Anchor: #i999354
jack pipe
A jack pipe is a pipe that is installed using jacks.
Anchor: #i999365
jacking (for conduits)
Jacking is a method of providing an opening for drainage or other purposes underground, by cutting an opening ahead of the pipe and forcing the pipe into the opening by means of horizontal jacks.
Anchor: #i999385
Java is a programming language from Sun for World Wide Web applications. Java programs are embedded into Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents on the web. Netscape Navigator and some other browsers have embedded Java interpreters that allow users to access and run Java programs embedded in web pages.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i999409
jiggle bar
A jiggle bar is a raised surface that extends generally less than 1” above the normal permanent surface to make any wheel encroachment obvious to the vehicle operator without loss of control of the vehicle. It is usually constructed with asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) or jiggle bar tile.
Anchor: #i999419
Job Access and Reverse Commute
Job Access and Reverse Commute is a Federal Transit Administration grant program targeting new or expanded public transportation services for low income persons or welfare recipients and commutes to suburban employment centers. Codified at 49 USC 5316 and often called the Section 5316 or JARC program.
Public Transportation Collection
Anchor: #i999449
job control language
Job control language expresses the requirements and coordination needed to perform a computer run.
job control tests Job control tests are routinely performed by the districts on a project basis to meet the specification requirements.
Manual of Testing Procedures
Anchor: #i999473
job entry subsystem # 2
A job entry subsystem #2 is just a new up-to-date version of job control language.
Anchor: #i999488
job family
A job family is a group of jobs that have the same basic nature of work, but different levels of skill, effort, responsibility or working conditions.
Human Resources Manual
Anchor: #i999512
job requisition
A job requisition is a written notice of a specific position to be filled in an organization. This includes a brief overview of the job, its essential duties and minimum requirements.
Human Resources Division
Anchor: #i999532
A joinder is the joining or uniting of two or more individuals in a legal proceeding.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i1000879
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Joint Photographic Experts Group is a graphics format that provides for better image compression resulting in less storage space requirements. Because they are compressed, JPEG images take longer to load than their Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) counterparts.
Information Security Manual
Anchor: #i999562
joint sealer
Joint sealer is a material or device placed in pavement joints to prevent migration of water or debris into a pavement structure.
Anchor: #i999572
joint-use agreement
  1. A joint use agreement (license agreement) is an agreement between TxDOT and a railroad company whereby one party allows the other permission to use their property for a specific purpose. Does not create a property interest.
  2. Right of Way Manual
  3. An agreement allowing TxDOT to utilize property belonging to another entity. Such an agreement might be used to construct and maintain a roadway ditch or bicycle lane in railroad right-of-way, as an example.
Anchor: #i999602
jointed concrete pavement
Jointed concrete pavement is Portland cement concrete pavement with longitudinal steel reinforcement and periodically spaced transverse joints. These joints, which may contain reinforcement, are design to control cracking and to transfer traffic load between the adjacent slabs.
Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) Users Manual
Anchor: #i999621
A journal is any book of original entry.
Anchor: #i999631
journal request voucher
A journal request voucher is provided by the comptroller for the recording of adjusting transactions on journal registers. Journal request vouchers contain entries, explanations and references to documentary evidence supporting the entries, and the signature or initials of one or more properly authorized officials designated to authorize the transactions.
Anchor: #i1000992
journal voucher
A journal voucher is a TxDOT accounting device to distribute or redistribute costs to authorizations and projects and to make adjustments.
Anchor: #i999647
A judgment is a decision as to the damages suffered by the condemnee.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i999662
Jughead is a research tool that is used with Gopher. Jughead scans an index of titles for directory titles or broader subject headings. It then offers you the option to go to one of these directory titles and look for more specific information.
Information Technology and Services Manual
Anchor: #i999686
Junk is any old scrap copper, brass, rope, rags, batteries, paper, trash, rubber, debris, waste; junked, dismantled or wrecked automobiles or parts thereof; iron, steel or other old or scrap ferrous or nonferrous material.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i999701
A junkyard is an automobile graveyard; an establishment maintained, used or operated for storing, buying or selling junk or processing scrap metal; a garbage dump or sanitary landfill.
Right of Way Manual
Anchor: #i999716
just compensation
In condemnation, the amount of the loss for which a property owner has established a claim to compensation. It is the payment of the market value of the part taken.
Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies
Anchor: #i999731
Justification is a statement designed to identify, to describe the use, to explain the benefits, to show the costs, and to state clearly the worth of an automated information and telecommunications systems.
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