Anchor: #i1021293

Section 8: Requirements for Submission of ArcGIS Files



The purpose of this section is to provide requirements for ArcGIS standards as an integral part of the ROW mapping package.

All current and future ROW mapping projects will be subject to these submission standards, eliminating the Right of Way Division’s requirement for the submission of traditional paper ROW maps under the old standards.

The paper ROW maps are being replaced with geo-referenced parcel data in GIS format to be used in TxDOT's Online Real Property Asset Map (virtual ROW map, RPAM).

The software, file types and file formats must be compatible with those used by the State.

It is at the discretion of District Surveying Staff to approve, return, or repair submitted GIS files.


ROW Geodatabase Template

All ArcGIS data will be submitted in ArcGIS 10.6.1 format or the current version in use by the State and in the format of the ROW geodatabase template.

The current TxDOT ROW geodatabase template "ROW_Parcels_Edits_v2" for the delineation of the right of way will be provided by the State. The template will also be available to download from the ROW Division's webpage on TxDOT's internet site (


Coordinate System of Template

The template's XY coordinate system is geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude), North American Datum of 1983 in Decimal Degrees (8 or more places after the decimal point).

Anchor: #i1032861

Geodatabase Features and Attributes

The template contains a feature dataset named 'ROW_Parcels_Edits_v2', and that dataset contains the following features.

Existing ROW Points (Existing_ROW_Points)

This layer should contain points that lie along the existing and proposed right of way. Only points that are in the ground and held should be included, except for original Type 1 monuments. All Type 1 monuments, held or not, should be included.

Anchor: #i1064921Existing ROW Points



Monument Type

Enter Type I, Type II or Property Corner.


In this field describe the physical object in the ground. For example. 1/2inch Iron Rod, 1 inch steel pipe, mag nail, or brass disk.


In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Survey Control Points (Survey_Control_Points)

This layer should contain only project survey control points.

Anchor: #i1065481Survey Control Points



Object ID (Auto Populated)

This number is generated by ArcGIS.

Point Number

Enter the TxDOT assigned number for the point


Enter the latitude position of the point in decimal degrees


Enter the longitude position of the point in decimal degrees


Enter the elevation value of the point as feet above sea level


In this field describe the physical object in the ground. For example. 1/2inch Iron Rod, 1 inch steel pipe, mag nail, or brass disk.


In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Small Cell Location Points (Small_Cell_Points)

This feature is to be populated from another source and it is NOT related to any Surveying deliverable. This feature is in the template to support its display in the Real Property Asset Map.

Existing Right of Way Lines (Existing_ROW_Lines)

This layer should only be used where existing ROW polygon(s) cannot be created. Additionally, this layer should only represent actual State ROW.

Anchor: #i1067295Existing Right of Way Lines




In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Engineer Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the internal engineering work group responsible for creating the schematic in which the GIS files are based. For example, Design Division, or Austin District Design.

Survey Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the surveying work group that converted design files into GIS files. For example, Houston Surveying or ROWD Mapping.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Right of Way Centerline (ROW_Centerline)

This layer should contain the new centerline of the roadway between project limits. The centerline should have 100 foot stations, PC’s, and PT's marked out and combined into a single polyline. This feature is to represent the center-line by which the property descriptions are stationed.

Anchor: #i1071537Right of Way Centerline




In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Engineer Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the internal engineering work group responsible for creating the schematic in which the GIS files are based. For example, Design Division, or Austin District Design.

Survey Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the surveying work group that converted design files into GIS files. For example, Houston Surveying or ROWD Mapping.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Right of Way Utilities (ROW_Utilities)

Never to be populated. Utility Management System placeholder.

This feature is to be populated from another source and it is NOT related to any Surveying deliverable. This feature is in the template to support its display in the Real Property Asset Map.

Right of Way Pipeline Leases (ROW_Pipeline_Leases)

Never to be populated by Surveyor. Data will be provided by the Real Estate Services Section. This line feature will contain permitted leased ROW for the purpose of moving waste water from oil and gas activity.

This feature is to be populated from another source and it is NOT related to any Surveying deliverable. This feature is in the template to support its display in the Real Property Asset Map.

Existing Right of Way Parcels (Existing_ROW_Polygons)

This layer should contain a single shape representing all existing right of way within project limits. If there are conveyances found to show previous acquisitions, unique polygons may be created. Identical ROW lines are not needed if these polygons otherwise cover the same area.

Anchor: #i1068381Existing Right of Way Parcels



Volume and Page

Enter the volume and page of the document showing state ownership of the existing Right of Way, IF available.


In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Engineer Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the internal engineering work group responsible for creating the schematic in which the GIS files are based. For example, Design Division, or Austin District Design.

Survey Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the surveying work group that converted design files into GIS files. For example, Houston Surveying or ROWD Mapping.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Leased ROW Property Polygons (ROW_Leases)

Never to be populated by Surveyor. Data will be provided by the Real Estate Services Section. This feature will contain polygons representing ROW being leased.

ROW Proposed for Acquisition Parcel (ROW_Proposed_Parcels) and Access Denial Lines (Access_Control_Lines)

The ROW_Proposed_Parcels layer should contain the proposed acquisition parcel polygons.

The Access_Control_Lines layer should contain the projects access control lines. Each line should be broken along their relevant segment/parcel where applicable. These lines are unique regardless of placement proximity to other features.

These two features have identical feature attributes. Access Denial Lines (ADL) that are attached to an acquisition parcel should have the same table data as the parcel. ADL that are being acquired without an actual parcel of land will be treated as if it were a regular parcel of land. These two features shall be uploaded through TxDOTCONNECT.

Anchor: #i1069203ROW Proposed for Acquisition Parcel and Access Denial Lines



TxDOT Parcel ID

(ex. P00000001.001)) Unique identifier created by TxDOT Connect. NULL if a new parcel. Populated by consultant or system generated if new.

Parcel Number

(ex. 1) This is the root or base parcel number as seen in the example. Populated by consult-ant or system generated if new.

Part Name

(ex. Part 1 or PT1) This is the part number as in the example. When no part exists use the Parcel Number. Populated by consultant or system generated if new.

Date Created

(ex. 01/01/2020) Populated by user and/or consultant.

Created By

(ex. Survey Firm ABC) Populated by user and/or consultant. Consultant should use firm name, internal staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

(ex. 01/01/2020) Populated by user and/or consultant.

Update By Edit User Name

Populated by user and/or consultant. Consultant should use firm name, internal staff should use their initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group.

CMNT (Comment)

Populated by user and/or consultant. This is a public facing comment field to forward any pertinent information concerning the parcel proposed for acquisition

SRC_CMNT (Source Comment)

Populated by user and/or consultant. This is an internal comment field to forward any pertinent information concerning the parcel proposed for acquisition to TxDOT Staff Only. This field does not reach the public facing web map.

SHAPE_AREA (Shape Area for polygons only)

Auto populated.

SHAPE_LEN (Shape Length)

Auto populated.

OBJECTID (Shape ID Number)

Auto populated.

Disposition Tracts (Disposition_Tracts)

This layer should contain the disposition of surplus tract polygons, when applicable.

Anchor: #i1069907Disposition Tracts



Project Number

This is the TxDOT Real Estate Services assigned project identifier.


This is to note if the property is available or currently being leased.


In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Parent Tract (ROW_Parent_Tract)

The whole property layer should contain the parent tract polygons from which acquisition parcels are cut. These polygons will use the same parcel id, name, and number as the acquisition polygon.

Anchor: #i1070494Parent Tract




Enter the Owner of the parent tract in which the proposed parcel is being acquired from.

Volume and Page

Enter the volume and page of the deed to the parent tract

CAD Number

This is the County Appraisal District property identification number.


In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Engineer Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the internal engineering work group responsible for creating the schematic in which the GIS files are based. For example, Design Division, or Austin District Design.

Survey Work Group (Internal Only)

This field is to identify the surveying work group that converted design files into GIS files. For example, Houston Surveying or ROWD Mapping.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Preliminary Proposed Right of Way (Schematic_Polygons)

This is an advanced planning layer that should contain large polygons representing entire areas of proposed acquisition. The purpose is to determine areas where ROW will need to be acquired. This layer should be prepared during the 30% schematic stage.

Anchor: #i1070821Preliminary Proposed Right of Way



Project Number

This is the project number that is associated with the development of the preliminary project schematic.

Approval Date

This is the date the project schematic is approved.


In this field enter the District in which the project is located.

Date Created

In this field Enter the date the feature was created in the ROW geodata-base template.

Created By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use their initials.

Date Updated

Enter the date the feature was edited. The edits could be for spatial or table edits.

Update By

Consultant should use firm name and internal TxDOT staff should use initials or workgroup name (ex.CRP Surveying, for the Corpus Christi District Surveying group).

File Name

Enter the name of the file that was used to create the GIS feature.

File Location

Enter the drive location of the files used to create the GIS feature.


Enter relevant feature comments to share with the public.

Source Comment

Enter additional relevant information for internal use only.

Anchor: #i1033475

Rename Geodatabase Template to ROW CSJ Prior to Submission

Use ArcCatalog to rename the 'ROW_Parcels_Edits.gdb' template to the ROW CSJ (RCSJ) project number prior to submission.

For example: If RCSJ is 2552-04-041, rename the template 'ROW_Parcels_255204041.gdb'.

For revised or additional submissions of the same project, rename the template: 'ROW_Parcels_255204041a.gdb' for the 2nd submission, 'ROW_Parcels_255204041b.gdb' for the 3rd submission, etc.

After geodatabase template is renamed, create a .zip file for submission. Example: ''.


Conversion of Survey Data to ArcGIS and Template Format

The attribute table of geo-referenced features created outside the template must be exactly the same as those in the template before you can append them into the features in the template.

The conversion from the native survey data, Geopak, MicroStation or CAD files used in the preparation of the property descriptions and parcel plats to the coordinate system and format of the geodatabase template can be accomplished in a number of different ways in different programs and in ArcGIS depending on the origin and format of the survey data.

Since no one set of instructions will fit all the different variables of data collection, data processing, and/or data conversion software, the only requirement will be that the feature data is geospatially correct and submitted to the State in the exact format of the template.


Requirements for ArcGIS Deliverables

ROW geodatabase template shall be populated with all required ROW features of each stage of submission.

The following is an outline in chronological order of the requirements for ArcGIS mapping deliverables:

    Anchor: #DYJKWORS
  • ROW (ArcGIS) geodatabase template populated with the schematic ROW footprint parcels and schematic alignment.
  • Anchor: #ETPWIMDQ
  • ROW (ArcGIS) geodatabase template populated with the current surveyed and/or preliminary parcels for each submission, current alignment and project control points. An updated geodatabase will be submitted as the parcel submissions progress.
  • Anchor: #SBUOTWBV
  • Geodatabase template populated with the current final (signed and sealed) parcels for each submission and final alignment.
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