Chapter 7: Training
Anchor: #i998907Section 1: Overview
The following courses are recommended training for professionals performing or overseeing the Hazardous Materials Management (HMM) Initial Site Assessment (ISA) process related to TxDOT construction and maintenance projects. Additional training is recommended to manage HMM processes outside of the ISA process (i.e. Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), and management plan). Contact the Environmental Affairs Division (ENV) Environmental Resources Management Section (ERM) for further information.
Anchor: #i998917Hazardous Materials Management (ENV114)
Introduction: Designed to provide an overview of the ISA and HMM process. The course will instruct staff how to conduct a more effective ISA for hazardous materials issues relating to transportation projects and to prepare the appropriate documentation of the findings.
- Anchor: #HGXLYDQA
- TxDOT course taught by ENV-ERM staff Anchor: #NGCNFPMI
- Taught yearly Anchor: #SYWOEMSD
- Consultants welcome to attend
Individualized ISA Training (ENV424)
Introduction: This personalized training will provide a detailed overview of the ISA process. The training has no pre-set curriculum and is tailored to meet the needs of individuals attending.
- Anchor: #GJOTWGPU
- TxDOT course taught by ENV-HMM ERM staff Anchor: #BYLLKBKE
- Taught when requested (Contact ENV-HMM ERM) Anchor: #BFJGUBRK
- Consultants welcome to attend
eLearning Courses:
Introduction: Designed to provide an overview of the ISA and the HMM process. The nine online courses will instruct staff how to conduct more effective ISAs for hazardous materials issues relating to transportation projects and to prepare the appropriate documentation of the findings. These nine courses combined are equivalent to ENV114.
- Anchor: #JUQWRRIY
- ENV415: Introduction to the ISA Process Anchor: #LTIECLXM
- ENV416: Regulatory/Legal Issues Anchor: #VVDYJHFM
- ENV417: Defining Site Assessments Anchor: #BDTBPPBI
- ENV418: HAZMAT Management Anchor: #YGNLXSJT
- ENV419: Land Use Concerns Anchor: #EEKREYML
- ENV420: Using Regulatory Databases Anchor: #BKQVXHWQ
- ENV421: Conduct Field Survey Anchor: #MSILHTGQ
- ENV422: Prepare NEPA Doc Anchor: #KJQSXJKS
- ENV423: Preparing Recommendations