Anchor: #i1007820

Section 3: Design Considerations and Factors

Anchor: #i1007832

Avoidance and Minimization

TxDOT should analyze each project alternative carefully; the goal being to select the most cost-effective option that is least likely to impact the environment and best serves the purpose of the project. Several factors must be considered in the decision to avoid or minimize involvement with hazardous materials including health and safety concerns, design feasibility, maintenance after construction, liability, costs, and other environmental issues.

If contamination is encountered and cannot be avoided, TxDOT should make every effort to have the owner, operator, and/or responsible party investigate and clean up the contamination prior to acquisition.If it cannot be cleaned up prior to acquisition and construction, the project designer should find ways to minimize involvement or impacts with hazardous materials by redesigning the project or properly handling the concern prior to or during construction. It may be necessary to develop procedures, plan notes, specifications and/or plan details to address contamination concurrently with construction (e.g. an SGMP). In some cases, requirements for proper management of hazardous materials or special considerations for post-construction maintenance activities may also apply.

Anchor: #i1009613

Design Considerations

When there is a strong degree of certainty that hazardous material contamination exists within the project limits, coordination with affected TxDOT divisions should begin early in the project development process. Each TxDOT district should develop its own procedures based on the information found in this manual and designate responsible persons for determining and coordinating project development activities when there is a possibility of encountering hazardous material contamination during construction. Project designers should coordinate with TxDOT divisions through designated district personnel. If needed, Chapter 6: Hazardous Materials Services Contracts provides instructions to acquire consultant and contractor services with the assistance of ENV and PRO staff.

All design and construction activities involving hazardous material contamination should comply with state and federal rules and regulations. Coordination with the TCEQ throughout project development and construction may be necessary. Consultants may be needed to develop the preventive action plan and provide coordination with other agencies, depending upon the district staff’s expertise and experience. The preventive action plan details the plans and specifications for monitoring and testing, health and safety plans, waste management, and other items that may be needed. The cost-effective project design should also:

    Anchor: #TFMSTTDA
  • Determine who will accomplish the work activities in the contaminated areas
  • Anchor: #RMJKVLFO
  • Determine how and when construction sequencing should occur
  • Anchor: #AXLLESSK
  • Determine how costs associated with contamination will be taken into account
  • Anchor: #UMEJFMAN
  • Assign responsibilities to the parties involved in the construction contract.

If possible, preventive action should be accomplished prior to construction on the roadway project. When contamination is located within the proposed right-of-way limits, the best way to minimize traffic flow interruption is to coordinate the implementation of the preventive action and construction plans. When preventive action and roadway construction plans are let as separate contracts, the designs should be coordinated to eliminate redundant excavation.

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