Chapter 10: Project Close-Out and Maintenance

Anchor: #i1000401

Section 1: Introduction

The final phase of a non-construction or construction project involving a partnership between a local government (LG) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is project close-out and the establishment of a maintenance agreement, if necessary. At the end of work on the project, the LG and TxDOT will concur the project scope has been completed according to the advance funding agreement and contract documents for both construction and non-construction projects. TxDOT and the LG will determine each party’s final share of the project costs and make final payment. The parties will enter into a maintenance agreement if appropriate for the project. For the purposes of this chapter, the term “TxDOT” or “the TxDOT district” is referring to the TxDOT office, division, district or area office that has project oversight responsibilities.

This chapter of the Local Government Projects Policy Manual (LGPP Manual) provides policies and regulations required to close-out the project and establish a maintenance agreement, if required. The companion Local Government Project Management Guide (LGPM Guide) describes the procedures related to this phase of the project.

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