Anchor: #i999650

Section 3: Sale of Site and Any Improvements No Longer Needed for a State Highway Purpose to a GE

Anchor: #i1021355


Note: The ROW Property Management Manual provides guidance for disposition of property interests that have been determined by a District Engineer to be no longer needed for state highway purposes. Unless otherwise stated, procedures outlined below apply to property interests that are no longer needed for state highway purposes.

TxDOT should contact identified governmental entities to determine if any of these entities need the site. TxDOT’s letter should state that these entities will have thirty days to notify TxDOT if they are interested in purchasing the site. If only one of these entities needs the site, then TxDOT will proceed with the sale of the site and any improvements. If more than one of these entities is interested in purchasing the site, the property can be sold through a sealed bid or cry-out auction process between entities.

If the site was donated to the state by one of these entities, they have priority to purchase the site.

If none of the entities is interested in purchasing the site, the property will be sold by advertising and receiving sealed bids (see Sealed Bid Sales) from the general public. The entities can bid on the site under this procedure.

Anchor: #i999679

TxDOT Written Recommendation

The District Engineer’s written recommendation to ROW Division Headquarters must include:

    Anchor: #MIAXFFSH
  • statement that the site is not needed for a state highway purpose and recommending the sale
  • Anchor: #RYNCKCMX
  • a copy of MNT’s written concurrence in the proposed sale
  • Anchor: #HLXGACIO
  • a copy of the original conveyance document(s) to the state
  • Anchor: #CDQWLOAU
  • a description of the land, which is either a metes and bounds description on letter-size paper signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, including a preamble citing the original conveyance(s) to the state with the recording information, or, if the land doesn’t need to be surveyed, a reference description of the recording information for the original conveyance(s) to the state
  • Anchor: #IDXMOQFQ
  • a letter-size survey plat prepared by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. The plat should show the site boundaries, including metes and bounds; north arrow; scale; legend; existing driveways; control of access (if applicable); and any existing drainage structures or utility lines.
  • Anchor: #CYLRXAEH
  • a letter-size area location map with north arrow
Anchor: #i999743

Resolution from GE

TxDOT obtains a resolution from the GE authorizing the purchase of the site and any improvements for the approved value.

TxDOT forwards the resolution to ROW Division Headquarters.

Anchor: #i999758

Conveyance of Property

ROW Division Headquarters will:

    Anchor: #LPBCAQKK
  • Prepare and submit a minute order for the Commission to consider the sale and conveyance of the site and any improvements.
  • Anchor: #OAURRJXS
  • Prepare the appropriate conveyance document.
  • Anchor: #NVOKRMRJ
  • Send the document to the Executive Director for signature if the sale amount is less than $100,000.
  • Anchor: #XMUGRAHB
  • If the sale amount is $100,000 or more, the Executive Director will concur by signing the document. ROW Division Headquarters will forward it to the Attorney General for review and signature.
  • Anchor: #HMCJVUMH
  • The Attorney General signs the document and forwards it to the Governor’s General Counsel for review.
  • Anchor: #OVCRQSQK
  • The Governor and the Secretary of State sign the document, and it is returned to ROW Division Headquarters.
  • Anchor: #BTLVYWAE
  • Notify the purchaser to send funds for purchase to the Finance Division (FIN) for deposit into the state highway fund.
  • Anchor: #XUHYUCHE
  • After FIN notifies ROW Division Headquarters that the funds have been deposited, ROW Division Headquarters sends the document to the TxDOT contact for recording and delivery to the purchaser.
Anchor: #i999808

Completion of Transaction

After TxDOT receives the recorded conveyance document, follow the procedures outlined under Proceeds from the Use or Disposition of Federally Funded Property in Chapter 1.

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