Manual Notice: 2011-1

From: Mark A Marek, P.E.

Manual: Access Management Manual

Effective Date: July 01, 2011


This revision is intended to update the Access Management Manual, specifically to include a note to users that recent changes to Chapter 21 of the Texas Property Code and Chapter 2206 of the Texas Government Code, regarding the compensation of buying and selling of access to abutting property owners along state highways, may not be reflected in the manual. These changes will be included in the next revision of the manual estimated to be released by early Fall 2011.


Address questions concerning the information contained in the manual to the Roadway Design Section in the Design Division.

Copyright Notice

This Access Management Manual and all future revisions: Copyright ©2011 by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Published by the Design Division (DES). All rights reserved.


Past manual notices are available in a PDF archive.

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