Section 2: Condition Diagram
Anchor: #i1001775Introduction
A study should be made of existing conditions at the study location and along each approach to it. Where the location is open to traffic, the study should include existing traffic control devices (signs, signals, markings, speed zones, etc.).
Anchor: #i1001785Information Sources
The condition diagram should provide a complete presentation of the physical layout of the study location as it currently exists.
Plan Sheets from Prior Projects. Final construction plan sheets from prior projects may be used as a basis for the condition diagram.
Anchor: #i1001804Additional Necessary Information
The following items should be included in the condition diagram:
- Anchor: #BXUMOYWL
- north cardinal direction Anchor: #EGKGEGRS
- highway and intersection design features,
- Anchor: #OGQABXIX
- pavement edges, curbs, and shoulders (unpaved or paved) Anchor: #DOCSCRBG
- widths of approaches Anchor: #ALRBPLUV
- approach grades Anchor: #CGAEPNRA
- channelization Anchor: #FBSMRFLA
- parking conditions and restrictions Anchor: #BYBHNTOS
- bus stops Anchor: #POGRTXVL
- safety lighting or continuous lighting Anchor: #RSULBWXA
- posted speed limit for all approaches Anchor: #FEHVPHYJ
- any other roadway features which may affect traffic operations
Anchor: #ALHNDMSO - roadside development, including:
- Anchor: #UYBGVNGA
- sight distance restrictions (trees, bushes, advertising and other signs, poles, fences, bridge, and guard rails) Anchor: #QHLQWLDK
- off street parking Anchor: #HWBVUFKL
- driveway locations Anchor: #USWASLCB
- utility and other poles Anchor: #EWWWTKRF
- adjacent land use Anchor: #LMUMRHMA
- any other pertinent features
Anchor: #IFUGYXTP - traffic control devices, such as:
- Anchor: #PNWHINNR
- signs Anchor: #DQGPDQPC
- traffic signals (type, face locations, etc.) Anchor: #QLVKKGRK
- distance to adjacent traffic signals within one mile (indicate if none) Anchor: #YJTVPSNO
- pavement markings Anchor: #MUOKEULB
- any other traffic control devices Anchor: #NNVUMILI
- railroad crossing and type of control Anchor: #AALPIBDY
- distance to railroad from traffic signal.