Anchor: #i1024586

Section 8: Retaining/Noise Walls & Miscellaneous Structures

Anchor: #i1024591


This section discusses project elements typically designed by a roadway or structural engineer.

This section includes the following groups of tasks, which may be performed concurrently:

50600. Perform final geotechnical surveys

50800. Prepare retaining and/or noise wall layouts

50810. Prepare retaining and/or noise wall plans and details

50820. Prepare plans for miscellaneous structures

Anchor: #i1024626

Retaining/Noise Wall Layouts

Anchor: #i1024631

50800: Prepare retaining and/or noise wall layouts

Description. This task involves preparing a retaining wall and/or noise wall layout and performing subsequent research needed for submittal to the Bridge Division. Wall layouts show horizontal and vertical geometry, cross sections, wall type, and geotechnical data as appropriate.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects involving retaining or noise walls

Responsible Party. Roadway design engineer


    Anchor: #SREOGYFU
  • Review all commitments made during the public involvement phase to determine if agreements were made relative to wall types, heights, locations, or aesthetic treatments.
  • Anchor: #ALEMRFVS
  • Obtain plots of existing utilities, right of way limits, and catch points of earthwork construction on cross-section sheets to determine proposed wall locations.
  • Anchor: #QIUFVPBV
  • Coordinate with the drainage engineer regarding drainage needs at the top of, and possibly through and under walls.
  • Anchor: #DANMHMRG
  • Coordinate the aesthetics of walls with a landscape architect and stakeholders.
  • Anchor: #MCCTXWOC
  • Coordinate wall locations with proposed utility adjustments for construction clearances.
  • Anchor: #DXQQNBEY
  • A standard soils computer program is used for a uniform representation of core boring data on a statewide basis. Contact the Geotechnical Branch of the Bridge Division for technical assistance.
  • Anchor: #RWDWIWMX
  • Obtain any additional geotechnical data necessary to finalize designs. Refer to the TxDOT Geotechnical Manual for soil core boring information.
  • Anchor: #SQKOYRKJ
  • Retaining walls exceeding a 25 ft height require Bridge Division approval of the layout.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #BBTGUKTU
  • Establish a smooth vertical alignment along the top of retaining walls for a pleasing appearance.
  • Anchor: #JRPYECMH
  • Coordinate retaining/noise wall layouts with bridge layouts to ensure compatibility of elevation, horizontal control, and proposed aesthetic treatments.
  • Anchor: #PSYSSIMI
  • Walls founded in soft soils may require deep foundations. Proper preliminary geotechnical investigation is important.
  • Anchor: #BQNDHLRW
  • Coordinate with district maintenance personnel regarding maintenance requirements adjacent to walls.
  • Anchor: #YLTSIMDA
  • The Bridge Division is available for consultation upon district request.

Critical Sequencing.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1024843

Retaining/Noise Wall Design and Details

Anchor: #i1024848

50810: Prepare retaining and/or noise wall plans and details

Description. Wall plans include details for constructing the walls and related items such as footings, piles, drainage systems, and tie-backs.

TxDOT standard sheets exist for walls, with various facings available.

Pertinent Project Types. Projects involving retaining or noise walls

Responsible Party. Roadway design engineer


    Anchor: #JSXIQUPH
  • Update wall layouts as requested by Bridge Division, if applicable.
  • Anchor: #DYFWHHBF
  • Coordinate with the drainage engineer regarding drainage needs at the top of, and possibly through and under, walls.
  • Anchor: #GTYJHTVR
  • Coordinate with landscape architect regarding aesthetics of, and landscaping around, walls. Review proposed aesthetic treatment with stakeholders.
  • Anchor: #FUOGGSDO
  • Prepare plan details and obtain standard sheets as necessary.

Helpful Suggestions.

    Anchor: #JTCWTCTS
  • Establish a smooth vertical alignment along the top of retaining walls to provide a pleasing appearance.
  • Anchor: #NAQXYUWH
  • The Geotechnical Branch of the Bridge Division may be contacted for technical assistance.
  • Anchor: #PCOMBCWR
  • Refer to the Geotechnical Manual, for additional information to be included on layouts for various types of retaining walls.

Critical Sequencing.

    Anchor: #PWCRJAED
  • Wall designs and plan details can be started as soon as approval of wall layouts is obtained.

Resource Material.

Anchor: #i1024938

Miscellaneous Structures

Anchor: #i1024943

50820: Prepare plans for miscellaneous structures

Description. Examples of miscellaneous structures include non-standard concrete traffic barrier (CTB) which accommodates parallel roadways with differing profiles, overhead sign bridges, high mast illumination, or different applications of bridge rail. Occasionally, there is the need to modify standard TxDOT designs.

Pertinent Project Types. All projects

Responsible Party. Roadway design engineer


Resource Material.

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