Section 2: Appraisal of New Engineering, Maintenance Sites, and Dredge Disposal Sites

Anchor: #i1001121


After the Support Services Division has approved district's recommendation regarding the acquisition of a new site, the ROW Program Office will notify ROW PD to have an appraisal made of the proposed site using a fee appraiser contracted by TxDOT. Only one appraisal is required. The appraisal generally will be made based on acquiring fee simple title to the property unless otherwise negotiated, and the normal procedure for appraising ROW will be followed.

ROW PD will then direct the appraiser to furnish an appraisal in accordance with this section using pages 1, 2 PVS, SCA, CA, IA of form ROW-A-5 Real Estate Appraisal Report, plus supporting documentation accompanying the form ROW-A-5S Comparable Data Supplement, Comparable Data Supplement. The appraisals will be made of the site considered as a whole acquisition of fee simple title in the land excluding oil, gas, and sulfur, since the owner reserves the minerals. Generally, appraisal guidelines should follow procedures as set out in Chapter 2, Operating Procedures, unless directed otherwise by the ROW Program Office. Upon receipt of the completed appraisals, ROW PD will review the appraisals to determine that all items are properly covered, that the forms are complete, and that all items have been considered in accordance with appraisal instructions. After ROW PD has approved the appraisal report and determined a recommended value for the property based upon the appraisal, ROW PD will submit the recommended value to the ROW Program Office on form ROW-A-10S Tabulation of Values for Engineering, Maintenance, & Dredge Disposal Sites, and Surplus Real Property Purposes.

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