Appendix C: Intersection Prioritization Tool Worksheet
Anchor: #SOHLAYNDIntersection Prioritization Tool
The intersection prioritization tool provided below was recreated from National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 3-62 research. The worksheets are a product of NCHRP 3-62 and are published in the Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1982, pp.13-20, entitled, "Development of an Intersection Prioritization Tool for Accessible Pedestrian Signal Installation". The intersection prioritization tool consists of two worksheets.
- Anchor: #YRVPBYXU
- The Intersection Worksheet accounts for intersection characteristics and layout, signalization type, and location related to transit facilities, facilities for the visually impaired, and major pedestrian attractions.
- Anchor: #OWGSLAAA
- The Crossing
Worksheet accounts for the individual crossing characteristics.
Each crossing at the intersection is rated based on several factors
- Anchor: #WBRGHCEH
- Crossing width Anchor: #QBFSKEBL
- Speed limit Anchor: #CTDEFENA
- Geometrics Anchor: #EYXVVHGP
- Pedestrian signal control Anchor: #FWCDTRYS
- Vehicle signal control Anchor: #GYAXPCKA
- Off-peak traffic presence Anchor: #FUUCEUYW
- Availability of alternative APS Anchor: #CCDWWAKC
- Requests for APS installation.
The prioritization tool provides a method of scoring individual crossings for relative crossing difficulty to visually impaired individuals. This provides a method to compare crossings for priority for installation of APS systems. In general, if one crossing generates a high priority, it would be desirable to provide APS for all crossings at the intersection.
Detailed instructions on the correct method for filling out and completing the worksheets are available on the internet at http://onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_w117a_appendix-d.pdf.
A print version of the prioritization tool worksheets is located on the following pages.
Figure C-1. Intersection Priority Tool: Intersection Worksheet
Figure C-2. Intersection Priority Tool: Crosswalk Worksheet