Section 4: Submission and Approval of ROW Mapping

Anchor: #i1003547

Original Submission to Division

The surveyor should complete and submit electronic files, property descriptions, surveyor reports, closure sheets that include precision and GIS mapping data, to the District for review. The District Surveyor or appropriate personnel must review the submission for compliance with TxDOT policy and TBPELS standards. The Design Engineer or appropriate personnel must review the mapping for compliance with the design schematic and to verify that the area to be acquired and all easements are adequate to build the transportation facility.

Anchor: #i1003589

Requirements for Right of Way Mapping Deliverables

The following is an outline in chronological order of the ROW Division’s requirements for mapping deliverables.

    Anchor: #BQBGJQGL
  • ROW (ArcGIS) geodatabase template populated with the schematic ROW footprint parcels, parcel parent tracts (if available) and schematic centerline alignment. (See Section 8 - Requirements for Submission of ArcGIS Files). The current submission standards and current geodatabase template can be found on the ROW Division's webpages on
  • Anchor: #AAKGIJPD
  • The ROW Cover Sheet Word document containing the information on the cover map sheet (project limits, beginning and ending stationing, utility stations, etc.) and control/alignment map sheets (coordinates/descriptions of control monuments and coordinates/stationing/curve data of alignment);
  • Anchor: #ELHRPOOT
  • Preliminary property descriptions in PDF format to facilitate the early stages of the acquisition process (title and appraisal). See the General Rules of Procedures and Practices of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Section 663.18(d) Certification for requirements for preliminary documents.
  • Anchor: #JOTKUDYE
  • Concurrent with preliminary property descriptions, ROW (ArcGIS) geodatabase template populated with the current surveyed and/ or preliminary parcels for each submission, current alignment and project control points.
  • Anchor: #RAWMMKDG
  • Signed and sealed property descriptions (See Section 3 - Property Descriptions) and their associated electronic files (signed and sealed copy in PDF format; Word documents; MicroStation parcel plat files; and MicroStation master reference [MRF] files);
  • Anchor: #PEEOUGUC
  • Concurrent with signed and sealed property descriptions, ROW (ArcGIS) geodatabase template populated with the current final (signed and sealed) parcels for each submission and final alignment.
  • Anchor: #LSCDTROR
  • Spreadsheets and/or Word documents containing the information on the acquisition (ownership tabulation) map sheets.
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