Anchor: #i1003787
ice point
Ice point is that temperature where the solid and liquid phases of water can co-exist.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1003802
Idle is the operation of an engine in the operating mode where the engine is not engaged in gear, where the engine operates at a speed at the revolutions per minute specified by the engine or vehicle manufacturer for when the accelerator is fully released, and there is no load on the engine.
Equipment Manual
Anchor: #i1003817
(See starter.)
Anchor: #i1003831
illegal per se
Illegal Per Se is a legal phrase denoting the concept that it is an offense in and of itself (per se) to operate a motor vehicle while having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above the specified legal limit.
Traffic Safety
Anchor: #i1003841
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
The IESNA writes many of the industry standard specifications for lighting fixtures.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1003874
imaged file or record
An imaged file or record is one that has been converted from the original hard copy version to a microfilmed or electronic image of the original.
Records Management Manual
Anchor: #i1003891
immediately dangerous to life or health
Immediately dangerous to life or health is any condition that poses an immediate or delayed threat to life or that would cause irreversible adverse health effects or that would interfere with an individual’s ability to escape unaided from a permit space.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1010023
Impact refers to the stress in a structure caused by the force of a vibrating, dropping, or moving load. This is generally a percentage of the live load.
Anchor: #i1003915
impact analysis
  1. Impact analysis in transportation planning is that part of the process in which there is an evaluation of the effects of an existing or proposed transportation project on social, economic, and environmental factors or variables.
  2. Impact analysis is a Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) report which takes a user-specified budget and summarized pavement conditions before and after treatment with those funds. This report is used to document the effects of limited funding on future pavement condition and needs. Variables can include air pollution, energy consumption, accidents, and socioeconomic effects.
  3. Pavement Management Information System(PMIS) Users Manual
Anchor: #i1003931
Impermeability refers to the resistance an asphalt pavement has to the passage of air and water into or through the pavement. This is a desirable characteristic. Water and air in excessive quantities trapped in the pavement will shorten pavement life.
Anchor: #i1003941
Impervious means impenetrable. Completely resisting entrance of liquids.
Anchor: #i1010511
implementation year
The year that a project is anticipated to be complete and open to traffic.
Anchor: #i1004041
inactive file or record
An inactive file or record is one on which all actions have been completed and which is referenced less than one time in a month. Inactive files typically require retention for a period of time specified in a records retention schedule.
Records Management Manual
An incident is a successful or unsuccessful action attempting to circumvent technical controls, organizational policy, or law. This is often called an attack.
Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004056
incidental expense(s)
  1. Incidental expense means a necessary and reasonable expense incurred by an employee while traveling on official state business. This term includes taxes except taxes on meals. Meals, lodging, and transportation, and personal expenses are not included in the definition of incidental expenses.
  2. Travel Manual
  3. Incidental expenses are reasonable costs incurred in relocation:
    • in the purchase of replacement dwellings, such as fees for loan applications; and
    • in the transfer of property to the State through negotiations, such as recording fees and certain other closing costs; but
    • not including prepaid expenses such as real estate taxes and property insurance or costs for services normally paid by sellers of residential properties or provided by title com-panies and closing agents as part of other services.
  4. Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1004092
incident response vehicle
An incident response vehicle is any vehicle whose purpose is to respond to incident situations affecting flow of traffic on a highway maintained by the department.
Equipment Manual
Anchor: #i1004107
  1. An incident is a successful or unsuccessful action attempting to circumvent technical controls, organizational policy, or law. This is often called an attack.
  2. Source: Information Security Manual
  3. Incidents are those unplanned events involving department personnel, equipment or operations that clearly demonstrate the potential for injury or property damage but which do not produce these results.
  4. Occupational Safety Manual
  5. Incident are intentional or unintentional acts that occur on or in association with transit-controlled property and that threatens or affects the safety or security of an individual or property.
  6. Public Transportation Collection.
  7. Incidents may be any of the following: traffic crash, stalled vehicle, load spillage, or other action that effects one or more lanes of traffic. An incident typically involves a collision of a moving vehicle with another vehicle, person, or object.
Anchor: #i1011465
incomplete bid
An incomplete bid is a bid not reflecting a unit bid price for each bid item, or corresponding alternate bid item. An incomplete bid is considered non-responsive.
Letting Manual
incremental backup
Incremental backup is a backup in which only the files that have been changed since the last backup are copied to and stored on the backup device.
Anchor: #i1004147
incurred cost
An incurred cost is the cost is incurred when a recorded liability exists or when a cash disbursement has been made under a contract.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1004162
indefinite deliverable contract
An indefinite deliverable contract is a contract containing a general scope of services that identifies the types of work that will be later required under work authorizations, but does not identify deliverables, locations, or timing in sufficient detail to define the provider’s responsibilities under the contract.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1004177
Independent Assurance Program
An Independent Assurance Program is defined as activities that are an unbiased and independent evaluation of all the sampling and testing procedures used in the acceptance program. Test procedures used in the acceptance program, which are performed in the SHA's central laboratory, would not be covered by an independent assurance program.
Quality Assurance Program Manual
Anchor: #i1004191
independent assurance tests
Independent assurance tests performed by TxDOT personnel who do not normally have direct responsibilities for quality control or quality assurance sampling and testing for a particular project. They are used for the purpose of making independent checks on the reliability of the QC/QA program.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004215
Indian tribal organization
An Indian tribal organization is a governing body or a governmental agency of any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community certified by the Secretary of the Interior as eligible for the special programs and services provided through the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1004230
Inductance is the ability to store energy in electromagnetic field. Measured in henrys or millihenrys.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1011704
industrial activities
Industrial activities mean those customarily permitted only in zoned industrial areas. Industrial activities include manufacturing, warehousing, chemical processing and similar type operations. None of the following shall be considered industrial activities:
  • residences;
  • activities conducted in a building principally used as a residence;
  • commercial activities;
  • outdoor advertising structures;
  • agricultural, forestry, ranching, grazing, farming and similar activities, including but not limited to wayside fresh produce stands;
  • transient or temporary activities;
  • activities not visible from the main traveled way;
  • activities more than 1000 feet from the nearest edge of the right of way;
  • railroad tracks and minor sidings except in the area of a permanent facility for loading and unloading trains; and
  • junkyards.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1004311
informal resolution
Informal resolution the initial effort by an employee to resolve a work-related issue of concern on an informal basis at the lowest supervisory level, including the submittal of the concern in writing to the appropriate DE/DD/OD/RD.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1004326
Information is any and all data, regardless of form, that is created, contained in, or processed by information resources facilities, communications networks, or storage media.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #information_for_bid
Information for bid
Information for bid is a procurement process wherein bids are publicly solicited; and a firm fixed price contract (lump sum or unit price) is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to all the material terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, is the lowest in price. This procurement method lends itself to a firm fixed price contract where the selection of the successful bidder can be made principally on the basis of price without additional discussion. Also referred to as “sealed bids”.
Public Transportation Collection
informational proposal
An informational proposal is a document that gives the location and type of work along with the governing specifications and bidding requirements. An informational proposal is similar to an actual bidding proposal, however does not contain the qualified contractor's name, and should not be used for submitting a bid. This type of proposal can be issued to anyone requesting it.
Letting Manual
Anchor: #i1004355
informational sample
An informational sample is a sample taken and tested for informational purposes only, and it cannot be used as a substitute for a project or AQMP, Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program, sample.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004369
informational test(s)
Informational tests are tests not requested by the district for project sample or not required for the maintenance of the AQMP, Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program, but performed on project or AQMP samples by MAT for additional information to establish the quality test history of an aggregate product.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004395
information resource administrator
An information resource administrator is a TxDOT employee responsible for directing all administrative and transportation/engineering information technology systems in a district, division, or office. The IRA serves as a direct liaison between the district, division, or office and the TxDOT Technology Services Division (TSD), formerly ISD.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004425
information resources
Information resources is considered to be any and all computer printouts, online display devices, magnetic storage media, and all computer-related activities involving any device capable of receiving e-mail, browsing Web sites, or otherwise capable of receiving, storing, managing, or transmitting electronic data including, but not limited to, mainframes, servers, personal computers, notebook computers, hand-held computers, personal digital assistants (PDA), pagers, distributed processing systems, network attached and computer controlled equipment (i.e., embedded technology), telecommunication resources, network environments, telephones, fax machines, printers, and service bureaus. Additionally, it is the procedures, equipment, facilities, software, and data that are designed, built, operated, and maintained to create, collect, record, process, store, retrieve, display, and transmit information.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004440
Information Resources Management Act
The Information Resources Management Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2054) is state legislation pertaining to the efficient retrieval and exchange of information within and among the various agencies and branches of state government and from the agencies and branches of state government to Texas residents and their elected representatives.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1012338
information resources manager
In TxDOT, it is the director of the TxDOT Technology Services Division (TSD), formerly ISD, as designated by the executive director in TxDOT Directive 1-97. The IRM oversees all information resources within TxDOT.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004471
information resources technology
Information resources technology includes procedures, equipment and software that are designed, built, operated and maintained to collect, record, process, store, retrieve, display and transmit information, and associated personnel including consultants and contractors.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1004496
information security manager
The information security manager is the person designated by the information resources manager (IRM) to administer the TxDOT Information Security Program. The information security manager is the manager of the TSD Information Systems Security Branch (ISS) and is the point of contact for all information security matters.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004516
information security officer
In TxDOT, the IRM, director of TSD (formerly ISD), is the designated ISO. The ISO is responsible for overseeing the information security functions within TxDOT and is the agency’s point of contact for all information security matters. The ISO is responsible for the protection of TxDOT assets and information, which are processed by or stored in TxDOT information resource systems.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004536
information security or computer security
Information security or computer security are those measures, procedures or controls which provide an acceptable degree of protection of information assets from unauthorized disclosure, modification, destruction, or the inability to process that information.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004546
information security program
The information security program is the elements, structure, objectives, and resources that establish an information resources security function within TxDOT.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1012593
information systems
Information systems generally consist of computer hardware and software. These systems provide data collection, storage, and reduction capabilities as well as engineering analysis, design, and drafting based upon rules that are encoded in the software.
Information system (IS) is all the electronic and human components involved in the collection, pro-cessing, storage, transmission, display, dissemination, and disposition of information.
Source: Information Security Manual
Information Systems Security Branch
Information Systems Security Branch (ISS) is the organizational unit responsible for the TxDOT Information Security Program
Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004591
information technology resources
Information technology resources are the information processing hardware, software and services, supplies, personnel, facility resources, maintenance, training, or other related resources.
Anchor: #i1004601
Infrastructure, in transportation planning, refers to all the relevant elements of the environment in which a transportation system operates.
  1. Ingress is any action, reaction, indication, failure to perform or comply, by vehicle equipment and/or accessory items, caused by the activation of the VHF FM radio transmitter in any mode of operation.
  2. Manual of Testing Procedures
  3. Ingress is the right to enter a highway facility at given points.
  4. Right of Way Collection
  5. Ingress means to enter or go in. The right to enter a tract of land. Often used interchangeably with “access.”
Anchor: #i1004632
In-house is the term used when the department uses its own employees to perform a service or work project rather than having it outsourced.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1004648
in-house research
In-house research is research conducted by TxDOT employees at TxDOT facilities, as opposed to research conducted by universities or other research agencies at their campuses. However, some in-house research may utilize outside facilities from time-to-time for special testing or other unusual needs.
Research and Implementation Manual
Anchor: #i1013160
in-house training
In-house training is any training activity provided by and for department employees, such as management, staff development, engineering and maintenance training, regardless of delivery method.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1004672
in-kind match
In-kind match is the intrinsic value of goods and services (such as donated equipment, office space, utilities or labor) used to provide the required local participation for federal and state grants.
Public Transportation Collection
initial friction value
Initial friction value is the average of initial British Pendulum Tester (BTP) readings on the test specimens before they are polished.
Manual of Testing Procedures
initial screening
Initial screening is evaluation of the applicant’s education and experience.
Human Resources Manual
initial time of set
Initial time of set is the elapsed time after initial contact of cement and water required for sieved mortar to reach a penetration resistance of 3.5 MPa (500 psi). This definition is according to ASTM C 403, “Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance,” and AASHTO T 197, “Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance.”
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004754
initiation of negotiations
Initiation of Negotiations is the delivery of the initial written offer or just compensation by an agency to the owner or owner's representative to purchase their real property for a transportation project. However, if the agency issues a notice of its intent to acquire the real property, and a person moves after that notice, but before delivery of the initial written purchase offer, the initiation of negotiations means the actual move of the person from the property.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1013335
injury-to-death ratio
Injury-to-death ratio is the ratio of the number of deaths to the number of injuries in crashes. Used to measure severity of crashes.
Traffic Safety
Anchor: #i1004775
Inlets are structures with an opening allowing for drainage to enter.
Anchor: #i1004786
in-place density
In-place density is the unit weight of a material when it is measured in its final position.
Anchor: #i1004796
Input is information entered into the computer.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004806
input documents
Input documents are the completed forms with accounting coding blocks from which data are entered into the accounting system.
insertion loss
Insertion loss is the noise level reduction derived from the construction of a noise barrier.
The actual benefit derived from constructing a sound barrier. It is calculated by subtracting the noise level with a barrier in place from the noise level without a barrier.
Environmental Affairs Division
Anchor: #i1004836
in-situ concrete
In-situ concrete is the actual concrete in the prestressed concrete member.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1004850
Inspection is the examination and testing of goods or services to determine conformance to the purchase order requirements, specifications, quality and quantity.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1004879
An inspector is any employee who performs inspection of goods or services at any point from the time of delivery through final acceptance.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1004910
Integration is the combination of accumulated sick leave and/or vacation time, and/or compensatory time with weekly workers’ compensation benefits as to receive full salary and employee benefits while off work.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1004934
integrated services digital network
The integrated services digital network is an international communications standard for sending voice, video, and data over digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1004974
intelligent transportation system
An intelligent transportation system is an integrated system that uses video and other electronic detection devices to monitor traffic flows on major freeways. When problems (called "incidents") are detected, operators may use remote controls to redirect traffic, inform motorists (through the use of dynamic message signs) and notify emergency response services as appropriate. ITS replaces the term intelligent vehicle highway system.
ATMS Operators Manual
intelligent vehicle highway system
See intelligent transportation system.
Anchor: #i1005012
Interactive Graphics Design System
Interactive Graphics Design System is an integrated hardware and software configuration that brings interactive graphics to architectural engineers and urban designers. IGDS provides the tool to compose original designs or to digitize existing designs and then to edit, manipulate, file and recall those designs.
Anchor: #i1014297
Interactive Graphics Road Design System
Interactive Graphics Road Design System is a comprehensive system that uses computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) technology to assist users in roadway design and drafting functions. Major processes include coordinate geometry, horizontal alignment design, and drafting, and vertical alignment design and drafting.
interagency contract (or interagency cooperation contract)
An interagency contract is a contract between two or more state agencies made in compliance with the provisions of Government Code, Chapter 771, Interagency Cooperation Act.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1005078
interagency transaction
An interagency transaction is a transaction between two or more state agencies when a formal interagency contract is not required.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1005093
interagency transaction voucher
An interagency transfer voucher is used to reimburse a state agency for costs of providing services or resources to another state agency.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1005113
intercepting drain
An intercepting drain is a ditch or trench filled with a previous filter material around a subdrainage pipe.
Anchor: #i1005123
Interchange is a system of interconnecting roadways in conjunction with one or more grade separations that provides for the movement of traffic between two or more roadways or highways on different levels. A proposed interchange will be designated as an interchange when the construction contract has been awarded, regardless of whether it is open to the public.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1014450
intercity bus
Intercity bus is regularly scheduled bus service for the general public, which operates with limited stops over fixed routes connecting two or more urban areas not in close proximity.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1005154
Interface is two management information subsystems sharing data.
Materials and Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1005178
interim audit
This is an audit that is performed on a contract before expiration of the time period for that contract. It serves the contract manager as a monitoring device.
Contract Management Manual
Intermodal means between or including more than one means or mode of transportation.
Anchor: #i1005203
Intermodalism is an integrated view of transportation in which individual modes work together or within their own niches to provide the user with the best choices of service, and in which the consequences on all modes of policies for a single mode are considered.
Anchor: #i1005213
intermodal integration
Intermodal integration is service coordination between two or more different transportation modes. This arrangement may include joint (transfer) stations, coordinated scheduling, joint fares, and combined public information activities.
Anchor: #i1005233
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
A Transportation Bill passed by Congress in 1991 that provides six year authorizations for development of a National Intermodal Transportation System which consists of all forms of transportation in a unified, interconnected manner. Three major components of ISTEA are the National Highway System , the Surface Transportation Program, and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.
Anchor: #i1005248
intermodal transportation
Transportation of persons and goods that involves the interchange between transportation modes such as automobiles, mass transit, railway, airways and waterways, bicycles and pedestrians.
Anchor: #i1014629
internal control
Internal control is a process, effected by the Transportation Commission, TxDOT’s Administration, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance of meeting expectations in the following categories:
  • accomplishment of operational objectives and goals
  • effectiveness and efficiency of operations
  • reliability of financial and other information
  • compliance with laws and regulations
  • safeguarding assets.
Internal Audit Manual
Anchor: #i1005294
internal control system
Internal control system is the approach TxDOT uses to achieve its internal control objectives in changing conditions. The agency internal control system is made up of these five components:
  • control environment
  • risk assessment
  • control activities
  • information and communication
  • monitoring.
Internal Audit Manual
Anchor: #i1005334
International Adopt-a-Highway
International Adopt-a-Highway is a worldwide consortium of Adopt-a-Highway programs that meets annually to discuss program management.
Litter Prevention Manual
Anchor: #i1005449
International Relations Office
The International Relations Office advises on international transportation in the region on both sides of the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border. The director of IRO reports directly to the executive director.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1005488
The Internet is a global system of interconnecting computers and computer networks. A host of organizations, government agencies, companies, and colleges owns the computers and networks separately. The Internet is the present "information super highway."
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1005502
Internet protocol
Internet protocol is the protocol used to route a data packet from its source to its destination over the Internet.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1005522
Internet protocol address
IP Address
This address contains a network part and a host part (i.e. a user’s machine). An Internet protocol address is usually written as four numbers separated by decimal points. Each of the four numbers is in the range 0-255 (the decimal values possible for a single byte).
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1014085
Internet protocol security architecture
IPsec is a security protocol that provides authentication and encryption over the Internet at the network layer. The Internet protocol security architecture specifies that a set of security services include access control, connectionless data integrity, data origin authentication, protection against replays (detection of the arrival of duplicate datagrams, within a constrained window), data confidentiality, and limited traffic flow confidentiality.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1005558
  1. An intersection is any at grade connection with a roadway, including two roads or a driveway and a road.
  2. Access Management Manual
  3. An intersection is the common area at the junction of two highways, other than the junction of an alley and a highway. The dimensions of an intersection include only the common area:
    • within the connection of the lateral curb lines or, in the absence of curb lines, the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of intersecting highways that join at approximate right angles; or
    • at the place where vehicles could collide if traveling on roadways of intersecting highways that join at any angle other than an approximate right angle.
  4. Each junction of each roadway of a highway that includes two roadways at least 30 feet apart with the roadway of an intersecting highway, including each roadway of an intersecting highway that includes two roadways at least 30 feet apart, is a separate intersection.

    Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1005591
intersection angle
An intersection angle is the smallest angle between two intersection legs. The smallest angle of intersecting tangents on curved roadways. Angle between two tangents at their intersecting points.
Anchor: #i1005601
intersection at-grade
An intersection at-grade is the general area where two or more highways join or cross, within which are included the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements in lieu of direct crossings.
Anchor: #i1005611
intersection functional area
Intersection functional area is the area of an intersection necessary to provide all required storage lengths for separate turn lanes and for through traffic plus any maneuvering distance for separate turn lanes. The functional boundary of an intersection includes more than just the physical area of the intersection.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i1005646
interstate highway
Interstate highway is a roadway so designated by the Texas Transportation Commission and approved by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1005666
interstate highway business route
See �business IH highway.
Anchor: #i1005678
Interstate Highway System
The Interstate Highway System is that portion of the national system of interstate and defense highways located within the State of Texas which now or hereafter may be so designated by the Texas Transportation Commission and approved pursuant to United States Code §103.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1005713
The intranet is a private network for communications and sharing of information that, like the Internet, is based on TCP/IP, but is accessible only to authorized users within an organization. An organization's intranet is usually protected from external access by a firewall.
Information Security Manual
Inverse Square Law
The Inverse Square Law expresses mathematically the relationship between luminous intensity (CD) and illumination (FC). It states that illumination at a point on a surface is directly proportional to the luminous intensity of the light in that direction and inversely proportional to the square of its distance (D) from the source.

Highway Illumination Manual
An invert is that part of a pipe or sewer below the springing line generally the lowest point of the internal cross section.
Anchor: #i1015190
invitation for bid
Invitation for bid is a solicitation document used to obtain formal competitive bids.
Purchasing Manual
Anchor: #i1005783
invoice number
Invoice number is the invoice number assigned by the contractor when billing the department.
Finance Division
Anchor: #i1005798
iodine number
Iodine number is a measure of the unsaturation of fats and oils and is expressed in terms of the number of centigrams of iodine absorbed per gram of sample (percentage by weight of iodine absorbed).
Isolation is the process by which a permit space is removed from service and completely protected against the release of energy and material into the space by such means as: blanking or blinding; misaligning or removing sections of lines, pipes or ducts; a double block and bleen system: lockout or tagout of all sources of energy: or blocking or disconnecting all mechanical linkages.
Occupational Safety Manual
iso-lux curves
Iso-lux curves (alsocalled iso-footcandle curves) are curves plotted from metered photometric readings for a specific lighting unit, of a particular design and rated wattage, when the unit is mounted at a certain height. These readings are taken on a rectangular grid that is oriented from the center of the light source. From such readings, contour lines are then platted for identical values in lux (footcandles); and when contours are platted for equal increments of increase in illumination intensity, the resulting contour lines produce a series of generally concentric semiparabolic curves, described as iso-lux (iso-footcandle) curves.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1005837
issue unit
An issue unit is an abbreviation of up to four characters which designates the unit of measure of an item. This abbreviation must match a standard unit of measure in the “Units” Tables and Characteristics System (TACS) table in order to be accepted.
Materials and Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1005851
Items are listed specifications for construction of highways, streets, and bridges.
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