Appendix B: Financing and Construction of Transportation Projects

Anchor: #i1003293

Section 1: Participation Chart

Anchor: #i1005230Attachment to Project Development Process Manual Chapter 1, Section 5


Preliminary Engineering

Construction Engineering and Construction Funds

Right of Way or Eligible Utilities

Project is on the Interstate Highway System

100% State or 90% Federal/10% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 90% Federal/10% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 90% Federal/10% State or 80% Federal/20% State

Project is on the State Highway System (except Farm to Market System or Phase 1 Trunk System Corridor)

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

90% Federal/10% Local or 80% Federal/10% State/10% Local

Local On-system Improvement Project

100% Local

100% Local

Right of Way - N/A Utilities - 100% Local

Project is not on the State Highway System

100% Local or 80% Federal/20% Local

100% Local or 80% Federal/20% Local

100% Local or 80% Federal/20% Local

Project is on the FM/RM system (New FM/RM route)

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% Local

Project is on the FM/RM system (Existing FM/RM route)

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

90% State/10% Local or 80% Federal/10% State/10% Local

Project is on a Phase 1 Trunk System Corridor, On-System Turnpike Project, or Hurricane Evacuation Route

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

State Park Road Program

100% State

100% State

100% State

On-State System Bridge Program

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

100% State or 80% Federal/20% State

90% State/10% Local or 80% Federal/10% State/10% Local

Off-State System Bridge Program

80% Federal/10% State/10% Local or 80%Federal/20% State (See Note #1)

80% Federal/10% State/10% Local or 80%Federal/20% State (See Note #1)

100% Local

Off-State System Bridge Program - If bridge project connects Texas with a neighboring state

80% Federal/20% State

80% Federal/20% State

100% Local

On-State System Safety Program

100% State or 90% Federal/10% State

90% Federal/10% State

100% State or 90% Federal/10% State

Off-State System Safety Program - If included in the Railroad Signal Safety Program

90% Federal/10% Local or 90% Federal/10% State

90% Federal/10% Local or 90% Federal/10% State

90% Federal/10% Local or 90% Federal/10% State

Transportation Enhancement Program, Transportation Alternatives Program, Transportation Alternatives Set Aside Program See Note #2

80% Federal/20% Local

80% Federal/20% Local

80% Federal/20% Local

On-State System Safe Routes to Schools Program

100% State or 100% Federal

100% State or 100% Federal

100% State or 100% Federal

Off-State System Safe Routes to Schools Program

100% Federal

100% Federal

100% Local or 100% Federal

All participation ratios shown depict the minimum local participation for eligible costs. For continuous lighting systems or safety lighting on the state highway system, refer to 43 TAC 25.11.


    Anchor: #WRKFIGFJ
  1. If approved in accordance with 43 TAC 15.55 (d).
  2. Anchor: #LMDIKWRA
  3. For projects selected in the TE, TA, or TA-SA department Program call, federal participation is limited to the amount authorized by the commission, not to exceed 80% of the eligible costs.
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