Anchor: #i1011380
A cache is a technological architecture component that exists between a computer system’s main memory and its disk storage system used to speed up references to data.
Anchor: #i1011391
A caisson is a watertight box or cylinder used in excavating for foundations or tunnel pits to hold out water so construction can be carried on.
Anchor: #i1011401
calendar day
A calendar day is a day scheduled for work as defined by a special provision to the Item 1 standard specification. A day is charged to the contractor regardless of weather conditions, material supplies, etc.
Anchor: #i1011411
  1. Calibration is the process of determining errors or differences from the true value and then either: (a) adjusting the equipment to reduce the errors to an acceptable level, or (b) calculating correction factors to use with the instrument.
  2. Manual of Testing Procedures
  3. Calibration is the process of estimating travel demand model variables such as trip rates, K-factors, mean trip lengths, and trip length frequency distributions based on surveyed or observed data.
  4. Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
    Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1011445
The camber is the rise or crown of the center of a bridge, or flowline through a culvert, above a straight line through its end.
Bridge Design Manual
Anchor: #i1011455
Caminos y Puentes Federales de Ingresos y Servicios Conexos
Caminos y Puentes Federales de Ingresos y Servicios Conexos is the Mexican national toll authority.
Anchor: #i1011480
cancellation charge
Cancellation charge means a fee, charge, or payment that a private entity assesses or retains because of the cancellation or change of a travel reservation or other travel plan. For example, a non-refundable purchase of an airline ticket becomes a cancellation charge when the ticket becomes unusable because of changed travel plans.
Travel Manual
Anchor: #i1011500
cancellation of a value
Cancellation of a value is a district’s cancellation of the approved value when a parcel or parcel number is changed and the parcel’s value has previously been approved.
Right of Way Collection
Anchor: #i1011515
candela or candlepower
The candela or candlepower is the unit of luminous intensity (I) emitted by a light source in a given direction.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1011537
A cantilever is the part of a structure that extends beyond its support.
Bridge Design Manual
Anchor: #i1011557
capable of being locked out
An energy-isolating device is capable of being locked out if it has a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a locking mechanism built in.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1011571
Capacitance is the ability to store energy in an electrostatic field. Capacitance is measured in farads or microfarads.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1011591
Capacity is the number of vehicles that can traverse a point or section of a lane or roadway during a set time period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
capital asset
A capital asset is an item other than a consumable that benefits the current and one or more future fiscal years. Stated differently, a capital asset is an item that does not perish with use, but which may be used after the fiscal year in which it is purchased. Examples include machines, fixtures, books, bookbindings, and microfilms of newspapers are capital assets.
Voucher Manual
Anchor: #i1011631
capital cost of contracting
Capital cost of contracting is the capital portion of contracted service costs includes depreciation, interest on facilities and equipment, as well as those allowable capital costs that would otherwise be incurred directly, including maintenance.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1011658
career-ladder (noncompetitive) promotion
A career-ladder promotion is a noncompetitive progression to a higher salary group, generally in the same business job family but with higher levels of responsibilities and requirements. A career-ladder promotion is possible across business job families if the duties and requirements for the families are sufficiently similar or related. In all cases, employees will meet the minimum requirements listed in the business job description for the position.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1011683
A carpool is an arrangement in which two or more people share the use, cost, or both of traveling in privately-owned automobiles between fixed points on a regular basis.
Anchor: #i1011693
Carryover is the estimated amount of funds programmed in the UPWP that the MPO does not expect to expend in the fiscal year and wishes to use in the next fiscal year.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1011707
carve out
A carve out is the deduction of values of specific improvements, such as a swimming pool, located at the displacement site but not located at the selected comparable replacement site.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1011722
cash basis
Cash basis refers to an accounting system in which revenues are recorded when received in cash and costs are recognized when paid.
Cast-in-place refers to the method of constructing concrete structures using forms, falsework, and bracing at its final locations.
Anchor: #i1011772
causal factor
Causal factor is an act, omission, condition, or circumstance that either starts or sustains an incident sequence; it may be related to persons or machines. A given act, omission, condition, or circumstance is a causal factor if correcting, eliminating, or avoiding it would prevent the incident or mitigate damage or injury.
Public Transportation Collection
catalog purchase
Catalog purchase is a method of purchase established by Texas law to procure specific information and telecommunications systems hardware, software, selected supplies and selected services. Purchases are made only from vendors qualified as qualified information systems vendors by the General Services Commission.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1011809
categorical exclusion
Cat Ex or CE
A categorical exclusion refers to a project which involves no significant environmental impacts. They are actions that do not induce significant impacts to planned growth or land use for the area; do not require the relocation of significant numbers of people; do not have a significant impact on any natural, cultural, recreational, historic or other natural resource; do not involve significant air, noise or water quality impacts; do not have significant impacts on travel patterns; or do not otherwise, either individually or cumulatively have any significant environmental impact.
Anchor: #i1011824
cathode ray tube
A cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube on which images are produced by a stream of electrons. CRT often refers to a display device (commonly, a computer monitor) that uses the tube.
Anchor: #i1011839
cathodic protection
Cathodic protection is a way to prevent corrosion of a pipeline by using special cathodes (and anodes) to circumvent corrosive damage by electric current. It is also a function of zone coating on iron and steel drainage products-galvanic action.
Anchor: #i1011851
CA-Top Secret
CA-Top Secret is the access control software the department uses to protect information resources on its mainframe computer.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1011871
cattle guard
A cattle guard is a structure placed to permit passage of vehicles but not animals over a highway.
Anchor: #i1011881
A causeway is a bridge or roadway constructed over marshy land or water. It may be either an earth fill or bridge type structure.
Bridge Design Manual
Anchor: #i1011911
cement factor
The cement factor refers to the number of sacks of cement used to produce one cubic yard of concrete.
Anchor: #i1011921
cement stabilized base
A cement stabilized base is a mixture of base course, Portland cement and water then compacted to a high density.
Anchor: #i1011961
C/L, C.L., CL or C-Line
The centerline is a line dividing the roadway from opposite moving traffic. It is a survey line with continuous stationing for the length of the project. Construction plans and right of way maps refer to this line. Horizontal alignment is the center of the roadbed.
Anchor: #i1011976
centerline mile
A centerline mile is a measure of the total length (in miles) of highway facility in-place or proposed, as measured along the highway centerline.
Pavement Management Information System Users Manual
centralized master bidders list
  1. The centralized master bidders list is a list of vendors registered with the General Services Commission for use by all state agencies for all procurements in which competitive bids are required.
  2. Purchasing Manual
  3. The centralized master bidders list is a Texas bid subscription service listing registered bidders who have paid a maintenance fee to review bid opportunities.
  4. Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1012037
central processing unit
The central processing unit is the main controlling and operating part of a computer. The CPU contains the arithmetic-logic unit and any other hardware control essential to the central controlling of the computer.
Anchor: #i1012052
Centroid is the center of activity within each traffic serial zone. May or may not be the geographic center of the zone.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #i1012066
centroid connectors
Centroid connectors are an imaginary roadway network links that connects the zone centroid to the roadway network at nodes.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #i1012080
certificate authority
The certificate authority is the “notary public” of digital certificates. It is an objective, in-house or third-party authority that assigns secure encryption keys. The CA provides a point of trust recognized by both parties and validation of a user’s identity.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1012110
Certificate of Insurance
Certificate of Insurance is a department-approved form covering standard insurance requirements.
Maintenance Contract Manual
Anchor: #i1012124
  1. A certification is a document furnished by the manufacturer containing the following information: Name and address of the manufacturer and the location where the manufacturing process occurred (if different from the address), manufacturing step(s) performed by the manufacturer, heat number(s), lot number(s) or any other identification used to identify the material, a notarized statement from the manufacturer attesting to the domestic origin of the material and signed by a person who can legally represent the manufacturer.
  2. Material Inspection Guide
  3. Certification is a document stating that the device under test meets a specified standard. Calibration certifications shall identify the device tested, the procedure used, the test date, and the name of the person(s) performing the calibration. The certificates may also include the range of values tested, the errors found, and identify the calibration standards used and their relationship to accepted standards.
  4. Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012194
certified local government
A certified local government is a local government whose local historic preservation program has been certified pursuant to Section 470a(c) of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Environmental Manual
Anchor: #i1012218
certified post-move inventory
A certified post-move inventory is a department-certified inventory made of personal property after the move to the replacement dwelling in order to certify the validity of the reimbursement of moving expenses. (This term is not widely used anymore.)
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1012233
certified pre-move inventory
A certified pre-move inventory is a Department-certified inventory made of personal property before the move to the replacement dwelling in order to establish reimbursement of moving expenses. (This term is not widely used anymore.)
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1012292
certified purchaser
A certified purchaser is a person who has completed the necessary education, experience and examination requirements and has been certified by a recognized national organization that establishes professional purchasing designation programs. Recognized certifications are: certified professional public buyer (CPPB), accredited purchasing practitioner (A.P.P.), certified public procurement officer (CPPO), or certified purchasing manager (C.P.M). Required for specific purchasing positions.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1012309
chain purchasing
Chain purchasing is the practice of breaking requests or purchases into smaller requests or purchases in order to circumvent any established purchasing threshold. Chain purchasing is prohibited.
Purchasing Manual
challenge handshake authentication protocol
Challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP) is an access control protocol. For this proto-col, the server sends a challenge message to the connection requestor. The requestor responds with a value obtained by using a one-way hash function. The server checks the response by comparing it to its own calculation of the expected hash value. If the values match; the authentication is acknowledged. Otherwise, the connection will usually be terminated. The server can send a new challenge message to the connected party at anytime.A CHAP can also be a type of authentication in which the authentication agent (typically a network server) sends the client a random value and an ID. At the beginning of the transaction, the client and server agree on a predefined secret. The client concatenates the random value, the ID, and the secret, and calculates a one-way hash value using the MD5 algorithm. The hash value is sent to the authenticator, which in turn builds the same string on its side (random value, ID, and secret). It then calculates the MD5 hash value itself, and compares the result with the value received from the cli-ent. If the value from the client and the value from the server match, the client is authenticated to the server.
Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1012324
changeable message sign
See Dynamic Message Sign (DMS). CMS is also an acronym used in the planning context to denote Congestion Management System.
Traffic Operations
Anchor: #i1012339
change control
Change control is the procedure to ensure that all changes are controlled, including the submission, analysis, decision making, approval, implementation and post-implementation of the change.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1012354
change order
Change order is a written agreement entered into between the contractor and the State, covering alterations and changes in contract and/or plans which are necessary to the proper completion of the work.
Anchor: #i1012364
  1. A channel is the bed where a stream of water runs.
  2. A channel is a natural or artificial stream that conveys water. Channels are often classified by their size and purpose.
Anchor: #i1012374
channel stabilization
Channel stabilization refers to erosion prevention and stabilization of velocity distribution in a channel using nonstructural and structural measures.
Anchor: #i1012385
Channelization is the separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by use of pavement markings, raised islands, or other suitable means for the safe and orderly movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Anchor: #i1012395
channelized intersection
A channelized intersection is an at-grade intersection in which traffic is directed into definite paths by islands.
Anchor: #i1012405
charter service
Charter service is a transit vehicle hired for exclusive use by a group of people traveling under a specific itinerary. The vehicle does not operate over a regular route or on a regular schedule, and is not available to the general public.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1012422
check dam
A check dam is a small dam constructed in a gully or other small water-course to decrease the streamflow velocity, minimize channel scour, and promote deposition of sediment.
Anchor: #i1012432
check sample
A check sample is an additional AQMP, Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program, sample to be tested to replace the original AQMP test results.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012456
chief administrator
Chief administrator is the person who has the day-to-day-responsibility for managing the agency's operations.
Travel Manual
Anchor: #i1012471
child passenger violators course
The child passenger violators course is a training course taught by local police officers that a passenger safety seat violator may be taken in lieu of paying a fine.
Anchor: #i1012486
Childress District
The Childress District is a TxDOT district office including the following counties: Briscoe, Childress, Collingsworth, Cottle, Dickens, Donley, Foard, Hall, Hardeman, King, Knox, Motley, and Wheeler. The district has a North Area Office and a South Area Office.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1012505
A chord is a straight line joining two points on a circular curve.
circuitry of travel
Circuitry of travel is a phrase used to describe the fact that a less convenient, more indirect access to and from a property will exist after the right of way acquisition. From a legal standpoint, any alleged damages to the remainder resulting from such are considered noncompensable.
Right of Way Collection
Anchor: #i1012530
citation by publication
Citation by publication is when eminent domain proceedings are initiated, and owners of record cannot be located or identified, notice of such proceedings must be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in a widely circulated publication (i.e., newspaper) serving the area in which the property is located and/or where the owner was last known to live.
ROW Utility Manual
Civil Rights, Office of
The Office of Civil Rights (formerly the Civil Rights Division; CIV) ensures equal opportunities in employment, promotions, and training. It investigates internal and external complaints.
Anchor: #i1012569
city street
A city street is a road under the jurisdiction a city government or other local entity or incorporated area government, for which that government is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the roadway and associated structures.
Historic Bridge Manual
Anchor: #i1012602
Claimant is the person requesting reimbursement for travel expenditures.
Travel Manual
Anchor: #i1012627
class and item code
The class and item code is a breakdown of items from the General Services Commission commodity book.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1012641
Classification is the assignment of business job descriptions to appropriate salary groups within the State Classification Plan.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1012655
Clay is a fine grained soil that can be made to exhibit plasticity (putty-like properties) within a range of water contents and that exhibits considerable strength when air dry. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012669
clay size
Clay size refers to any material finer than 0.0002 mm (2µm) though not necessarily exhibiting clay characteristics. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012685
Clean Air Act of 1970
The Clean Air Act of 1970 is a national policy that authorizes programs to safeguard the air resources from pollution by controlling or abating air pollution and emissions of air contaminants consistent with the protection of health, general welfare, and physical property of the people including the aesthetic enjoyment of the air resources by the people and the maintenance of adequate visibility.
Anchor: #i1012700
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 is a set of revisions/amendments passed by congress to the Clean Air Act of 1970 (CAA). Includes procedures that apply to all transportation plans, programs, and projects as they relate to air quality. Reference 42 USC §7410 et. seq.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1012719
Clean Water Act (federal water pollution control act)
The Clean Water Act is a national policy that authorizes programs to safeguard surface water sources, including special aquatic sites, by regulating actions which could lead to the destruction or degradation of the quality of these resources. This includes safeguards from pollution by controlling or abating water pollution and sources of water contaminants and from actions that may result in the discharge of storm water, dredged and fill material into these waters consistent with the protection of health, general welfare and physical property of the people including the enjoyment of the water resources by the people and the maintenance of adequate water quality and the protection of fish, wildlife, and critical habitat.
Anchor: #i1012729
clearing account
A clearing account is a Financial Information Management System Segment 70 collection point for expenditures that are later distributed to jobs or other FIMS segments.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1012744
clear zone
The clear zone (also called the clear recovery area) is an area provided along highways to allow vehicles veering off the travel lane opportunity for safe recovery or stopping. The clear zone width (always measured from the edge of the travel lane) depends on several roadway factors.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1012759
clearing or grubbing
Clearing or grubbing refers to the removal of vegetation, structures or other objects as an item of highway or transportation facility construction.
Anchor: #i1012769
A client is a computing platform component in a client/server architecture that is functioning as the requester of processing services.
Anchor: #i1012779
Client/server is a networking architecture through which a personal computer or workstation (client) requests information from a Local Area Network file server, mini-computer or mainframe (server). The client supplies the user interface and conducts application processing. The server maintains databases and processes client requests.
Anchor: #i1012789
close out
Close out are the actions required to close out or complete the contract, including receipt and acceptance of deliverables and reports, resolution of audit findings, receipt of outside approvals if applicable, resolution of other contract-related issues, and issuance of final payment.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1012804
coarse aggregate
Coarse aggregate is the portion of aggregate retained on the 2.00mm (No. 10 sieve for Bituminous Concrete or retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve for Portland Cement Concrete. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012858
code chart
A code chart is a list of standard codes used in an automated system to describe department activities.
Anchor: #i1012868
Code of Federal Regulations
The U. S. Code of Federal Regulations refers to a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is divided into chapters, which usually bear the name of the issuing agency (e.g., 23 – Highways, 49 – Transportation). Each chapter is further subdivided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1012897
coding block
A coding block is the input to the computerized accounting system and is accomplished by codes which describe district/division operations. A printed coding block on the computer input forms serves to arrange the coding in a computer-processable form.
Anchor: #i1012907
coefficient of curvature
Coefficient of curvature is the ratio (D30)2/(D10 • D60), where D60, D30, and D10 are the particle diameters corresponding to 60, 30 and 10% finer on the cumulative particle-size distribution curve, respectively.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012929
coefficient of friction
The coefficient of friction is the ratio of the force of resistance to the wheel load. The coefficient of friction may be determined from the formula.
Anchor: #i1012939
coefficient of uniformity
Coefficient of uniformity is the ratio (D60/D10), where D60 and D10 are the particle diameters corresponding to 60 and 10% finer on the cumulative particle-size distribution curve, respectively.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1012958
A cofferdam is a barrier built in the water to form an enclosure from which the water is pumped to permit free access to the area within.
Bridge Design Manual
Anchor: #i1012968
A cohesiometer is a piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the ability of compacted asphalt concrete to resist tensile stress.
Anchor: #i1012978
cohesiometer value
The cohesiometer value denotes the tensile strength of a material which is expressed in grams per inch width for a three-inch high specimen when measured with a cohesiometer.
Anchor: #i1012988
Cohesion is the ability of soil particles to stick together in the presence of moisture.
Anchor: #i1012998
cohesionless sand
Cohesionless sand is sandy soil whose layer, when wetted to slightly below optimum water content, mixed thoroughly and molded in a 51mm (2 in.) lifts, is sheared or torn by the ram in excess of 215.4 mm (1 in.) on the last (50th) blow.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1013024
collapsed backbone router
Collapsed backbone router is a technology in which a router is used to directly switch Local Area Network traffic from message originator to message addressee, thus making the electronic communications process more efficient.
Anchor: #i1013034
collection site
A collection site is a place selected by the employer where employees present themselves for providing a urine specimen for a drug test and/or providing breath or saliva for an alcohol test.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1013049
College Traffic Safety Program
The College Traffic Safety Program is the college and university campus-based program focusing on two or more traffic safety issues.
Anchor: #i1013064
Collusion is an agreement between two or more persons to defraud a person of his rights by the forms of law, or to obtain an object forbidden by law. It implies the existence of fraud of some kind, the employment of fraudulent means, or of lawful means for the accomplishment of an unlawful purpose. A secret combination, conspiracy, or concert of action between two or more persons for fraudulent or deceitful purpose.
Letting Manual
Anchor: #i1013078
A column is a vertical supporting pillar, usually a round shaft.
Anchor: #i1013098
combined sewer
A combined sewer is one that carries both storm water and sanitary or industrial wastes.
Anchor: #comfort_station
comfort station
A comfort station is one of 19 specifically designated rest areas along hurricane evacuation routes that will be converted during an emergency to offer water and ice (staffed by volunteers) to evacuees. Some may offer additional portable rest room facilities and additional services (snacks, etc.) depending upon volunteer efforts. No fuel services are offered at comfort stations.
Maintenance Division
Anchor: #i1013118
commencement of construction
Commencement of construction refers to the initial disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, or excavating activities or other construction activities.
commercial driver’s license
A commercial drivers’ license is a license issued to an individual that authorizes the individual to drive a class of commercial motor vehicle.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1013148
commercial lodging establishment
Commercial lodging establishment means a hotel, motel, inn, apartment, house, or similar entity that furnishes lodging to the public for pay. This term includes a governmental property controlled by that entity, or a religious organization, or a private educational institute.
Travel Manual
Anchor: #i1013163
commercial motor vehicle
A commercial motor vehicle is a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used to transport passengers or property that meets at least one of the following criteria: a gross combination weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds, including a towed unit with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds; a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds, designed to transport 16 or more occupants, including the driver; and transporting hazardous materials and required to be placarded under 49 CFR Part 172.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1013203
Commission means the �Texas Transportation Commission.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1013220
commission policy, TxDOT
TxDOT commission policy is initiated by minute order and usually provides internal guidance at the most general level and directly or indirectly helps define the mission of the agency and its relationship with the public. Rule policy is needed when commission policy affects the public.
Anchor: #i1013230
commission selected projects
Commission selected projects are special projects selected by the commission which are funded by a ten percent set-aside from state funds allocated to transit districts.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1013245
commissioners’ award
A commissioners’ award is the amount of money awarded by the Special Commissioners to the condemnee.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1013260
Common Business Oriented Language
Common Business Oriented Language is an early high-level programming language designed for business applications.
Anchor: #i1013275
common ditch agreement
A common ditch agreement is a form of joint use agreement used for the common usage of longitudinal right of way. It usually involves permission to use the drainage or ditch area between two rights of way.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1013290
common rule
Common rule is Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 18, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments" (cited as 49 CFR Part 18) as it may be changed or superseded.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1013305
communications management information protocol
Communications management information protocol is a network management protocol developed by the International Standards Organization.
Anchor: #i1013320
communications ring
A communications ring is a local area network or wide area network based, electronic communications segment that has been organized along some combination of functional, geographical and/or topological boundary.
A particular communications ring may be designed to provide LAN services only for users located within a particular building.
Anchor: #i1013330
Community Supervision and Corrections Department
Community Supervision and Corrections Department is the new designation for local probation departments in Texas.
Anchor: #i1013366
Community/Corridor Traffic Safety Program
Community/Corridor Traffic Safety Program is a joint initiatives between the Federal Highway Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. All community based multi-issue projects will now be referred to as Community/Corridor Traffic Safety Programs. This means that any identifiable roadways in the area that have worse-than-average traffic safety problems, such as large concentrations of Drinking While Intoxicated, speeding offenses, or other traffic problems will also be included in the safety initiatives developed by the Corridor Traffic Safety Program.
A jurisdiction may decide to do some additional enforcement for a particular stretch of roadway, conduct a public information and education campaign, or provide additional striping or signage.
Anchor: #i1013381
commuter rail (transit)
Commuter rail is urban passenger train service for short distance (local) travel between a central city and adjacent suburbs and long haul (regional) passenger service between cities. It does not include heavy rail service or light rail service. Commuter rail often shares track with freight tracks.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1013401
Compaction is the application of pressure to dirt to result in a dense mass free of excessive voids. Compaction minimizes settlement, decreases permeability, and increases strength.
Anchor: #i1013411
compaction factor
The compaction factor is the ratio between the volume of naturally existing material to the volume of compacted embankment.
Anchor: #i1013421
compactive effort
Compactive effort is the total energy, expressed as kilo-Newton-meters per cubic meter (foot-pounds per cubic inch) used to compact the specimen.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1013435
comparable replacement dwelling
A comparable replacement dwelling is a dwelling which is:
  • decent, safe and sanitary
  • functionally equivalent to the displacement dwelling. This means it performs the same function, and provides the same utility. While a comparable replacement dwelling need not possess every feature of the displacement dwelling, the principal features must be present. Generally functional equivalency is an objective standard, reflecting the range of purposes for which various physical features of a dwelling may be used. If every feature is not present in the comparable replacement dwelling, TxDOT may consider reasonable trade-offs for specific features when the replacement unit is equal to or better than the displacement dwelling.
  • adequate in size to accommodate the occupants;
  • in an area not subject to unreasonable environmental conditions;
  • in a location generally not less desirable than the location of the displacement dwelling with respect to public utilities, commercial and public facilities, and reasonably accessible to the person’s place of employment;
  • on a site that is typical in size for residential use, with normal site improvements, including customary landscaping. The site need not include special improvements such as swimming pools, greenhouses or other major exterior attributes not necessary for the functional equivalency of the replacement dwelling;
  • currently available to the displaced person on the private market, except as provided under rules for subsidized housing;
  • within the financial means of the displaced person (refer to Chapters 16 and 17 of Volume 3 of TxDOT’s ROW Manual);
  • for a person receiving government housing assistance before displacement, a dwelling that may reflect similar governmental housing assistance. In such cases any requirements of the governmental housing assistance program relating to the size of the replacement dwelling shall apply.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1013494
compensable interest
Compensable interest is a right or interest in real property and/or facilities placed upon real property that qualify under State law for reimbursement for some or all of the cost of the relocation of the facilities as necessitated by the Texas Department of Transportation.
ROW Utility Manual
Anchor: #i1013508
compensatory time
Regular compensatory time is time awarded in lieu of cash payment to eligible employees in compensation for regular or FLSA overtime worked. Declared disaster or emergency compensatory time is time earned for extra hours worked during a time of a disaster or emergency as declared by the appropriate state or federal official.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1013522
competitive promotion
A competitive promotion is a promotion in which a vacancy is announced, an employee applies and competes with other applicants who may or may not be current employees of the department, and is selected with the result that his or her new duty assignment is in a higher salary group.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1013536
competitive situation
A competitive situation is a situation in which there may be more than one qualified potential applicant for a job.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1013550
complete immersion thermometers
A complete immersion thermometer is a liquid-in-glass thermometer designed to read correctly when the entire body is exposed to the same temperature. Thermometers inside ovens are being used as complete immersion thermometers.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1013564
complete interchange lighting
Complete interchange lighting means the lighting, within the limits of the interchange, of the main lanes, direct connections, ramp terminals, and frontage road-crossroad intersections. (See �partial interchange lighting.)
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1013581
Completion is satisfactory performance of a contract.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1013606
composite pavement
Composite pavement is a pavement structure which has flexible and rigid layers. These pavements usually have one or more asphalt concrete layers on top of a portland cement concrete slab, although some have a portland cement concrete slab on top of asphalt concrete.
Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) Users Manual
Anchor: #i1013620
compound curve
A compound curve is a two-arc simple curve having its centers on the same side of the common tangent at the junction.
Anchor: #i1013660
Compressibility is the property of soil which permits it to reduce in volume under pressure.
Anchor: #i1013680
comptroller journal voucher
A comptroller journal voucher is a voucher provided by the state comptroller for recording adjusting transactions in the Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS).
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1013695
comptroller object of revenue
The comptroller object of revenue is a code designatated by the comptroller to identify a type of revenue. The codes are contained in Reference FIMS Code Chart 54.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1013710
comptroller’s vendor identification number
The comptroller’s vendor identification number is a 14-digit vendor number assigned by the Texas comptroller of public accounts. The first digit represents the general classification of vendor (business, individual non-profit, etc.) The next nine digits are the vendor’s tax number or the individual’s social security number. The eleventh digit is a check digit and the last three digits constitute an address code.
Anchor: #i1013730
computer-assisted instruction
Computer-assisted instruction is training assistance provided from a computer that augments other forms of training. Individual instruction can include presentations by computer-prompted questions requiring student responses and participation. Exercises and computer-prompted student involvement are referred to as CAI when total control remains outside of a computer program. Students being able to progress through the materials at their own rate and time schedule is a big advantage of CAI.
Anchor: #i1013815
computer-based training
Computer-based training is instruction and training oriented completely around a computer-based programmed sequence of instruction and required responses from the student/trainee. CBT consists of computer-prompted exercises that a student/trainee performs and questions that require a response to the computer. CBT refers to instruction that is under total, or almost total, control of computer-prompted sequences presented to the student. Any time the instruction program is active can be a training time for anyone enrolled.
computer fraud
Computer fraud is computer-related crimes involving deliberate misrepresentation, alteration or dis-closure of data in order to obtain something of value (usually for monetary gain). A computer system must have been involved in the perpetration or cover-up of the act or series of acts. A com-puter system might have been involved through improper manipulation of input data, output or results, applications programs, data files, computer operations, communications, or computer hard-ware, systems software, or firmware.
Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1013830
computer intrusion response team
A computer intrusion response team is a service organization that is responsible for receiving, reviewing, and responding to computer security incident reports and activity. A CIRT can be a formalized team or an ad hoc team. A formalized team performs incident response work as its major job function. An ad hoc team is called together during an ongoing computer security incident or to respond to an incident when the need arises.
Information Security Manual
computer network attack
Computer network attack (CNA) is an operation to disrupt, deny, degrade, or destroy information resident in computers and computer networks, or the computers and networks themselves.
Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1013755
computer program
A computer program is a set of instructions which automatically controls the operation of a computer in the solution of a problem.
Anchor: #i1013867
computing platform
Computing platform is used generically to represent a functional combination of computer system hardware, software and all supporting peripherals and services that, when employed together, deliver computing services to a user or group of users.
Anchor: #i1013887
concentrated flow
Concentrated flow means water, usually storm runoff, flowing in a confined feature such as a channel, ditch, swale, river, etc.
Anchor: #i1013897
conceptual design
Conceptual design is a stage in the computer system design, specification and development process. In this context, this term refers to the development stage during which the high level requirements, design implications and recommendations are determined and documented. The end result of this activity is known as the architecturally based “conceptual design.”
Anchor: #i1013907
Concrete is a composite material consisting of a binding medium within which are embedded particles or fragments of aggregate; in hydraulic cement concrete, the binder is formed from a mixture of hydraulic cement and water. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1013921
concrete admixture
Concrete admixture is any material other than Portland cement, water, and aggregates, which is added to concrete before or during mixing.
Anchor: #i1013931
concrete median/traffic barrier
Concrete traffic barrier.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1013951
concrete patches
Concrete patches are a continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRP) or jointed concrete pavement (JCP) distress type in which a localized area of newer concrete has been placed to the full depth of the existing slab as a method of correcting surface or structural defects. Concrete patches range from 0 to 999 for both CRCP and JCP.
Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) Rater's Manual
Anchor: #i1013965
concrete pavement contraction design
Concrete pavement contraction design is Portland cement concrete pavement with reinforcement only at the joints, sometimes referred to as a hinged joint design.
Anchor: #i1013980
concrete pavement jointed reinforced
Concrete pavement jointed reinforced is Portland cement concrete pavement with joints at appropriate spacing and with significant steel reinforcement to deter excess transverse cracking.
Anchor: #i1014015
concurrent routes
Concurrent routes are two or more highways designated over the same physical roadway.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1014029
concurrent users
Concurrent users are the group of users within a business processing environment that are requesting processing services from the environment all at the same point in time. The size of this group can be equal but is generally less than that of “total users” group.
Anchor: #i1014039
condemnation (right of way)
Condemnation is the process by which property interests are acquired for public purposes through legal proceedings under power of eminent domain (with such legal proceedings providing the process and procedure for both the determination and the payment of just compensation to the property owner). See also �eminent domain.
Anchor: #i1014051
A condemnee is the party in a condemnation action from whom real property is being sought.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1014066
A condemnor is any governmental agency bringing condemnation proceedings against a property owner.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1014081
condition score
Condition score is a Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) term which describes the overall condition of a pavement in terms of ride quality and pavement distress. Condition score ranges from 1 (worst condition) to 100 (best condition).
Pavement Management Information System Users Manual
Anchor: #i1014095
Conditional Grant Program
The Conditional Grant Program is a department program that provides financial assistance for economically disadvantaged students to attend college and pursue a degree in designated career fields based on critical business operation needs in hard-to-fill job categories.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1014109
A conductor is electrical wire, bare or insulated.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1014124
A conduit is a pipe or other opening buried or above ground, for conveying hydraulic traffic, pipelines, cables, or other utilities.
Anchor: #i1014134
confidential information
Confidential information is information that is excepted from disclosure requirements under the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act (formerly the Texas Open Records Act) or other applicable state or federal law.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1014149
confined space
A confined space is a space that: is large enough and so configured than an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work; and has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. Examples include tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults and pits.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1014165
conflict of interest
Conflict of interest is a situation in which an employee’s private interest (usually financial or economic in nature) conflicts or raises a reasonable question of conflict with the employee’s public duties and responsibilities.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1014180
conflict monitor
Conflict monitor is a conflict monitor only.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1014194
conforming sign
A conforming sign is a sign that is lawfully in place in a zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial area and which complies with all current rules and statutes.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1014209
Conformity or transportation conformity refers to the Clean Air Act requirements that transportation plans and transportation improvement programs in non-attainment or maintenance areas meet the intent of the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conformity regulations contained in 40 CFR Part 51. Emissions caused by transportation plans and programs in these areas must not exceed the level of motor vehicle emissions allowed in the Texas SIP and the EPA regulations.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1014233
congestion management system
Congestion management system is a systematic process which provides information on transportation system performance and alternative strategies for alleviating congestion and enhancing mobility. Alternative strategies may include: �Transportation Control Measures (TCMs), �Transportation Systems Management, and �Transportation Demand Management. CMS is also an acronym used in the traffic engineering context to denote changeable message sign.
Traffic Operations
Anchor: #i1014257
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
A federal program which provides funds for a project in a �non-attainment area that contributes to the attainment of natural ambient air quality standards or will have certified benefits to air quality.
Anchor: #i1014274
congestion pricing
Congestion pricing involves charging users of transportation or transportation-related facilities (e.g., parking) a fee for the purpose of reducing congestion. Congestion pricing may take the form of variable toll pricing (peak-period surcharges and off-peak discounts) or variable parking price rates.
Anchor: #i1014284
Conglomerate is the coarse grained clastic, sedimentary accumulation of particles, composed of rounded to sub-angular fragments larger than 2 mm (0.08 in.) in diameter, set in a fine-grained matrix of sand or silt and commonly cemented by calcium carbonate, iron oxide, silica or hardened clay. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1014308
connection spacing
Connection spacing is the distance between connections, which is measured along the edge of the traveled way from the closest edge of pavement of the first access connection to the closest edge of pavement of the second access connection.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i1014323
Consistency describes the degree of fluidity or plasticity of asphalt cement at a particular temperature. The consistency of asphalt cement varies with temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to use a standard temperature (140°F) when comparing the consistency of one grade of asphalt to another.
Anchor: #i1014343
consolidated metropolitan statistical area
Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area - If an area that qualifies as a Metropolitan Area (MA) has more than one million persons, primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSA) may be defined within the MA. When PMSAs are designated, the larger area of which the PMSAs are component parts is designated a Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA). (Bureau of the Census definition)
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1014372
Constructability is the ability of a project to be accurately constructed from information presented in plans and specifications.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1014398
construction data
Construction data is the information to build completed sub-grade section computed for each station. Cuts and fills are computed using elevation of construction hubs.
Anchor: #i1014408
Construction Division
The Construction Division oversees the highway construction and improvement program; provides service and expertise in materials quality and technology; supports pavement management and pavement research projects; and administers the disadvantaged Business Enterprise, Historically Underutilized Business and Small Business Enterprise programs.
Anchor: #i1014423
Construction Division Business Opportunity Programs Section
The Construction Division Business Opportunity Programs Section reviews, coordinates, and determines goals for each contracted project that must adhere to Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) and Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) program requirements. Formerly the Construction Division Business Opportunities Office (CST-BOP).

NOTE: The Business Opportunity Program has been discontinued. It was replaced by DBE/HUB/SBE Progams.

Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1014438
construction engineering
Construction engineering is the interpretation of plans and specifications and formulation of engineering decisions during the period that the project is under construction.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1014453
construction engineering percentage
CE %
Percent of construction engineering for a control section job number.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1014473
construction hubs
Construction hubs are offset points, usually in right of way line on each side of centerline, from which the roadway is referred to by elevation and distance at different points of roadway or existing ground.
Anchor: #i1014483
construction inspection
Construction inspection - Inspection of construction methods and materials by inspectors who report directly to the department’s project manager.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1014498
construction joint
A construction joint is a joint made necessary because of interruption in the placing of material during construction.
Anchor: #i1014508
construction letting date
Construction letting date is the date by which bids on a highway construction project are opened.
ROW Utility Manual
Anchor: #i1014522
construction license agreement
A construction license agreement is a temporary agreement, usually between TxDOT and a property owner, for a specific construction-related purpose. Typical agreements cover the construction of earthwork and driveway connections on private property.
Anchor: #i1014532
construction management
Construction management is construction engineering performed by the professional engineer in responsible charge of the construction project to direct the Provider concerning changes, additions, or deletions to the project.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1014557
Construction Material System
The Construction Material System is a prototype development project for small computers (micro- or minicomputers) scheduled for the time period 1984-1987. This operation is directed to construction-related inspections and record keeping functions.
Anchor: #i1014572
construction plans
Construction plans are the drawings approved by the engineer, or true reproductions thereof, which show the location, character, dimensions, and details of the work and which are a part of the contract.
Anchor: #i1014582
Construction and Maintenance Contract System
The Construction and Maintenance Contract System is a contract information system managed by the Construction Division.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1014612
construction speed zone request
When reduced regulatory speed zoning is desired during construction of a project, TxDOT Form 1204 (revised 12/97), “Request for Construction Speed Zone”, should be submitted to the Design Division along with PS&E. The Design Division will forward the form to the Traffic Operations Division for review and processing for Transportation Commission action.
Anchor: #i1014622
construction speed zoning
Posted speeds during construction can either be advisory or regulatory. Advisory speeds are communicated to the travelling public through speed plates used in conjunction with construction warning signs. Regulatory construction speeds should be used only for sections of construction where speed control is of major importance and enforcement is available. Regulatory speeds must be authorized by either the Transportation Commission or local city ordinance. Speed zones over 60mph in cities must be authorized by a �minute order.
Anchor: #i1014634
constructive use impact
Constructive use impacts to a Section 4(f) property are impacts such as noise or water runoff that can be quantified as well as visual intrusions that can be qualified. These impacts may occur when a project is close to a Section 4(f) property and result when the Section 4(f) resource’s function or integrity is adversely affected.
Anchor: #i1014644
Consultant is a service defined in Texas Government Code §2254.021 et seq. (§2155.001) and exempt from the competitive requirements of the Purchasing Act.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1014694
Consultant Review Committee
The Consultant Review Committee is the department committee that oversees the provider review process.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1014714
consultant selection team
The consultant selection team is the department’s managing office team that develops the long list and short list, and evaluates proposals and interviews.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1014734
Consultation is when one party confers with another identified party and, prior to taking action(s), considers that party's views.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1014758
consulting service
Consulting service is the service of studying or advising a state agency under a contract that does not involve the traditional relationship of employer and employee.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1014773
Consumable items are those that can be used up or depleted within one year.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1014797
Contaminated means the presence or the reasonably-anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item or surface.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1014811
A contaminant is any solute that enters the hydrologic cycle through human action.
Environmental Affairs Division
Anchor: #i1014826
contiguous route segment
A contiguous route segment is a designated highway section that adjoins a route segment already existing in the TRM Highway Data File, creating a continuous route flow.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1014861
continuous lighting
Continuous lighting is roadway lighting providing uniform illumination on all main lanes and direct connections and complete lighting for all interchanges.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1014876
continuous mix plant
A continuous mix plant is an asphalt plant that produces asphalt paving mixtures by combining the aggregate and asphalt through a continuous volumetric proportioning system. Unlike a batch plant, the mixing is done without regard to specified batch intervals. The mixture is stored in insulated bins until the mix is needed.
Anchor: #i1014886
continuous two-way, left-turn lane
A continuous two-way, left-turn lane is a lane in the center of the roadway where vehicles from both directions turn left into driveways and side streets from the same lane.
Anchor: #i1014896
continuously reinforced concrete pavement
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement is Portland cement concrete pavement with continuous longitudinal steel reinforcement and no intermediate transverse expansion or contraction joint.
Anchor: #i1014911
A contour is a line connecting the points on a land surface that have the same elevation.
Anchor: #i1014921
contour analysis by random triangulation algorithm
Contour analysis by random triangulation algorithm analyzes random three-dimensional data and calculates and plots contour maps.
Anchor: #i1014936
  1. A contract is a procurement document between two or more parties which creates an obligation to provide goods or services or perform tasks and which includes offer, acceptance, exchange of consideration, legal sufficiency, a defined contract period, a maximum amount payable, and terms and conditions as appropriate.
  2. Contract Management Manual
  3. A legal contract is a legally binding document that provides determination of responsibilities and liabilities.
  4. Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1014958
contract authority
Contract authority is a form of budget authority which permits obligations to be made in advance of appropriations. The federal-aid highway program utilizes contract authority.
Anchor: #i1014978
contract cycles
Contract cycles are the indication of the number of times a service is to be performed during a contract period.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015006
contract fencing
In contractual agreements between TxDOT and a local public agency, contract fencing refers to the option to refence the remainder property to substitute actual property refencing for payment of cost to cure fencing.
Right of Way Collection
Anchor: #i1015021
Contract Information System
The Contract Information System, managed by the Construction Division, is a computerized system of information about TxDOT contracts.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1015066
contract manager
The contract manager is a the TxDOT employee who oversees the contract and performs required management tasks.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015093
contract number
A contract number is the number that identifies a unique contract in CIS that the subject control-section-job numbers relate to that is obtained from DCIS.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1015153
contract period
Contract period is the time span during which the contract will remain active.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1014992
contract phases
Contract phases are segments of a project, usually completed in sequence.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015178
contract type
Contract type is a two-digit number that identifies the type of work performed on a contract in FIMS for Professional Engineering Services.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1015193
contract year
The contract year is the fiscal year in which work was authorized.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1015081
contract, negotiated
See �negotiated contract.
Anchor: #i1015041
contracting activity
Contracting activity is an activity identified in an approved project or program of projects authorized by the commission to be performed by other than department employees.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015056
contraction joint
A contraction joint is a joint at the end of a rigid slab to control the location of transverse cracks.
Anchor: #i1015108
  1. A contractor is a party to a department contract, not a department employee, who accepts a department offer to participate in a contracting activity; the contract can define the contractor as appropriate to the contract: engineer, surveyor, consultant, the city, the recipient, etc.
  2. Contract Management Manual
  3. The individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or joint venture and all principals and representatives with which the Contract is made by the Department.
  4. Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. 2004 Edition.
Anchor: #i1015129
Contractor-provider items are owned and furnished by the contractor for use in a maintenance or construction contract on a department roadway.
Materials and Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #contraflow
Contraflow is a lane or lanes on which, during certain events and situations, vehicles operate in a direction opposite to that of the normal flow of traffic.
Maintenance Division
Anchor: #i1015208
contributes materially
Contributes Materially means during the 2 taxable years prior to the taxable year in which the displacement occurs, or during such other period as the displacing agency determines to be more equitable, a business or farm operation:
  • had average annual gross income receipts of at least $5000.00; or
  • had average annual net earning of at least $1,000.00; or
  • contributed at least 33 1/3 percent of the owner's or operator's average annual gross income from all sources.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1015238
A control is any action, device, policy, procedure, technique or other measure that improves security.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1015253
control account
A control account is an entity on the general ledger to record the debit and credit postings for a number of related accounts called subsidiary accounts.
Anchor: #i1015263
control activities
Control activities are the TxDOT policies and procedures that help ensure directives and plans are carried out to meet agency objectives.
Internal Audit Manual
Anchor: #i1015278
control cylinder
Control cylinder is the match cure cylinder used as a feedback mechanism by the match cure system to control the curing temperature of the corresponding match cure cylinders.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1015292
control environment
Control environment is the foundation and framework for all the other components of our internal control system. It sets TxDOT’s tone, influencing the control consciousness of our workforce and vendors we deal with. Control environment factors include:
  • The integrity, ethical values, and competence of our workforce,
  • Management’s philosophy and operating style,
  • Management’s process for assigning authority and responsibility,
  • Staff training and development programs, and
  • The attention and direction provided by the Commission.
Internal Audit Manual
Anchor: #i1015332
controlled access highway
A controlled access highway, in accordance with applicable state law, is a state highway on which owners or occupants of abutting lands and other persons are denied access to or from the highway except at such points only and in such manner as may be determined by the department.
Maintenance Collection
Anchor: #i1015347
controlled highways
Controlled highways are those highways officially designated as a part of the Interstate or Primary system of highways.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1015362
control of access
  1. Refers to conditions on certain sections of highways where the right to access the highway by abutting property owners or occupants is fully or partially controlled by a public authority. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) may acquire property for a designated control of access facility or impose a control of access location for safety and design considerations. Control of access is a purchased property interest.
  2. Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies
  3. Full control of access means that the authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic by providing access connections with selected public roads only and by prohibiting crossings at-grade or direct private driveway connections. Partial control of access means that the authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic to a degree that, in addition to access connections with selected public roads, there may be some crossings at grade and some private driveway connections.
Anchor: #i1015382
control of access fence
A control of access fence is a section of state-owned fence placed within the right of way to act as a physical barrier restricting access to the through lanes of a controlled access highway.
Anchor: #i1015393
control of access line
A control of access line is a boundary designated by TxDOT to prohibit entrance and exit to an area.
Anchor: #i1015403
Control section is a section or feature of a highway designed and constructed in a standard manner and, as nearly as practicable, under identical conditions so that comparisons can be made with other sections.
Anchor: #i1015422
control-section-job numbers
CSJ numbers
  1. Control-section-job numbers are numbers assigned to all on-system public highways in Texas. The control number is assigned to a stretch of highway that often breaks at a county line or a major highway intersection, river or stream, but can also break at any convenient location. The section number is a number within a specific control and is usually assigned sequentially from the beginning of the control. The job number is the sequential number for any type of construction project (bridge, paving, etc) that may have ever occurred on that section of highway. The CSJ is a unique, identifying nine-digit number for a project.
  2. Bridge Inspection Manual
  3. The control-section-job number is the statewide system for identifying a highway project on the state system with the control being the most general and section and job breakdown being more specific as to location. The CSJ is a unique, identifying nine-digit number for a project.
  4. Finance Division
Anchor: #i1015447
control temperature profile
Control temperature profile is a graph generated by the match cure system representing time versus temperature of the control cylinder.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1015461
counted rooms
Counted rooms are the number of rooms in the displacement dwelling utilized for living areas containing significant personal property.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1015476
conventional lighting
Conventional lighting is a highway lighting system in which the luminaries are typically mounted no higher no higher than 50 feet. (See also �high mast lighting.)
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1015493
  1. Conversion is changing the quantity and investment from one DHT number to another.
  2. Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
  3. Conversion is changing to another system or service.
  4. Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1015513
conveyance document
A conveyance document is a legal instrument that conveys, or transfers, various types of real property interests (such as fee title or an easement). Examples would be deeds conveying fee title to the State of Texas (which would allow unrestricted uses, such as for highway facilities, building sites for maintenance yards, or building sites for office complexes etc.), and easements conveying more limited interests in a tract of land, such as for drainage or channel purposes, temporary construction purposes, or for highway purposes (commonly known as a right of way easement, which allows the construction, operation, and maintenance of a highway facility thereon).
Anchor: #i1015523
cooperatively-owned utility
Cooperatively-owned utility is a utility owned by a group of individuals, managed by a legally-implemented Board of Directors, who are responsible to the owner-individuals for the proper management of the utility.
ROW Utility Manual
Anchor: #i1015537
Coordination is the comparison of the transportation plans, programs, and schedules of one agency with related plans, programs, and schedules of other agencies or entities with legal standing, and adjustment of plans, programs, and schedules to achieve general consistency.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1015551
coordination of services
Coordination of services is a process where representatives of different agencies and groups work together to achieve any one or all of the following goals: more effective service delivery, increased capacity to serve unmet needs, improved quality of service, or services which are more easily understood and accessed by riders.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1015566
coordinated universal time
Coordinated universal time is the time at the zero degrees longitude line. This line runs north and south through Greenwich, England. All time zones throughout the world are referenced to this longitude. This name replaces other names such as Greenwich Mean Time and the military “Zulu Time.”
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1015585
Cops in Shops
Cops in Shops is a project designed to deter underage youth from getting access to or from purchasing alcoholic beverages.
Anchor: #i1015605
Copyright is a term referring to the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish and sell a work.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1015620
corner clearance
Corner clearance is the distance along the edge of the traveled way from the closest edge of pavement of the intersecting roadway to the closest edge of pavement of the nearest access connection.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015635
corner lot
Corner lot is a lot located at the intersection of two roadways that has frontage on each roadway.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015660
Corpus Christi District
The Corpus Christi District is a TxDOT district office including the following counties: Aransas, Bee, Goliad, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio. Area offices are located in Alice, Corpus Christi, George West, Karnes City, and Sinton. The district also operates the Port Aransas ferries and has a Vehicle Titles and Registration Regional Office.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1015679
A corridor is a broad geographical band with no predefined size or scale that follows a general directional flow connecting major sources of trips. It involves a nominally linear transportation service area that may contain a number of streets, highways, and transit route alignments.
Transportation Planning and Programming Collection
Anchor: #i1015693
corridor preservation
Corridor preservation involves the coordination and application of various measures to obtain control of or otherwise protect the right of way for a planned transportation facility.
Anchor: #i1015703
corridor study
In planning, a corridor is a broad geographical band that follows a general directional flow or connects major sources of trips. It may contain a number of streets, highways and transit lines and routes.
Anchor: #i1015733
Corrugations are deviations of the pavement surface from its original cross section which are generally caused by excessive bitumen, improper aggregate gradation in the pavement, insufficient compaction of the mix or low interparticle friction to a degree that causes an unstable pavement with low resistance to traffic loads.
Maintenance Collection
Anchor: #i1015748
Cosine Law
Cosine Law is the mathematical expression of the principle that illumination of a surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle (A) of incidence of the light beam.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1015763
cost accounting
Cost accounting is an accounting method that associates all costs incurred to accomplish a given activity, operation, work unit or job and within the time period when the work is performed.
Anchor: #i1015783
cost center
  1. A cost center is an assigned number that relates to a particular appropriation authority (Reference Code Chart 81).
  2. Finance Division
  3. A cost center is a reference number identifying one combination of three elements - agency, appropriation and fund. When any of these elements change, a new cost center is established by the comptroller. A cost center is the lowest level of activity at which revenues and expenditures are recorded by the comptroller.
Anchor: #i1015814
cost effectiveness ranking
Cost effectiveness rank is also known as cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). It is an analytical technique used to rank and choose the most effective method for achieving a program or policy goal. The costs of alternatives are measured by their requisite estimated monetary expenditures. Effectiveness is defined by the degree of goal attainment and may also be measured in monetary terms.
Anchor: #i1015844
cost evaluation
A review of the individual cost components in a contract proposal to determine their reasonableness and the necessity for each. This is accomplished when there is an estimate of costs available at the time of the evaluation request.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1015859
cost of sampling - local city
Cost of sampling in a local city is the cost, established by the Materials Section of the Construction Division (CSTM), based on the assumption that the typical warehouse is located 10 miles from the CSTM office, two round trips per sampling will be necessary, and four hours of time will be required.
Anchor: #i1015874
cost of sampling - remote location
Cost of sampling in a remote location is the cost of sampling a specific material in a specific remote location is the actual total of sampling costs incurred at the specific remote location. This sum will include such items as the cost of travel time, mileage from the most practical city to the location, per diem, air fare, auto rental, commercial laboratory fees, sample shipping expenses, containers, etc.
Anchor: #i1015884
cost per mile
Cost per mile is the average expenditure per lane or centerline highway mile.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1015899
Costs are the values of resources consumed.
Anchor: #i1015909
Council of Environmental Quality Regulations
The Council of Environmental Quality Regulations is 40 CFR 1500 – 1508; the procedures to implement the National Environmental Policy Act.
Environmental Manual
Anchor: #i1015933
Counseling is advising or directing an employee regarding expected performance or behavior.
Anchor: #i1015953
county road
A county road is a road under the jurisdiction of a county government, for which that county government is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the roadway and associated structures.
Historic Bridge Manual
Anchor: #i1015972
coverage agreement
A coverage agreement is a written agreement on Form TWCC-81, Form TWCC-82, form TWCC-83, or Form TWCC-84, filed with the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission which establishes a relationship between the parties for purposes of the Workers’ Compensation Act as one of employer/employee and establishes who will be responsible for providing coverage for persons providing services on the project.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1015986
crack seal
Crack seal is an application of sealing material directly in the cracks of the pavement surface to prevent moisture damage.
Maintenance Collection
Anchor: #i1016001
Cracks are considered serious when pavement is cracked to the extent that water or foreign material can cause structural damage. Cracks should be sealed as soon as practical. Efforts should be made to avoid a buildup of crack sealing material.
Maintenance Collection
Anchor: #i1016016
A crash is an identified event that produces injury, death, or damage. Highway safety activists have been working to replace the term “accident” with “crash,” which more accurately reflects the potential and actual seriousness of incidents.
Traffic Safety Program Manual
Anchor: #i1016031
criteria of effect
The criteria of effect is the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's definition of change to historic properties caused by an agency's actions. An undertaking has an effect on a historic property when that undertaking may alter characteristics of the property that qualify it for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. For the purpose of determining effect, alterations to features of a property's location, setting or use may be relevant, depending upon the property's significant characteristics.
Environmental Affairs Division
Anchor: #i1016046
critical information resource
Critical information resource is that resource determined by the department’s management to be essential to the department’s critical mission and functions, the loss of which would have an unacceptable impact.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1016071
Cronaflex is DuPont’s trade name for a stable drafting film with a matte surface.
Anchor: #i1016081
cross drainage
Cross drainage is the runoff from contributing drainage areas both inside and outside the highway right of way and the transmission thereof from the upstream side of the highway facility to the downstream side.
Anchor: #i1016091
crossing agreement
A crossing agreement is a form of Joint Use Agreement used for the common usage of intersecting rights of way.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1016106
Cross-posting involves sending an email message to more than one news group.
Anchor: #i1016116
cross section
A cross section is the view of the vertical plane cutting through the roadway, laterally perpendicular to the center line, showing the relationship of the various components of the roadway.
Anchor: #i1016126
cross slope
A cross slope is a slope from centerline to crown line.
Anchor: #i1016136
Crosshatching is a drafting method of drawing lines at 45 degrees at set spacing that represent a legend.
Anchor: #i1016146
Crossover is an at-grade connection between opposing lanes of traffic.
Anchor: #i1016156
The crown is the edge of roadway.
Anchor: #i1016166
crown line
The crown line is the outside edge of sub-grade.
Anchor: #i1016176
crushed face
Crushed face is a fractured structure produced by the mechanical crushing of an aggregate. Crushed aggregate faces are identified by fresh fractures and lack of evidence of weathering. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1016190
crushed gravel
Crushed gravel is the product resulting from the mechanical cushing of gravel, with substantially all fragments having at least one face resulting from a fracture. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1016204
crushed stone
Crushed stone is the product excavated from an in-situ deposit of rock, crushed and processed for construction purposes with substantially all faces resulting from the crushing operation. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1016238
cul-de-sac street
A cul-de-sac street is a local street only open at one end with a special provision for turning around. A dead end street with a turn-around.
Anchor: #i1016248
A culvert is a structure under a roadway, usually for drainage. It is a bridge-class culvert if it has a clear opening of 20 feet or more measured along the centerline of the roadway between extreme ends of the openings for multiple boxes or multiple pipes that are 60 inches or more in diameter.
Bridge Inspection Manual
Anchor: #i1016262
A curb is a vertical or sloping member along the edge of a pavement or shoulder forming part of a gutter, strengthening or protecting the edge and clearly defining the edge to vehicle drivers. The surface of the curb facing the general direction of the pavement is called the “face.”
Anchor: #i1016282
Curing is the period of time during which concrete is subjected to favorable temperature and moisture conditions usually varying from three to 28 days for construction work.
Anchor: #i1016292
current assets
Current assets are the resources available for use in the current fiscal period.
Anchor: #i1016302
current funds
Current funds are the funds which may be expended during the current fiscal period.
Anchor: #i1016312
current month (over) under
The current month (over) under is the difference between the current month actual expenditures or revenues and the budget allotment for the current month. The month allotment would be 1/12 the annual budget unless a month-by-month budget is provided.
Anchor: #i1016322
current year
The present year which may be different from the construction year and/or design year.
Anchor: #i1016332
A custodian is a guardian or caretaker; the holder of data, the agent charged with implementing the controls specified by the owner. The custodian is responsible for the processing and storage of information. For mainframe applications Information Services is the custodian; for micro and mini applications the owner or user may retain custodial responsibilities. The custodian is normally a provider of services.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1016347
A customer is a person or organizational unit who receives an Information Systems service or product.
Anchor: #i1016357
Customer Information Control System
Customer Information Control System is the IBM telecommunications control program that controls online mainframe database data. CICS is a large program arrangement that coordinates and communicates with other programs for terminal control, file and data control, and program control.
Anchor: #i1016392
cutback asphalt
Cutback asphalt is asphalt cement which has been combined with petroleum solvents (also called “diluents”) to make the asphalt less viscous. Upon exposure to the atmosphere, the solvent evaporates, allowing the asphalt to harden. Cutback asphalts are classified as a rapid-curing (RC), medium-curing (MC), or slow-curing (SC). This characteristic is specified in the asphalt’s nomenclature. RC-800 or MC-3000.
Anchor: #i1016402
Cutoff refers to the luminaire light distribution. It is designated as cutoff when the candlepower per 1,000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25 (2.5 percent) at an angle of 90 degrees above nadir (horizontal), and 100 (10 percent) at a vertical angle of 80 degrees above nadir. Cutoff type luminaries usually have flat glass lenses.
Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1016418
cutoff wall
A cutoff is a wall, collar or apron intended to prevent seepage or undermining. (See diaphragm)
Anchor: #i1016428
Cuts are sections of highway constructed below ground elevation, therefore, requiring excavation during construction. Earth that is removed below the natural ground line.
Anchor: #i1016438
Cyberspace often refers to all the area on the Internet and other networks where people can interact with other computers and their users. William Gibson created this term in his book Neuromancer.
Information Technology and Services Manual
Anchor: #i1016454
cyclic inventory
Cyclic inventory is counting selected stock items weekly, monthly, or quarterly until all stock items are inventoried by the end of the fiscal year.
Materials and Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1016468
Cyclic Redundancy Code
Cyclic redundancy code is a method used to check for errors in a data transmission.
Information Technology and Services Manual
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