Section 2: ROW Mapping for On-System Projects (For State and Local Government)

Anchor: #i1002767

General Requirements

The two main elements required for ROW mapping are the TxDOT ArcGIS geodatabase template (populated with the schematic and surveyed parcel features) and property descriptions (preliminary and/or final signed and sealed).

    Anchor: #XLCYDFOK
  • To expedite the acquisition process, parcels or small groups of parcels must be submitted as they are completed.
  • Anchor: #KMGJTUGA
  • ROW Project Delivery staff will coordinate with District ROW mapping staff to set the priority of the submission of parcels.

All property descriptions must be prepared, signed, and sealed under the supervision of an RPLS.

    Anchor: #JKEQHSPU
  • The surveyor is responsible for the boundary analysis of the proposed ROW parcels and preparation of the property descriptions, and surveyor's reports.
  • Anchor: #IBPYPRYA
  • Expansion of the right of way over a navigable stream requires a permit from the General Land Office.
Anchor: #i1043639

Simultaneous ROW Mapping and Schematic Development

The objective of simultaneous ROW mapping and schematic development is to have the final signed and sealed property descriptions completed before the schematic is approved (approved environmental). The title work on the parent tracts will be completed before the surveyor starts work, saving time and expense on that portion of the mapping process.

    Anchor: #UKJOIITN
  • During schematic development, the design engineer determines the amount of ROW required to accommodate the proposed transportation facility.
  • Anchor: #UXUOJMNV
  • ROWAPS contracts should be used to perform the title work on the parent tracts and issue title commitments at 30-60% schematic development level.
  • Anchor: #GWLYOKNU
  • The title company will provide the title information and commitments of the parent tracts to the surveyor.
  • Anchor: #OFVEHOLR
  • ROW mapping must begin at 60% schematic development level and progress simultaneously with the schematic to meet the needs and timeline(s) of Right of Way Project Delivery.
  • Anchor: #PPGOGHVY
  • Preliminary property descriptions will be prepared during the 60-90% schematic development.
  • Anchor: #OLRSVQCX
  • Final signed and sealed property descriptions will be prepared during the 90-100% schematic development.

All property descriptions will be uploaded by District ROW Project Delivery staff or designee in PDF format into TxDOT’s OnBase Enterprise Content Management Solution (OnBase). The GIS mapping package will be reviewed by District Surveying Staff for technical completeness, compliance with TxDOT guidelines and adherence to the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act.

Anchor: #i1043726Reference Publications for ROW Map Preparation



TxDOT Surveying Guide

Committee on Geomatics & Surveying

Professional Land Surveying Practices Act Rules and Regulations

Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Anchor: #i1002940

ROW Parcel Numbering

TxDOTCONNECT will auto-generate parcel numbers.There are many different scenarios to consider when identifying parcels. Parcel numbers will be available through TxDOTCONNECT.

For example on an urban project, one or more contiguous lots may be under common ownership. If the preliminary data shows contiguous properties have a unity of use, then two or more lots may be combined into one marketable unit having one parcel number. If the appraisal data shows contiguous ownership, but do not have unity of use, then assign each lot a separate parcel number, and compute a separate value for each.

Rural projects are usually handled the same as urban projects, with focus placed on the parent tract. A parent tract is defined as a single property not divided by a public way or platted as a subdivision. However, a parent tract may be defined by several smaller purchases that compose one large tract of land under one owner. In addition, one parcel may be comprised of more than one part. For additional guidance, see the examples in the table below.

Usually, properties divided by existing public ways or by separate ownership are considered separate parcels, although they may have common ownership. However, sometimes the unity of use supports combining parcels. In this case, assign the whole property one parcel number, with each divided tract being an associated part.

Anchor: #i1002986

Project Information

All the information previously found on the ROW Map Title Sheet will be submitted in the form of a Word document template, titled ROW Mapping Cover Sheet. This document shall be uploaded by the District Surveyor or designee into OnBase as a Preliminary ROW Map. The information will include:

    Anchor: #EGJKWMTQ
  • Highway numbers
  • Anchor: #WNNOVGBG
  • County or counties
  • Anchor: #EVSJAXQV
  • Federal project number (if applicable)
  • Anchor: #XFBMYYVD
  • Construction CSJ number(s). If there is more than one CSJ, tabulate the numbers in the heading with the lowest number shown first, and show CSJ and station numbers at break points with arrow indicators.
  • Anchor: #OXLJPJIY
  • ROW CSJ number(s) corresponding to each CCSJ
  • Anchor: #OLPESDUB
  • Authorized ROW project limits as setup in DCIS
  • Anchor: #TIDOHTTC
  • Project length (shall match DCIS)
  • Anchor: #VYSQVLYC
  • Station numbers for the beginning and ending of the project, and station equations.
  • Anchor: #IYLJBBUY
  • Reference to previous ROW projects in the same location if applicable.
  • Anchor: #SEFDKFHA
  • A listing of all known utility facilities, including U numbers.
  • Anchor: #XOJCKQKB
  • Datum Statement including metadata, the state plane zone in which the project resides, basis of bearings and coordinates, adjustment factor used for converting from grid coordinates to surface coordinates including the origin for the scale, rotation angle (if applicable), and original monument description.
  • Anchor: #ENTWSMJA
  • Signatures of appropriate signing authorities.
      Anchor: #MTBPHMQW
    • For initial submission: The District Surveyor or Right of Way Project Delivery Manager will recommend acquisition after a technical review for compliance with TxDOT procedures and Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying rules and regulations is completed.
    • Anchor: #ATWTWCVP
    • For initial submission: The Area Engineer or Design Engineer will recommend acquisition after a review for conformance with the design schematic and verifying the proposed acquisition is adequate to build the proposed transportation facility.
    • Anchor: #MTKXESXM
    • For final ROW map submission in PDF via EDMS: The District Engineer or designee will sign for final approval verifying ROW activities are complete as shown on the final ROW map.
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