Anchor: #i1019965

Section 2: Begin Detailed Design

Anchor: #i1019972


The design field survey, stream crossing hydraulics, and pavement design should be completed before detailed plan development. Traffic control and permits/agreements may delay the project, if not handled properly at the beginning of detailed design.

This period of project development requires a substantial amount of the project manager’s experience and attention. Decisions made during this time will directly affect the project schedule and quality. Input from the project manager’s peers and supervisor should be sought for quality assurance of the project development process.

Design Division approval of geometric schematics for new location or added capacity projects should be obtained before beginning detailed design.

This section includes the following groups of tasks which may be performed concurrently:

Traffic Control

50200. Plan sequence of construction

50210. Develop conceptual detour/road closure plan

Permits and Agreements

50220. Obtain miscellaneous permits

50230. Design environmental mitigation details

50240. Develop Environmental Permits, Issues, and Commitments (EPIC) sheet

Design Data Collection

50250. Review data collection needs

Stream Crossing Hydraulics

50260. Refine hydrologic study

50270. Prepare stream crossing hydraulics

50280. Prepare hydraulic report

Anchor: #i1077004

Traffic Control

Anchor: #i1020039

50200: Plan sequence of construction

Description. The designer must consider the construction sequencing, or staging, of the improvements to provide a design that is efficient to construct and maximizes mobility and safety during construction. Considerations include work zone safety of the traveling public, department employees, and contractor’s employees.

The construction sequence must be detailed enough to identify the following:

    Anchor: #SKGKKXVQ
  • Additional needs for easements, rights of way, or railroad agreements
  • Anchor: #RNDEHMUY
  • Required modifications to final horizontal curve radii and superelevation, grades and stopping sight distances ‑ especially modifications needed for access to existing businesses and residences
  • Anchor: #YMRBJBXH
  • Additional environmental impacts due to construction (e.g., wetland and wildlife impacts, hazardous material disturbance, or water quality impacts due to an intermediate construction phase)
  • Anchor: #WUTCTTIA
  • Previously unidentified project costs due to construction sequencing.

Safe, continuous operation for motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists should be considered in all stages of construction.

Reasonable access to all properties must be maintained during construction, unless other arrangements are made with the property owners.

If an off-system roadway must be closed to traffic during construction, coordination with local entities is required. Road closure approval must be obtained. See Task 50290: Obtain approval of road closure/detour plans.

In some cases, planning the sequence of construction may involve determining time of day limitations for construction activities to avoid impacts to traffic and adjacent properties.

Pertinent Project Types. All projects

Responsible Party. Roadway design engineer


    Anchor: #GDCQSCUD
  • Plan the sequence of construction with input from the area engineer, drainage, traffic, structural engineer, and construction inspection staff.
  • Anchor: #VCPGCUXY
  • Obtain preliminary roadway and drainage plans. See work done according to Task 20560: Perform preliminary hydraulic analysis/design.
  • Anchor: #WOWWYYFC
  • Review construction year traffic data to evaluate lane closure impacts. Traffic data should have been previously obtained. See Task 10430: Obtain traffic data.
  • Anchor: #CBOYDILM
  • Make a site visit to inspect existing conditions pertinent to sequence of construction (e.g., presence of fire stations, hospitals, or other facilities requiring uninterrupted access). This site visit may supplement earlier site visits. See Task 10110: Perform site visit.
  • Anchor: #EARBJQAG
  • Determine the need for construction speed zoning and traffic control requirements at intersections.
  • Anchor: #VNNVYKGL
  • Prepare preliminary staging plan using typical sections with plan views showing complex areas.
  • Anchor: #SNEFKWQX
  • Coordinate plan with appropriate district and area office staff (construction, right of way, etc.).

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #UQMJCCNJ
  • Make sure that nontypical and transition areas are detailed, because they are not represented in typical sections.
  • Anchor: #IVDWJHYS
  • Consider the types of construction equipment that will be available or used, and ensure that the access and operational room needed for such equipment is provided.
  • Anchor: #YGCQAKOI
  • Evaluate pavement design for compatibility with proposed construction sequence. See Task 20510: Prepare pavement design report.
  • Anchor: #HHQTOFGA
  • Understand that pavement surface quality, degradations in pavement friction, discontinuities and abrupt elevation changes can impact motorcycle and bicycle safety.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #JMWNUQYD
  • Construction staging can have a direct impact on requirements for lengthy project activities such as right of way acquisition or environmental permitting.
  • Anchor: #PCEPPYTJ
  • Construction sequencing should be developed as one of the first steps in detailed design.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1020299

50210: Develop conceptual detour/road closure plan

Description. Detours and road closures may be necessary to maintain traffic operations at acceptable levels of service during construction. Detours may include rerouting traffic to existing parallel routes, constructing temporary paved routes, or a combination of both. Effects on existing parallel routes and their capacity to handle additional traffic must be evaluated. Improvements to detour routes may be needed, such as pavement overlay, bridge widening, bridge replacements adjustment to signal timing or intersection improvement for truck turning movements.

Consider the layout and operation of traffic control devices and drainage facilities for detours. Preparing final detour plans is described in Task 50910: Design detour roadways.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects requiring a plan to maintain traffic operations during construction

Responsible Party. Roadway design engineer


    Anchor: #FABNJDYK
  • Obtain input from the area engineer, traffic and drainage engineers, and construction personnel.
  • Anchor: #XVKDILEJ
  • Obtain preliminary roadway, drainage, and sequence of construction plans.
  • Anchor: #GULJSPHU
  • Obtain construction year traffic data for the project facility and potential parallel detour routes.
  • Anchor: #RQKRACDJ
  • Consider the impacts to existing parallel facilities if capacity of the road being improved is substantially decreased during construction. Impacts to schools, emergency vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and neighborhoods due to traffic rerouting should be considered.
  • Anchor: #AQVWVKHL
  • Make a site visit to inspect existing conditions including parallel routes. See Task 10110: Perform site visit.
  • Anchor: #LGPRBDXQ
  • Evaluate the condition of detour pavements and their ability to carry long term traffic.
  • Anchor: #LYSUVXCG
  • If a roadway must be closed to traffic during construction, coordination with local entities is required and road closure approval must be obtained. See Task 50920: Obtain approval of road closure/detour plans.
  • Anchor: #JNKVATCY
  • If off-system roads are to be used as part of a detour plan, approval by the road owner (city, county, private) must be obtained. Coordinate with TxDMV Motor Carrier Division, if necessary.
  • Anchor: #DXOLEWFE
  • Describe how access to all properties will be maintained during construction, unless other arrangements are made with property owners.
  • Anchor: #LGUPCAJC
  • Coordinate detour plans with appropriate district and area office staff (roadway, drainage, traffic engineers, construction, and right of way staff).
  • Anchor: #HVVRAYKW
  • Submit a signed copy of the District Engineer’s road closure approval memo to the Design Division with the PS&E and supporting documents.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #YRAPMDKR
  • Detours should be designed to operate at the existing regulatory speed whenever possible. When this cannot be accomplished, an advisory speed may be used or a request for regulatory construction speed zone ( Form 1204) should be considered. Design the detour to meet the lowered construction speed limit.
  • Anchor: #JECXOWOV
  • For details on items that will be required for the traffic control plan, refer to information in Task 50900: Finalize sequence of construction.
  • Anchor: #KHQDUSGK
  • Consider safety lighting needs.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #XMAISBTQ
  • The detour plan should be developed as one of the first items in final design, along with the sequence of construction plan.
  • Anchor: #EYLAIQTT
  • Coordination and preliminary approval of road closure/detour plans should be initiated when a road closure or detour is first considered.
  • Anchor: #SFUEETJO
  • Written approval of the road closure/detour plan should be obtained as soon as the detour plan is completed to the point that road closure/detour timing can be reasonably well defined and the plan has been approved by the district.


Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1020538

Permits and Agreements

Anchor: #i1020543

50220: Obtain miscellaneous permits

Description. Numerous state and federal agencies and others regulate the impact of construction activities on their operations or environmental features. These entities have permitting requirements for this purpose.

Since approvals of impacts often require substantial completion of detailed plans, it is important to coordinate early with these entities. Some environmental permits may have been identified earlier as part of the environmental work on the project. These permits may not be received until environmental clearance is obtained, but coordination should be well underway by this point in the project development process. See Task 30210: Determine environmental permit requirements.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects having potential for impacting resources or entities

Responsible Party. Project manager


Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #GNOPDYQU
  • Resource agencies consider impact minimization or avoidance of utmost importance. Conduct a thorough analysis of preliminary engineering assumptions and conclusions regarding impacts. It is helpful to develop your own justification for impacts, especially if you did not perform the preliminary engineering.
  • Anchor: #GJQBCOEX
  • It is recommended that you discuss assumptions and decisions made during preliminary design with appropriate team members.
  • Anchor: #OMCFVLIY
  • Get familiar with recent permitting decisions made by resource agencies on similar projects. Obtain this information from the district environmental coordinator.
  • Anchor: #PAYJOIPU
  • Agreements with railroad companies are often difficult and time-consuming to obtain. These should be initiated as soon as possible. See Task 20430: Initiate railroad coordination.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #JXPYOKYY
  • Obtaining permits can be a lengthy process and is often critical in the project development schedule. Coordination should begin as soon as the need is identified and should be followed throughout project development.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1020755

50230: Design environmental mitigation details

Description. Mitigation for impacts due to highway improvements, should be defined in project environmental documents, permit conditions, or agreements with regulatory or resource agencies. Mitigation measures are typically defined, without much detail, during advance planning. Mitigation plans should have been prepared according to Tasks 20520: Consider impacts on historic structures and Task 30390: Prepare environmental mitigation plans. Mitigation details to be implemented during construction must be delineated in plans and specifications.

Mitigation of environmental impacts due to the presence of hazardous materials may also be necessary. Mitigation measures typically include soil liners to contain hazardous materials, groundwater removal and treatment, and soil removal and disposal. Often, design modifications can be made to eliminate migration of underground contaminants and thereby eliminate the need for mitigation.

Mitigation details may include design drawing details showing special features such as protection of historic properties or mitigation of environmental concerns. Obtain design input from landscape architect and biologist with knowledge of biologic processes and skills to meet the mitigation commitment.

Offsite mitigation may justify separate construction contracts and schedules for this work. Developing regional mitigation alternatives may be desirable for TxDOT and regulatory agencies. The project manager should consult with the Director of Transportation Planning and Development and the Environmental Affairs Division at the start of detailed design.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects requiring mitigation of environmental impacts

Responsible Party. Project manager


    Anchor: #HXYEJJNG
  • Obtain input from the biologist, landscape architect, geotechnical engineer, and drainage engineer to coordinate the most cost effective sustainable solution to meet the environmental commitment.
  • Anchor: #UTMPRBCD
  • Obtain permits and agreements with resource agencies.
  • Anchor: #XKIEQKFQ
  • Explore possible regional alternatives and separate contracting on projects involving significant mitigation.
  • Anchor: #LKBYPVPM
  • Coordinate mitigation measures with others (e.g., wetland creation/restoration or threatened/endangered species relocation with Environmental Affairs Division, or site acquisition with district right of way office).
  • Anchor: #JYWAFKTO
  • Prepare mitigation plans.
  • Anchor: #IMMYAUKV
  • Review and update the mitigation cost estimate as necessary. See Task 30390: Prepare environmental mitigation plans.
  • Anchor: #UFRPDAQH
  • Send plans to the district environmental coordinator to review for compliance with the environmental document.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #NGFQXGPM
  • Mitigation may need to be completed before construction, and if mitigation requires the acquisition of property, acquisition of these parcels should be emphasized.
  • Anchor: #CJGYVKMM
  • For mitigation requiring post-construction monitoring, have the technical expert develop a reporting process for monitoring. Monitoring may likely be long term, and a defined reporting process will ensure uniformity during this time.
  • Anchor: #IDCKTJVO
  • Projects can be cleared environmentally and approved for letting only after addressing State Historic Preservation Office comments on historic structures.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #YCYCPCBU
  • This task should be initiated subsequent to the field review. Timing of the completion of mitigation plans is project-specific and should be driven by the terms of agreement and permit requirements with resource agencies.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1068673

50240: Develop Environmental Permits, Issues and Commitments (EPIC) sheet

Description. The Environmental Permits, Issues and Commitments (EPIC) sheet is used to summarize the special requirements and restrictions related to the construction activity that has been permitted and the conditions of any permits. The EPIC sheet provides to the contractor a single point environmental guidance document. For example, it may depict areas to be avoided during construction due to the presence of endangered species, wetlands, etc.

Pertinent Project Types. All projects

Responsible Party. Project manager and District Director of Transportation Planning and Development


    Anchor: #IAUGGVQR
  • Review the environmental document and all permits and clearances to determine what requirements or restrictions apply to the project.
  • Anchor: #QJDFSOAU
  • Download the latest EPIC standard sheet from the TxDOT CAD Standard files.
  • Anchor: #KFNYPEHX
  • Ensure that areas to be avoided during construction due to endangered species, wetlands, or for other reasons are clearly identified on the EPIC sheet.
  • Anchor: #PEVQSSWP
  • Ask the district environmental coordinator to review the draft EPIC sheet for compliance with the environmental document.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #SLDQMNXQ
  • Violating the condition of any permit may result in costs and delays to the project. Be sure that all conditions are clearly outlined on the EPIC sheet.
  • Anchor: #EWJGOONP
  • The District Director of Transportation Planning and Development will need to certify that the environmental commitments shown in the Environmental Oversight Compliance System (ECOS) have been incorporated into the PS&E by the EPIC sheet inclusion.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #EMDECMYL
  • EPIC sheet should be started when preliminary work begins to assure details are not overlooked.
  • Anchor: #DGSFJFOD
  • Completion of the EPIC sheet is specific and should be driven by the terms of agreement and permit requirements with resource agencies.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1020896

Design Data Collection

Anchor: #i1020901

50250: Review data collection needs

Description. Most field data collection will have occurred during preliminary design. However, as a large project develops, it is common for the designer to determine that existing data may be insufficient or need updating. Typically, some modifications to the original project concept occur as a project develops and conditions change. For example, if the development of the project has taken several years, traffic data and turning movements may need to be updated. Often, stream crossing hydraulics are not studied in detail during preliminary design.

Geotechnical investigations are necessary for the satisfactory long-term performance of structure foundations, retaining and noise walls, high embankments, pavement design, and stabilization of soft soils beneath pavements. For coastal pavement structure and drainage consult the Hydraulic Design Manual. If additional data is needed to complete the design of any of these features, it should be obtained at this time.

Previous data collection may include those described in the following: Task 20290: Perform other surveys and Task 20505: Perform preliminary geotechnical surveys.

The project manager gathers and reviews all survey and geotechnical data collected, and reviews modifications to the project scope made since preliminary design. The project manager, in coordination with the roadway, structural and drainage engineers, determines the need for additional survey data. The project manager should contact the district pavement engineer, the district structural engineer, if one is available, and the Bridge Division, as necessary, to identify additional geotechnical survey needs.

Pertinent Project Types. All projects

Responsible Party. Project manager


    Anchor: #MVCIYHHK
  • Gather and review existing data.
  • Anchor: #XEGUSURG
  • Evaluate the project for changes made after original surveys and investigations (e.g., changed field conditions, project scope, environmental mitigation requirements, access revisions, or additional structures).
  • Anchor: #DDHELXRC
  • Identify additional data required to finalize design.
  • Anchor: #QBNJDJQR
  • Prepare work authorization for additional work.
  • Anchor: #QAQROSIC
  • Perform additional data collection and field and laboratory investigations.
  • Anchor: #FSMKJDEN
  • Compile data and report results of investigations.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #GPGSHAHO
  • Field conditions may change, and this can warrant additional data collection, especially in urban areas.
  • Anchor: #DULOLGGW
  • Other issues, such as environmental mitigation, roadway access, retaining and noise wall locations, are often determined after performing initial field surveys.
  • Anchor: #NVKFMEXC
  • The project manager must determine if, and to what extent, conditions necessitate additional data collection.
  • Anchor: #PVEQFRGY
  • Geotechnical investigations may have been performed during the preliminary design phase. It is beneficial to discuss the extent and quality of this geotechnical data in the Design Concept Conference. See Task 50110: Conduct Design Concept Conference.
  • Anchor: #MWCEPMGK
  • Particular attention should be directed to high fills or deep cuts, highly expansive soils, the presence of groundwater, channel stability, coastal tides, and anticipated need for bridges, pavement, retaining walls, and noise walls.
  • Anchor: #MDWYWLGX
  • Investigations should include data for designing high mast illumination, signal, and overhead sign structures.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #CBIWISTC
  • This task should occur as soon as possible after beginning detailed design.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1021050

Stream Crossing Hydraulics

Anchor: #i1021055

50260: Refine hydrologic study

Description. Hydrologic analysis is the most important step prior to hydraulic design to establish stormwater flow rates, flow volumes, and locations of inflow and outflow to the highway facility for significant drainage areas. Recommendations from these analytical studies can affect such major items as roadway alignments, bridge lengths, bridge lateral restraints, bridge foundations, and channel design.

The hydrologic study is typically prepared during preliminary design as described in Task 20555: Perform hydrologic study. At this stage, a refinement of the original study should be all that is needed. This refinement is usually needed to reflect detailed field survey data or a change in a basic design condition, an assumption, or to reflect revised methodology, if there has been a significant delay between schematic development and PS&E development.

If the project is in a tidal area, consider storm surge (tide) analysis.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects involving a stream or floodplain crossings

Responsible Party. Hydraulic engineer


    Anchor: #GOMRNLVD
  • Identify any new, relevant data.
  • Anchor: #LFCCUHTV
  • Contact Bridge Division for bridge structure lateral restraint design requirements.
  • Anchor: #DAEHCPTS
  • Verify validity of previous hydrologic study and determine if the study method used is still appropriate.
  • Anchor: #NAAGYAJU
  • Evaluate any existing hydrologic data/results from previous studies and update as appropriate or perform new hydrologic analysis for proposed hydraulic structure locations. See Task 20555: Perform hydrologic study.
  • Anchor: #NOBAQHWL
  • Based on the model, determine whether watershed revisions change stream water surface elevations.
  • Anchor: #CRTHOMLS
  • Coordinate with the local FEMA floodplain administrator (FPA) for changes to water surface elevations and flood maps.

Helpful Suggestions.

Critical Sequencing.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1021157

50270: Prepare stream crossing hydraulics

Description. Stream crossings at highways often involve a constricted flow opening. The designer establishes a design storm frequency and other criteria, and determines the size and type of opening. The design storm frequency is established considering factors such as functional classification of highway, size of the stream, or by performing a risk assessment. Other criteria include allowable velocities, allowable backwater/headwater, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rules and regulations, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and any other local or state agency requirements.

The FHWA requires a bridge scour evaluation in the hydraulic design process for span bridges. The results of such an analysis may highlight the need for design adjustments such as increasing opening size, deeper foundations, pier and abutment protection, or other mitigation measures.

Bridge class culverts will also require inlet and outlet protection for scour and debris control. Inlet scour results from the flow contraction as the culvert barrel constricts the natural channel. Scour at culvert outlets is a common occurrence; sediment and debris in a turbulent flow can be erosive.

Storm drains which drain sag points where runoff can only be removed through the storm drainage system should be designed for a minimum 50-year frequency storm.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects involving a bridge, culvert, stream, or floodplain crossing

Responsible Party. Hydraulic engineer


    Anchor: #GXHSSWDJ
  • Perform a site visit to gather information about the watershed characteristics.
  • Anchor: #IAHKQFRS
  • Perform hydraulic analysis of existing conditions.
  • Anchor: #SRGQSUAF
  • Review the results of FEMA or other studies performed during preliminary design preparation. See Task 20270: Obtain hydraulic studies.
  • Anchor: #ABJBXHQR
  • Identify whether the affected community participates in the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). If so, compliance with FEMA minimum criteria may be required.
      Anchor: #WRDDASPN
    • Assess the accuracy of the FEMA hydrologic studies or computer model.
    • Anchor: #IVFJWYEF
    • If appropriate, update the FEMA hydrologic model to reflect watershed revisions caused by proposed construction.
    • Anchor: #ECPLSLOE
    • Hold preliminary coordination with the local FEMA floodplain administrator (FPA) or local government having flood control jurisdiction over the waterway.
  • Anchor: #SXUSDONR
  • Design improvements in coordination with the roadway design and structural engineers as applicable.
  • Anchor: #BFSWVAHM
  • Perform hydraulic analysis of proposed structures, using the current effective FEMA model, when available.
  • Anchor: #XDSUIFVF
  • Perform scour evaluation and coordinate findings with structural and geotechnical engineers for proper foundation design.
  • Anchor: #DSMEXEGO
  • Coordinate design recommendations with local FEMA floodplain administrator (FPA) or local government having jurisdiction.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #GMCGTDDE
  • Assistance is available from Design Division Hydraulic Engineers.
  • Anchor: #BSUJNYAP
  • Contact local FEMA floodplain administrator (FPA) early. The FPA can advise which base model to use and how much, if any, increase in backwater will be allowed. The FPA may also provide a copy of the original model or help locate one. It is advised to work closely with the FPA throughout the project.
  • Anchor: #HJEOBTME
  • The backwater profile program used in original development of the study may have been one of several types and from one of several sources. In Texas, the model most commonly used is the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System model (HEC­RAS) from the Corps of Engineers. Typically, FEMA encourages that the model be updated to the most current acceptable model. If the stream was originally modeled using HEC-2, subsequent models should be done using HEC-RAS.
  • Anchor: #EMVSYYBA
  • Floodplain encroachments must be explained in the environmental document.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #QPCVBCEB
  • Conduct water crossing hydraulic design along with final alignment design.
  • Anchor: #RTLYEAML
  • Hydraulic design may result in the need for drainage easements in areas not already owned or classified as waters of the State. In such instances, this task will have direct input into reviewing and obtaining additional ROW, access control, and easement requirements. See Task 50410: Review right of way requirements.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1021297

50280: Prepare hydraulic report

Description. Show all hydraulic documentation correctly in the final plans. For specific requirements, use the Reference materials below or contact the Design Division Hydraulic Engineers and/or Bridge Division Project Development.

FHWA requires a bridge scour evaluation during the hydraulic design process for all bridges. At federal request, the Bridge Division will send layouts, sheets, and reports to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Major hydraulic structures on FHWA Projects of Department Interest (PoDI) or major projects will be submitted through Bridge Division to FHWA. Allow time to manage this lengthy process.

Information obtained during Task 50260: Refine hydrologic study is used in performing this task.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects having storm drains, bridges, or bridge-class culverts

Responsible Party. Project manager

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #MPDQWEMX
  • Do a field review to become familiar with the watershed site to improve drainage design and reduce construction problems.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #AUFNLRXQ
  • Hydraulic calculation sheets and scour reports should be reviewed by the district and then submitted to the Bridge Division for review and approval before PS&E submission.
  • Anchor: #KUTHBYMV
  • For bridge projects, send the following information with the bridge layout submission:


Resource Material.

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