Chapter 2: Disposition of Real Property Facility Sites No Longer Needed for a State Highway Purpose

Anchor: #i999589

Section 1: Introduction

Anchor: #i999594


The disposition of sites with any improvements, including area office, maintenance office, and former district offices, is governed by Vernon’s Texas Codes Annotated Transportation Code, Chapter 202, Subchapter B. Policy of the Texas Transportation Commission (Commission) is set out in several minute orders. Only the Commission has the authority to determine that property is no longer needed for a state highway purpose.

The Maintenance Division (MNT) is generally responsible for managing all of TxDOT’s sites. TxDOT will determine whether the state holds title to the property, what kind of title or interest is owned (fee simple or easement), and whether any of the documents conveying that interest to the state contains a reversionary clause.

Improvements located on sites are generally sold with the land. If improvements are to be sold separately, TxDOT should contact the Support Services Division about the current procedure.

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