Section 7: State Approved Values

Anchor: #i1003433

Approval of Recommended Values

ROW PD will review the submissions and will approve the reports for the state’s upper limit of participation if they are proper and adequately supported. The approval will be evidenced by the signing of the form ROW-A-10 Tabulation of Values by ROW PD and, in the case of local participation, the LPA representative. ROW PD will then retain a copy for the files (Chapter 6, Section 4, Revision in Approved Values for Negotiation for revised values).

Anchor: #i1003445

Notification to LPA of Approved Values

Upon receipt of the form ROW-A-10 Tabulation of Values approved by the ROW Program Office, ROW PD should notify the LPA of the state’s approved values. ROW PD’s notification to the LPA may be accomplished by furnishing them one copy of the approved form ROW-A-10. If all the improvements are acquired by the state, ROW PD will advise the LPA that the upper limits of state participation in their negotiated parcel costs will be based on actual costs not to exceed the approved values as indicated on form ROW-A-10. If the owner retains the improvements, the upper limits of state participation will be reduced accordingly.

If the approved value includes costs of right of way fencing, this may be included in the consideration paid to the property owner who then becomes responsible for doing the fencing. In addition, if the approved value includes costs of right of way fencing, the LPA may exclude fencing costs from the consideration paid the property owner and do the fencing as a property adjustment necessitated by the right of way acquisition. In either case, the state’s upper limit of participation will be the state’s approved value reduced for any retention in the amounts indicated on form ROW-A-10 Tabulation of Values.

If the approved value does not include a value for existing fences whose use will be restored by the new fence nor damages to re-fence, the state will participate in ninety (90) percent of the LPA firm commitment agreement with the state for the fencing or in the actual cost if a firm commitment has not been established.

Care must be exercised to provide notice of leasehold interests, pass rights to be retained, and of values approved for advertising signs. Notifying the LPA of all these facts at the approved value stage can avoid possible misunderstanding at the reimbursement stage (Chapter 6, Section 5, Cancellation of Approved Values).

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