lighting at eligible locations. TxDOT’s warrants are based on those in the AASHTO Roadway Lighting Design Guide. To determine if an eligible location meets the relevant warrant, TxDOT assesses roadway conditions in terms of criteria called “cases.” These cases are coded for ease of reference. The code consists of either “CL” (for continuous lighting) or “SL” (for safety lighting), followed by a dash and a number (for example: CL‑2 or SL‑4).

When roadway conditions meet or exceed one or more of the relevant cases, then the roadway in question warrants the lighting — in other words, the warrant is met. Meeting of warrants does not obligate TxDOT to provide lighting, but warrants may be used along with other criteria, like availability of funds and crash data, to determine if lighting should be installed on a project.

After the warrant is met, TxDOT may enter into a partnership agreement with the city or local government (if necessary) and program the financing.

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