Section 2: Reviewing Personnel

Anchor: #i1000937


All appraisals will be verified by ROW PD and entered into TxC before the establishment of an approved value.

ROW PD will approve all parcel values for:

ROW PD reviewing personnel must be state certified general review appraisers. They will conduct all technical reviews on appraisal reports and recommend for approval all parcel values in accordance with the ROW Appraisal and Review Manual, Chapters 3, 5, and 6. The review appraiser will complete the form ROW-A-10 Tabulation of Values in TxC. The review appraiser will sign and forward the form ROW-A-10 for approval to ROW PD or their ROWAPS Provider.

After approval, ROW PD will upload to OnBase the signed ROW-A-10 Tabulation of Values along with the appraisal report for records retention.

Although ROW PD reviewing personnel must be approved appraisers, the reviewer and the appraiser of a parcel must never be the same person.

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