Anchor: #i1002331

Section 2: Local Government Projects Section

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) defines a local government project as a transportation project in which at least one phase of project development is managed by a local government (LG) agency for which it is being reimbursed with federal or state funding. It may also include a locally funded project managed by a local government on the state highway system. The TxDOT Local Government Projects Section (LGP) is located in Austin and provides guidance and training for local government and TxDOT personnel in the development of transportation projects under TxDOT oversight. LGP develops policies and procedures, provides guidance to districts, and maintains documents, resources and training tools for LGs, consultants and TxDOT staff.

LGP is part of the larger TxDOT organization, which has the following components.

    Anchor: #EACVASDA
  1. District offices are the initial and primary contacts for LGs and provide oversight for LG projects. Area offices (under the district office) may support the district office during different stages of the project.
  2. Anchor: #VHRKKRJM
  3. TxDOT divisions support and provide subject matter expertise to the districts in each area of project development. The LG will rarely work directly with a division. However, an exception may be the direct project oversight provided by the Transportation Planning and Programming Division of non-construction projects administered by a metropolitan planning organization acting as the local government.
  4. Anchor: #HAGCSGNW
  5. Administration, including the executive director and other executive officers, provides direction and oversight to all of the districts, divisions, and offices.
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