Anchor: #i1002362

Section 3: Local Government Projects Tools

The Local Government Projects Section (LGP) of TxDOT has developed a series of reference documents and training materials to assist local governments (LGs) and TxDOT staff during the development and management of LG transportation projects. The purpose of these tools is to maximize LG and TxDOT compliance with federal and state laws, rules and regulations to ensure public funds are properly expended and to allow LGs to receive full reimbursement on eligible and allowable project costs. All of the documents referenced below are available on the Local Government Project Toolkit Web page.

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Local Government Projects Policy Manual

The Local Government Projects Policy Manual (LGPP Manual or Manual) provides information on federal and state laws and regulations relevant to each step in the development of a LG project. These regulations, together with manuals and other guidance documents adopted by the FHWA, TxDOT and other agencies, establish the policies that must be followed by the LG and TxDOT during administration of the project.

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Local Government Project Management Guide

The Local Government Project Management Guide (LGPM Guide or Guide) provides project management guidance for a LG administering a LG transportation project and for TxDOT staff who are providing oversight. The Guide contains the processes and procedures to be used by the LG and TxDOT to successfully accomplish all phases of a transportation project from project initiation to project close-out. These procedures include required practices, local responsibilities and TxDOT responsibilities with respect to both state and federal requirements.

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Best Practices Workbook

The Best Practices Workbook (Workbook) is intended to serve as a quick reference tool and workbook to assist TxDOT division, district and area offices and the LG with the administration of LG projects. TxDOT and LG project managers and others working directly on the project are strongly encouraged to use the Workbook to monitor progress on a project and as a project record of activities as they are completed. The Workbook does not address all legal requirements nor does it replace any of the instructions, manuals or guidance documents referenced in the LGPP Manual, LGPM Guide, project documents, federal and state laws and regulations, or training materials.

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Local Government Projects Online Toolkit

LGP has developed a user-friendly webpage and an online Toolkit. The online Toolkit presents information in a format that mirrors the project development process presented in the Manual and Guide. The Toolkit provides users with an easy access portal to find and download many useful forms of information, including:

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LGP provides training courses to allow LG officials, staff and contractors, as well as TxDOT division, district and area office staff, to receive hands-on instruction. These courses are required for key project personnel and are offered throughout the state on a regular basis throughout the year.

Each LG with a project must assign a “qualified person” to the project (see Chapter 2 of this Manual). This person must work actively and directly on the project and have successfully completed training as defined in the Advance Funding Agreement. The requirements for certification as a “qualified person” and a current schedule for the LGP training courses are found on the LGP Web page.

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