Anchor: #i1006088
Daemon is a UNIX program that executes in the background, ready to perform an operation when required. It is usually an unattended process initiated at startup. Typical daemons (pronounced “demons”) are print spoolers, email handlers, and schedulers that start up another process at a scheduled time.
Information Technology and Services Manual
Anchor: #i1006103
Dallas District
The Dallas District is a TxDOT district office including the following counties: Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwall. Area offices are located in Corsicana; Denton; Kaufman; McKinney; northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest Dallas; and Waxahachie. The district also has a Vehicle Titles and Registration Regional Office.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1006122
The loss in value to the remaining property caused by the new facility. The loss in value must be an actual loss in value to the property itself and not to the operation of a business that is located on it or to the owner’s inconvenience or preferences. That loss, which is recognized by persons that buy such property, should not be estimated, but determined by comparing the value of remainder after with the value of remainder before.
Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies
Anchor: #i1006139
Data is the representation of facts. It is the raw material of information and used as a basis for reasoning, decision-making, discussion, or calculation.
Enterprise Data Management
data administration
Also known as data resource management. Data administration is a functional area responsible for developing and administering the policies, procedures, practices and plans for the definition, organization and efficient utilization of data within an organization. This functional area is chartered to manage data as a valuable corporate resource. Also, data administration is the planning, organization, administration, control and protection of enterprise data.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1015073
data administration analyst
A data administration analyst is a person responsible for training and consulting with project teams in the development of logical data models in accordance with Data Administration plans, policies, procedures and standards.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006184
Data Administration Management Association
Data Administration Management Association is a professional society devoted to the data management topics of strategic planning, data architectures, logical models, data dictionaries, and other data issues related to mainframe, mid-tier and personal computers.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006204
data architecture
A data architecture is the science and method of designing and constructing a data resource that is business-driven, based on real world subjects, and implemented into appropriate operating environments; the overall structure of a data resource that provides a consistent foundation across organizational boundaries to provide easily identifiable, readily available, high-quality data to support business activities.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006219
data backup
Data backup is the process of copying data that is stored on a computer system to some sort of secondary storage device so that a full or partial restoration of this data to the system from which it came can be enabled at some future point in time if required.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1015228
Data Base Management System
Data Base Management System is a method for storing and retrieving common information sets or data bases. ADABAS is the primary access and retrieval mechanism for the Management Information System (MIS).
Anchor: #i1006245
Data Center Management System
Data Center Management System is the software module part of the Operating System module in a large computer. DCMS provides facilities for computer processing units (CPU) and non-CPU scheduling, for automatic job submission and tracking, and for the validation of job control language.
Anchor: #i1006260
data collection section
Data collection section is a Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) term which refers to a segment of highway for which PMIS data is collected and stored. PMIS data collection sections are usually 0.5-mile in length.
Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) Users Manual
Anchor: #i1006274
data collector
A data collector is the initial creator of data from the data source in the district, division, or office.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006289
data dictionary
A data dictionary is a directory of the definitions, purpose, policies and structure about data. It is a compilation of information about the data owned by the enterprise. It describes every data item in a database in enough detail for users and application developers to know what the data is and how to make use of it.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006304
data encryption standard
Data encryption standard is a widely-used method of data encryption using a private (secret) key. There are 72,000,000,000,000,000 (72 quadrillion) or more possible encryption keys that can be used. For each given message, the key is chosen at random from among this enormous number of keys. Like other private key cryptographic methods, both the sender and the receiver must know and use the same private key.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1006324
data entity
A data entity is the detailed representation of a person, place, thing, event or other object of interest to the enterprise. It can be represented as a record in a database or a row in a table.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006339
data entity relationship diagram
A data entity relationship diagram is a normalized, detailed graphic representation (logical view) of data entities and the significant relationships among them.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006359
data entity relationship model
A data entity relationship model includes the data entity relationship diagram and any accompanying textual documentation (e.g., definitions).
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006379
data definition
The data definition serves to give a linking name (the DDNAME) between an actual program coded name and external files of input or output data. This data definition statement also can serve as a link between the eye-readable information on storage devices (magnetic tape reels or disk packs) so operators can mount the proper data files when a job is run.
Anchor: #i1006394
data element
A data element is a unique piece of information broken down to its smallest meaningful part.
Anchor: #i1006404
data integrity
  1. Data integrity is the state that exists when computerized information is predictably related to its source and has been subjected to only those processes which have been authorized by the appropriate personnel.
  2. Data integrity is a measure of the quality of information. The integrity of data is measured in terms of the following characteristics: accuracy, reliability, timeliness, conciseness, non-redundancy and consistency. Data integrity has been achieved and can be maintained when the data that is stored on a system is physically and procedurally secure from unauthorized and/or unwanted access, protected from concurrent and/or unauthorized or malicious manipulation and current across all locations in which it is maintained and used.
  3. Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1015808
data management
Data management is the business activity of designing, building and maintaining the data resource of an organization and making data readily available to business information users.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006431
data model
A data model is a graphic representation and description of entities and the relationships among them, often accompanied by a description of the attributes of the entities. Data models may represent data in varying degrees of scope and complexity.
Anchor: #i1006447
data on terminal spool
The data on terminal spool is the system used to send savings bonds reports and longevity reports.
Anchor: #i1006462
data producer
A data producer is the initial creator of data from the data source in a district, division or office.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006477
data resource
The total data resource for an organization is the total of all data available to the organization. All data in filing cabinets, data files, database management systems, text, hypertext, geographic information systems, executive information systems, and so on, are part of the total data resource. All disparate data are part of the organization’s data resource. A formal data resource is an integrated, comprehensive data resource that makes data readily identifiable and easily accessible by information engineering. It is a subset of the total data resource. It contains data that are identified within a common concept so that people can understand their full content and meaning. The data are formally named, comprehensively defined, well-structured and properly documented.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006508
data steward
A data steward is a person in a district, division or office given the responsibility of managing a specific collection(s) of enterprise data as a business asset.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006523
data warehouse
A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006538
A database is a physical collection of data organized for flexibility of access, usually under the control of a database management system. Also, a database may be the entire collection of data and/or databases for an enterprise or part of an enterprise.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006553
database analyst
A database analyst is a person responsible for implementing and maintaining the physical database files using the logical data models (e.g., Entity Relationship Diagrams) prepared by the project teams and Data Analyst.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006573
database distribution
Database distribution is a development approach that places databases in the location or locations and on the platforms that are most efficient for the enterprise in a way that is transparent to the user.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006588
database management system
A database management system is a set of software that controls the organization, storage, retrieval, security and integrity of data in a database. It accepts requests from the application and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data.
Enterprise Data Management
database migration
Database migration is the planned movement of databases from one platform, location or condition to another.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006619
database server
A database server is a computing platform whose primary processing activity is centered around that of database processing.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006634
date of taking
Date of taking is the date that the Commissioners’ Award on a parcel in eminent domain is deposited into the registry of the court. The date of execution of a Possession and Use Agreement is also considered the date of taking.
Right of Way Collection
Anchor: #i1006651
DBASE is a commercially available database management system for microcomputers.
Anchor: #i1006661
DBE/HUB goal participation
DBE/HUB goal participation is the participation goal for DBE/HUB providers expressed as a percentage of the total cost of the contract.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1006676
DBE/HUB special provision
DBE/HUB special provision is a special provision to the provider contract that identifies DBE/HUB program requirements.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1006691
A deadman is a buried anchorage for a guy, cable, or other steadying device.
Anchor: #i1006711
Debar (Debarment)
Debar is to disqualify (the disqualification of) a contractor from bidding on or entering into a contract or from participating as a contractor or subcontractor.
Maintenance Contract Manual
Anchor: #i1006725
debarment certification
Debarment certification is a certification that the provider and its principals are not debarred from participation and not under consideration for debarment anywhere, and are eligible to perform the contract.
Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
Anchor: #i1006740
deceleration lane
Deceleration lane is a speed-change lane, including tapered areas, for the purpose of enabling a vehicle that is exiting a roadway to leave the travel lanes and slow to a safe exit.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i999841
decent safe & sanitary
A decent, safe and sanitary dwelling is a dwelling that meets applicable housing and occupancy codes and/or that:
  • is structurally sound, weathertight, and in good repair; and
  • contains a safe electrical wiring system adequate for lighting and other devices; and
  • contains a heating system capable f sustaining a healthful temperature ( approximately 70° Fahrenheit) for a displaced person, except in those areas where local climatic conditions do not require such a system; and
  • is adequate in size with respect to the number of rooms and area of living needed to accommodate the displaced person. The number of persons occupying each habitable room used for sleeping purposes shall not exceed that permitted by local housing codes or, in the absence of local codes, the policies of TxDOT. In addition, TxDOT shall follow the requirements for separate bedrooms for children of the opposite gender included in local housing codes, or in the absence of local codes, TxDOT’s policy that children of the opposite gender not occupy the same sleeping room if they have reached the age of 12 years old at the time of displacement.
  • includes a well lighted and ventilated bathroom which provides privacy for the user, containing a sink, bathtub or shower stall and a toilet, all in good working order and properly connected to appropriate sources of water and to a sewage drainage system; and in the case of a housekeeping dwelling includes a kitchen area that contains a fully usable sink, properly connected to potable hot and cold water sources and to a sewage drainage system, and adequate space and utility service connections for a stove and refrigerator; and
  • contains unobstructed access to safe, open space at ground level; and
  • in the case of a displaced person with a disability, be free of any barriers which would preclude reasonable ingress, egress, or use of the dwelling by such a displaced person. This includes all physical disabilities, not just those attributable to persons who are motion impaired.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1006816
A decibel is a basic unit of sound pressure level. Decibels are logarithmic expressions of sound pressure levels.
Anchor: #i1006841
decision support systems
A decision support system is a data processing system that provides the end user with the ability to query, extract, manipulate and assimilate data to aid in the decision-making process.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1006861
Decontamination is the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate or destroy bloodborne pathogens on a surface or item to the point where they are no longer capable of transmitting infectious particles and the surface or item is rendered safe for handling, use or disposal.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1006870
dedicated funding source
A dedicated funding source, by law, is available for use only to support a specific purpose and cannot be diverted to other uses.
The Highway Trust Fund is a dedicated funding source.
Anchor: #i1006880
deep rutting
Deep rutting is an asphaltic concrete pavement distress type in which a surface depression in the wheelpath (a rut) is 1-3 inches deep. Deep rutting ranges from 0 to 100 percent of the wheelpath length.
Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) Rater's Manual
Anchor: #i1006895
Default is failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract not caused by force majeure. See breach of contract.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1006914
default accessor identification
default ACID
A default accessor identification is provided by the system software for user identification at installation that does not require separate user identifications.
Anchor: #i1006939
  1. Deflection is the bending or breaking of the surface as a result of a load or pressure.
  2. Deflection is the change in shape or decrease in diameter of a conduit, produced without fracture of the material.
Anchor: #i1017376
deformed bar
Deformed bar is a reinforcing bar for rigid slabs conforming to “Requirements for Deformations” in AASHTO Designations M31, M42, or M53.
Pavement Design Manual
Anchor: #i1006971
degree of curvature
The degree of curvature is the measurement of sharpness of a curve. The angle formed at the center of the circle by two radii subtended by a 100 foot arc. Number of degrees in each one hundred feet of curve.
Anchor: #i1006986
delegation of signature authority
Delegation of signature authority is the assignment of signature responsibility and authority to designated TxDOT employees.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1007001
deleterious material
Deleterious material is defined in various specifications as clay lumps, shale, soft, friable or laminated particles, vegetable matter, or other objectional material.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1007015
  1. A delineator is a reflecting device mounted at the side of the roadway, in series, to indicate the alignment of the roadway.
  2. Delineators are drawings or painted lines indicating guidelines for paved roadways. Flexible delineator posts cause little or no damage to a vehicle striking the post.
  3. Maintenance Collection
demand response service
Demand response service is a transportation system characterized by flexible routing and scheduling of relatively small vehicles to provide door-to-door, curb-to-curb, or point-to-point transportation at the user’s demand. Synonymous with “dial-a-ride” and “paratransit” service.
Public Transportation Collection
demilitarized zone

In computer networks, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a computer host or small network inserted as a “neutral zone” between a company’s private network and the outside public network. TxDOT establishes a DMZ to prevent outside users from getting direct access to a TxDOT server that hosts internal information resources.

Source: Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i999887
Demonstration is the placing of a product into TxDOT’s operational environment to demonstrate its use, and includes deployment and implementation field testing.
Research and Implementation Manual
Anchor: #i1007115
Density is the unit weight of a material such as pounds per cubic foot.
Anchor: #i1007155
department accessor identification
department ACID
A department accessor identification groups a user, profiles and resources. Each user ACID must be associated with a department. Departments are equivalent to TxDOT branches, area offices, project offices, units or project teams. See accessor ID.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007193
department authorized organizations
Department associations are organizations and associations identified by the department that are directly related to department functions.
Examples: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), American Society for Testing and Materials, Hispanic Awareness Committee (HAC), Leadership Texas; Texas Alliance for Minority Engineers (TAME), Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering (TexPREP), TxDOT Employee Advisory Committee, Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO ), TxDOT Activities Coordinating Committee (TACC), and TxConnect.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1007249
Department of Information Resources
  1. The Department of Information Resources is a state agency established to aid other state agencies in planning for effective, efficient, and economical use of automated information and telecommunications systems.
  2. Procurement Manual
  3. The Department of Information Resources (DIR) was established in a comprehensive state statute that addressed the major aspects of information technology management. The 77th Legislature designated oversight of information resources management to the DIR executive director, who now serves as the state’s chief information officer, with authority for all aspects of information technology for state agencies.
  4. Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007296
Department of Public Safety
In Texas, the Department of Public Safety is responsible for, among other duties, criminal law enforcement, driver licensing (including Commercial Drivers Licenses), highway patrol, and statewide vehicular crash recording and reporting.
Anchor: #i1007317
department project manager
See �project manager.
Anchor: #i1007329
Department owned means property owned by the department and created from a department roadway during maintenance or construction.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1007343
depersonalized information
Depersonalized information is data/information that has had all references to a person (name, address, telephone, etc.) removed or changed to non-information (all x’s).
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007383
descending reference marker direction
Descending reference marker direction is the direction of travel in which the reference marker numbers decrease.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1007398
descriptive code
  1. A descriptive code is a four-digit computer code number placed after a bid item number used to further describe that bid item and is unique to that specific item description.
  2. Letting Management Office
  3. A descriptive code is a four-digit number representing different ways to bid an item - such as different units of measurement, different sizes of the item or different types of the item. The code is a part of the estimate and quantity sheet in the project plans and bid inserts in a proposal.
  4. See also Bid Item.

    Plans, Specifications and Estimate Preparation Manual
Anchor: #i1007419
Desiccator is a specific, calibrated drying apparatus.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1021140
Design and Construction Information System
The Design and Construction Information System is part of the major investment study. DCIS is the automated information system for planning, programming, and developing the design criteria for the department’s construction projects. DCIS is an essential part of the process of preparing those construction pieces of contract letting. Projects are identified by control, section and sequence number for the job as a database key description. All project information such as work descriptions, fund requirements, and dates for proposed activities can be identified in DCIS. DCIS has the resources to manage an engineering project from the conceptual stage through the letting stage and, for some project information, through the completion of construction. Each project is coded by Highway Work Class of which DCIS has 17 classes identified.
Design and Construction Information System Manual
Anchor: #i1007449
design capacity
Design capacity refers to an estimated capacity, usually based on vehicles per day or design hourly volume that is used to determine the design of a highway, i.e. number of lanes and other considerations.
Anchor: #i1007459
design cylinders
Design cylinders are cylinders used to determine if design concrete strength requirements have been achieved.
700-I, Structural Test Procedures Manual
Anchor: #i1007473
Design Division
The Design Division serves as a one-stop clearinghouse for project design of roads, bridges, rest areas and landscapes.
Inside TxDOT
Anchor: #i1007492
design exception
Documentation of an engineering decision not to comply with certain design requirements. Design exceptions are requested by the district for approval by the Design Division.
Anchor: #i1007502
design frequency
Design frequency is a specified length of time during which a structure will theoretically flood only once, i.e., a structure designed on a 5 year frequency will theoretically flood only once every 5 years, however there is a 20% chance the flood can be exceeded in any year.
Anchor: #i1007512
design hourly volume
The design hourly volume is the thirtieth highest hourly traffic count for the design year.
Anchor: #i1021260
design speed
Design speed is a selected speed used to determine the various design features of a roadway.
Roadway Design Manual
Anchor: #i1007533
design standard
design standard is the policies, guidelines. and criteria which guide and/or control detailed design for normal conditions.
Anchor: #i1007543
design standard sheet
A design standard sheet is a pre-developed plan which is used statewide.
Anchor: #i1007553
design vehicle
A design vehicle is a selected motor vehicle whose weight, dimensions, and operating characteristics are used to establish highway design.
Anchor: #i1007563
design waiver
Similar to a design exception, a design waiver documents an engineering decision not to comply with certain design requirements. Design waivers are documented and approved at the district level.
Anchor: #i1007573
design year
Projects are planned and designed to meet the future, anticipated needs and characteristics of a certain year. This is referred to as the design year. Typically, the design year for roadways is twenty years after the construction year. For bridges, the design year is typically greater.
Anchor: #i1007583
designated headquarters
Designated headquarters is the area within the corporate limits of the city or town in which an employee is required to maintain his or her official headquarters. At a place not within the corporate limits of a city or town, designated headquarters means the area within a five-mile radius of the place at which an employee is required to maintain his or her official headquarters. By department rule, the designated headquarters of Maintenance Forces is the Maintenance Section.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1021335
designated recipient
A designated recipient is the state, an authority, a municipality (not included in an authority), a local governmental body, or a nonprofit entity providing public transportation services, that receives federal or state public transportation money through the department or the Federal Transit Administration, or its successor.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1007608
detail sheets
Detail sheets are the sheets which contain the numerous design details necessary to complement the typical sections and plan profile sheets. Examples are curb and gutter, sidewalk, geometric details of intersections.
Anchor: #i1007618
detailed design
Detailed design is a stage in the computer system design, specification and development process. In this context, this term refers to the development stage during which the actual implementation design (the how to do what) is determined and documented. The end result of this activity is known as the architecturally based “detailed design.” Within the TxDOT data architecture, the detailed design is represented by a logical model or Data Entry Relationship Model (DERM).
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1007633
detention pond
A detention pond is a man-made feature built to hold and store flood water or other surface runoff for later release.
Anchor: #i1007643
determination of eligibility
Determination of eligibility is the process of ascertaining a property's eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. A property that is determined eligible for the National Register but not actually listed is afforded the same protection under Section 106 as a listed property.
Environmental Manual
Anchor: #i1007657
A detour is a temporary route which directs highway traffic around construction work. The detour route is always marked with the proper marker and additional signs to indicate it is a detour route.
Anchor: #i1021460
detrital (weathered)
Detrital material consists of particles which have been formed through the disintegration of other particles by erosion or weathering. NOTE: This definition has been approved by the Specification Committee.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1007677
Development is the translation of new knowledge into a product and may include research field testing.
Research and Implementation Manual
Anchor: #i1007697
deviator stress
Deviator stress is the difference between the major and minor principal stresses in a triaxial test which is equal to the axial load applied to the specimen divided by the cross-sectional area of the specimen, as prescribed in the section on calculations. The major principal stress in the specimen is equal to the deviator stress plus the chamber pressure, and the minor principal stress in the specimen is equal to the chamber pressure.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1007711
DHT number
A number assigned to warehouse stock items (from the former department designation “Department of Highways and Transportation”).
Materials and Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1007725
dial-up access
Dial-up access is a type of communication between two computer systems in which they communicate with each other via standard telephone lines or through a similar type of medium.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1007740
A diaphragm is a metal collar at right angles to a drain pipe for the purpose of retarding seepage or the burrowing of rodents.
Anchor: #i1007760
dictionary attack
Dictionary attack is used in finding passwords by comparing them to a specific list, such an English dictionary, foreign dictionary, encyclopedia, bible, etc.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007775
A dielectric is a non-conductor of direct electric current.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1007789
differential wear
Differential wear is the measured difference of the amount of abrasion loss to the surface of randomly selected aggregate particles from each type of aggregate in the blend.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1007803
Digital is a term for images produced or stored electronically. Any file on the computer.
Communications Manual
Anchor: #i1007817
digital audio tape drive
A digital audio tape drive is a hardware device used by system administration staff for backups and restores.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1007837
digital certificate
A digital certificate represents the certification of an individual, business, or organizational public key used for encrypting and decrypting messages and digital signatures. Public key encryption involves encrypting messages with one key (public key) that can only be decrypted with a second key (private key) and vice versa. Each key unlocks the encryption that the other key creates. For security purposes, the private key is never revealed to unauthorized users. Only the public key is widely known. A digital certificate contains the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority, enabling anyone to verify the certificate's validity. Certificate authorities control the public key infrastructure. Digital certificate technology is a primary means of validating electronic transactions over the Internet.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007852
Digital Equipment Corporation
The Digital Equipment Corporation is a computer database used by Texas Highways magazine. A major manufacturer of computers and the manufacturer of the VAX equipment used by TxDOT for graphics stations and computers.
Anchor: #i1007869
digital orthophotography
A reconstructed aerial photo in which all scale variations and distortions have been removed through rectification. Thus, digital orthophotos (DOQQs) combine the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map.
Survey Manual
Anchor: #i1007879
digital signature
A digital signature is used to verify the authenticity of the sender of an electronic document. Digital signatures employ an asymmetric cryptographic process to assure the authenticity and non-repudiation of a message originator and/or the integrity of a message.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007894
digital terrain model
A digital terrain model (DTM) is a computer file generated from aerial photography or field survey data containing three-dimensional data (X, Y, and Z coordinates) on terrain. DTM’s can be used to generate contour lines and existing ground cross sections or profiles.
GPS User’sManual
Anchor: #i1007909
A dike is an embankment constructed of earth or other suitable materials to protect land against overflow from streams, lakes, or tidal influences or to protect flat land areas from diffused surface water.
Anchor: #i1007919
direct access storage device
A direct access storage device is a computer disk storage that allows data storage or retrieval by a reference to its location on a storage volume, rather than relative to the previously stored or retrieved data, so computers can access the data faster.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1007934
direct costs
Direct costs are costs that are charged to the outsourced project that include wage rates per personnel category, lodging, per diem, and special equipment or printing requests that are required to complete the project and not included in the performing entity’s audited overhead rate.
Contract Management Manual
Anchor: #i1007949
direct current
Direct current is a one-direction flow of electricity.
Highway Illumination Manual
Anchor: #i1007969
direct function code
A direct function code is a two or three character alphanumeric code identifying a function from one of the menus.
Materials And Supplies Management System Manual
Anchor: #i1007993
Directional Design Hourly Volume
Typically, the DDHV is the thirtieth highest hourly traffic volume in one direction for the design year, commonly twenty years from the time of construction. DDHV is given in units of vehicles per hour.
Anchor: #i1008008
directional distribution
Directional distribution is the split of traffic during the design hour commonly expressed as percent in the peak and off-peak flow directions.
Anchor: #i1008018
directional interchange
The directional interchange is an interchange, generally having more than one highway grade separation, with direct connections for the major turning movements.
Anchor: #i1008028
directional median opening
Directional median opening is an opening in a nontraversable median that accommodates specific movements, such as U-turn movements and/or left-turn movements from the highway, and physically restricts other movements.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i1008063
disadvantaged business enterprise
  1. A disadvantaged business enterprise is any business certified by the department in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26.
  2. Engineering Architectural and Surveying Services Manual
  3. A disadvantaged business enterprise is any small business, certified by the department, which is 51 percent owned by one or more minorities or women, or, in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock is owned by one or more minorities or women, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more such individuals.
  4. Maintenance Contract Manual
Anchor: #i1008089
disadvantaged communities
A community that, compared to the whole, has a higher percentage of elderly and/or minority populations, populations with below average per capita income, and/or above average unemployment.
Anchor: #i1008109
disaggregation curve
A disaggregation curve is a graphical or tabular means of relating the distribution of a variable (e.g., households) to a single parameter. For example, the distribution of households by size within transportation analysis zones may be plotted versus the average household size of the zones. There would be one curve in the graph for each household size category. Given the average household size for a zone (or some other subdivision), reading that value on the x-axis, the y-values on the curves in the graph would provide estimates of the percent of households in the size category represented by the curve. These data provide a means for estimating the distribution of a variable (i.e., disaggregating the variable) at a sub-area level given a single parameter for the sub-area.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #disaster_district
disaster districts
Disaster districts are the state’s regional emergency management organizations that serve as the initial source of state emergency assistance for local governments. A chairman, who is the local Texas Highway Patrol commander, directs each District. Disaster District Committees, consisting of state agencies and volunteer groups that have resources within the District’s area of responsibility, assist the Disaster District Chair in identifying, mobilizing, and deploying personnel, equipment, supplies, and technical support to respond to requests for emergency assistance from local governments and state agencies.
Maintenance Division
Anchor: #i1008123
disaster recovery plan
See business resumption plan.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1008143
Disbursement is the cash payment of an obligation. Issuance of a warrant is considered to be a cash payment.
Anchor: #i1008153
Discharge is the flow from a culvert, sewer, channel, or other watercourse.
Anchor: #i1008168
discretionary funds
Discretionary funds are generally controlled by the governing body to satisfy situational needs or policy. Examples include Congressional earmarks and FTA Section 5309 projects.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1008183
discrimination grievance
A discrimination grievance is an employee's concern about the effect, action, practice, difference in treatment, or denial of privilege because of the employee's age, race, national origin, color, religion, disability, or sex.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1008197
Disking is the cutting and loosening of natural ground or layer of embankment and mixing same with a plow.
Anchor: #i1008207
disparate data
Disparate data is any data that does not conform to TxDOT’s data standards.
Enterprise Data Management
Anchor: #i1008222
displaced person
A displaced person is any person (individual, family, corporation, partnership, or association) who moves from the real property or moves his/her personal property from the real property:
  • as a direct result of a written notice of intent to acquire, the initiation of negotiations for, or the acquisition of such real property in whole or in part for a highway project; or
  • as a direct result of rehabilitation or demolition for a highway project; or
  • as a direct result of a written notice of intent to acquire, or the acquisition, rehabilitation or demolition of, in whole or part, other real property on which the person conducts a business or farm operation, for a highway project.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1008252
A displacee is a person displaced from a dwelling by virtue of a state highway project.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1022155
displacement dwelling
A displacement dwelling is the dwelling from which a person is displaced due to a State highway project.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1008278
distance from origin
Distance from origin is the TRM-generated value of distance from any point on a given route back to the beginning point of the route. This length includes lengths of all linked route segments with local roads and other signed highways occurring up to that point.
Texas Reference Marker (TRM) System User's Manual
Anchor: #i1008298
distress score
Distress score is a Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) term which describes the overall amount of pavement distress. Distress scores range from 1 (most distress) to 100 (least distress).
Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) Users Manual
Anchor: #i1008312
distributed data
Distributed data is data that is located in more than one physical location, usually across two or more servers within a client/server or similar type of architectural configuration.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1008327
distributed database
A distributed database is a database system that is maintained in more than one physical location within the technological architecture but that is represented to the user community as one logical
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1008342
distributed processing
Distributed processing is processing that occurs at two or more physical locations within a technical architecture which is dynamically supplied by a variety of different computing platforms.
Information Services Business Improvement Project Technology 1
Anchor: #i1022250
  1. A district is one of the 25 geographical areas, managed by a district engineer, in which the department conducts its primary work activities.
  2. A district is an aggregation of traffic serial zones used in travel demand modeling for analysis and reporting.
  3. Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #i1008374
district engineer
The chief administrative officer in charge of one of the TxDOT geographic districts. The term also may refer to the district engineer’s designee.
Anchor: #i1008444
ditch check
A ditch check is a barrier placed in a ditch to decrease the slope of the flowline and thereby decrease the velocity of the water.
Anchor: #i1008454
diurnal emissions
Diurnal emissions are evaporated gasoline emissions generated by the rise in temperature over the course of a day when the vehicle is not being driven.
Traffic Data and Analysis Manual
Anchor: #i1022701
Diverging means the dividing of a stream of traffic into separate lanes.
Anchor: #i1008469
diverse applicant pool
A diverse applicant pool is a pool in which more than one gender or ethnic group is represented. To be a diverse applicant pool, at least one applicant in the pool must be of a different ethnicity or different gender than any other applicant in the pool.
A pool of all white males is not diverse; neither is a pool of all black females.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1008485
Diversion is a channel with a supporting ridge on the lower side constructed across a slope for the purpose of intercepting and diverting water.
Anchor: #i1008495
divided highway
A divided highway is a highway with a median designed to separate traffic moving in opposite directions.
Access Management Manual
Anchor: #i1008520
division accessor identification
division ACID
A division accessor identification is a 3- or 4-character identifier used to group departments.
Anchor: #i1008545
docked pay status
Docked pay status is the amount of time employees do not work during a work week and for which they do not have applicable paid leave.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1008559
  1. A domain is a set of all possible values for an attribute; it can be text, numeric, date or time, or be specified via permitted values. An example is the official two-character abbreviations for each state.
  2. A domain is a cohesive collection of hardware and software that is used to implement the specific function of a system such as the Production System.
Anchor: #i1008569
domain name
A domain name identifies a computer on a network as an active part of that network. This computer can share its resources with other computers on the network. The domain name is part of an email address and indicates which computer system the message should arrive at.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1008585
domain name service
A software protocol that provides a means to convert an IP address (such as to a name (such as organic.com) and vice versa.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1008615
domestic origin
Domestic origin means having all manufacturing processes occurring in the United States of America.
Inspection Guide
Anchor: #i1008629
Property owners whose real property is required for a highway project may donate all or part of such required property to the acquiring agency. Property owners must be fully informed of their right to just compensation as well as their right to have an appraisal made of the property. Property owners may release the acquiring agency from either or both of these obligations; however, it is important to note that this is the property owner’s option. A property owner may not waive an appraisal for property partially donated. All donations must be obtained in the name of the local authority rather than in the name of the State. The local authority will then deed the property to the State.
Anchor: #i1008639
Don’t Mess With Texas
Don’t Mess With Texas is TxDOT’s high-visibility litter prevention media campaign, administered by the Travel Division.
Travel Division
Anchor: #i1008654
Don’t Wreck Your Life
Don’t Wreck Your Life is TxDOT’s advertising campaign against drunk and reckless driving.
Anchor: #i1008670
dots per (linear) inch
Dots per inch is a measure of resolution.
A digital image defined by 90,000 pixels per square inch is said to have a DPI of 300. That means 300 pixels per vertical inch multiplied by 300 pixels per horizontal inch.
Communications Manual
Anchor: #i1008691
double layer of security
A double layer of security is a combination of two layers of security used concurrently on separate entry locations. For example, a security card reader is used to enter the building and a combination door lock is then used to enter the office area.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1008706
A dowel is a load transfer element, usually a plain round steel bar that projects from one concrete slab or structure into another.
Anchor: #i1008726
draft environmental impact statement
An environmental document that is prepared when it is initially determined that the action/project may cause significant impacts to the environment, when environmental studies and early coordination indicate significant impacts, or when review of the environmental assessment indicates that the impacts anticipated to result from the project may be significant. The DEIS compares all reasonable alternatives to the proposed project and summarizes the studies, reviews, consultations, and coordination to the extent appropriate at the draft stage in the environmental process. This document lists all entities from which comments are being requested.
Anchor: #i1008741
Drainage is the removal of water from the highway right-of-way area by use of culverts, ditches, outsell channels and other drainage structures.
Anchor: #i1008751
drainage area
The drainage area is the defined area to be drained by a given drainage facility.
Anchor: #i1023431
drainage coefficients
Drainage coefficients are factors used to modify layer coefficients in flexible pavements or stresses in rigid pavements as a function of how well the pavement structure can handle the adverse effect of water infiltration.
Pavement Design Manual
Anchor: #i1008772
drainage factor of a soil
Drainage factor of a soil is the number of cubic centimeters of water per hour that will drain through a standard size 152 x 203 mm (6 x 8 in.) triaxial specimen, when molded according to Test Method “Tex-113-E, Laboratory Compaction Characteristics and Moisture-Density Relationship of Base Materials,” and subjected to drainage water under the following conditions: Drainage factor apparatus shall be the falling head type with an initial head of water equivalent to 762 mm (30 in.) above the top of the specimen, the water reservoir shall be 127 mm (5 in.) in diameter by 254 mm (10 in.) tall. A pressure of at least 13.8 kPa (2 psi) lateral and vertical shall be maintained on the specimen during the test.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1008786
drainage factor of undisturbed soils
The drainage factor of undisturbed soils is the same as drainage factor (of a soil) except that the core height should be approximately 1.33 times its actual diameter.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i1008800
drainage slots
Drainage slots are openings constructed in structures to allow drainage flow through them.
Anchor: #i1008830
drilled shafts
Drilled shafts are reinforced concrete foundation shafts for bridges and retaining walls that are excavated (drilled) and then filled with concrete and reinforcing steel.
Geotechnical Manual
Anchor: #i1023537
drive for the department
Driving for the department means driving vehicles and/or operating motor-driven equipment (rollers, tractors, graders, ferries, aircraft, etc.) for the department, regardless of who owns the vehicles or equipment and regardless of the frequency of driving/operating duties. This includes an employee’s personal vehicle when driven during the course and scope of employment. An employee who is paid for mileage is, by definition, driving on department business.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1008860
driving under the influence of drugs
In Texas, driving under the influence of drugs (DUI) is synonymous with driving while intoxicated and includes alcohol.
Anchor: #i1008885
Drug and Alcohol Management Information System
The Drug and Alcohol Management Information System is a transit agency’s annual report to the Federal Transit Administration on its drug and alcohol testing program.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i1008906
Drug Evaluation and Classification Program
The Drug Evaluation Classification Program trains police officers as Drug Recognition Experts (Dress).
Anchor: #i1008921
drug recognition expert or evaluation
A drug recognition expert is a peace officer who has received extensive, specialized training in order to detect what category or categories of drugs are impairing an individual.
Anchor: #i1008936
dual-fuel vehicle
A dual-fuel vehicle is a vehicle that can operate on a mixture of two fuels simultaneously.
Equipment Manual
Anchor: #i1008951
dual homing
A dual-homing utilizes a firewall consisting of a bastion host with two network interfaces, one of which is connected to the protected network, the other is connected to the Internet. Internet protocol (IP) traffic forwarding is usually disabled, restricting all traffic between the two networks to whatever passes through an application proxy.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1008976
due care
Due care is the minimum and customary practice of responsible protection of assets. This is determined by legislative, federal and agency requirements.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i1008991
due diligence
Due diligence is the prudent management and execution of due care. Failure to achieve the minimum standards would be considered negligent and could lead to loss of assets and/or litigation.
Information Security Manual
Durability is the ability of an asphaltic concrete pavement to resist the effects of weather and traffic and retain the desirable properties. Durable pavements should hold their density and surface texture, remain stable, and resist oxidation. The effects of water, heat, freezing, and thawing should be minimal.
Anchor: #i1009016
duration of the project
Duration of the project includes the time from beginning of work on the project until work on the project has been completed and accepted by the department.
Occupational Safety Manual
Anchor: #i1009030
Duties are the activities that are done to perform a job, as listed on the business job description under duties and on the job requisition as essential functions.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i1009044
duty point
Duty point means the destination other than a place of employment to which an employee travels to conduct official state business. If the destination is outside the employee's designated headquarters, then the duty point is the area within the city limits of the incorporated area in which the destination is located, or the area within a five-mile radius of the destination if it is located in an unincorporated area.
Travel Manual
Anchor: #i1009059
dwelling site
A dwelling site is the land area that is typical in size for similar dwellings located in the same neighborhood or rural area.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1009073
Dynaflect is a device designed to exert or impart a cyclic load onto a pavement to measure the resultant surface deflection.
Anchor: #i1009083
dynamic message sign
A dynamic message sign (DMS) is used to advise drivers of traffic or roadway conditions ahead and, in some cases, recommend alternate routes. The DMS also reduces driver frustration by providing advance warning. A DMS may also be referred to as a variable message sign (VMS), changeable message sign (CMS) or blank-out sign (BOS).
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