Anchor: #i999296

Section 3: Acquisition of Land for Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Disposal Area Sites

Anchor: #i999301


TxDOT acquires disposal area sites along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway as required under the Texas Coastal Waterway Act of 1975. These sites are acquired in fee simple, and then the state conveys a surface easement to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a specific term and use. These sites are acquired only in Districts along the Texas coast.

The Maritime Division is the lead Division for this type of acquisition, and acquisition costs come out of the Maritime Divisions’s budget. ROW Project Delivery Section assists in the acquisition process.

The site selection process is quite extensive and involves various state and federal agencies. If this type of site is selected to be acquired, ROW Division will furnish instructions to TxDOT before contact with the landowner(s) is made and before negotiations for buying land for this use are begun.

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