Section 2: Corridor Access Management Plans

Anchor: #i999031


Any municipality or Metropolitan Planning Organization may, in cooperation with TxDOT, develop an access management plan for a specified state highway segment for the purposes of preserving or enhancing that highway's safe and efficient operation. Once adopted by the affected agencies, such plans will form the basis for all future access connection locations. Priority in developing corridor access management plans should be placed on those facilities with high traffic volumes or those that provide important statewide or regional connectivity and mobility, such as hurricane evacuation routes, relief routes, and NAFTA corridors.

Anchor: #i999060

Functional Criteria

The corridor access management plan will provide comprehensive area-wide traffic and mobility solutions, while providing reasonable access to abutting property. Each plan should include a combination of policy, design, and improvement actions aimed at achieving access management objectives. These plans should emphasize the host of access management techniques: shared access, cross access, internal street circulation, properly spaced collector system, proper driveway design, and median design techniques.

The corridor access management plan may include the following elements:

  • Existing and future access locations,
  • All major access-related roadway design elements,
  • Lots or parcels currently having frontage on the highway segment,
  • Pedestrian and bicycle amenities and associated safety implication,
  • Transit facility considerations; and
  • All supporting technical materials, if applicable.

TxDOT and any local government within the plan area should be parties to the plan, which will then be adopted by agreement among the agencies. After an access management plan is in effect, all action taken in regard to access will be in conformance with the plan and any modifications to the plan must be approved by the affected local governments and TxDOT.

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