Chapter 1: Introduction

Anchor: #i1000555

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1000560

Scope of Guidance

For the purpose of the Hazardous Materials in Project Development Manual, project development includes the following four functional areas.

This manual is organized into the following chapters and appendices

    Anchor: #AUBROOTM
  1. Introduction
  2. Anchor: #RVUBCCVB
  3. Advanced Planning and Environmental Documentation
  4. Anchor: #FJHKBWUO
  5. Right-of-Way
  6. Anchor: #UPBTXGYB
  7. Design
  8. Anchor: #KKIMMMMV
  9. Construction
  10. Anchor: #BBCXQUNE
  11. Hazardous Materials Services Contracts
  12. Anchor: #JCNEYLWD
  13. Training
Anchor: #i1000630


The Environmental Affairs Division (ENV) is responsible for coordinating hazardous materials management issues and serves as the initial point of contact for each district.

Each district is responsible for ensuring coordination of hazardous material issues during planning and project development. To facilitate this coordination, the district should consider assigning a single hazardous materials coordinator for project development or a hazardous materials team consisting of members from all functional areas. The assignments of district personnel and/or section responsibilities rest with the district.

Anchor: #i1000645

Obtaining Assistance

Persons conducting or coordinating environmental site assessments and investigations should be familiar with applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations. Additionally, knowledge of hydrogeologic, environmental engineering, manufacturing processes, chemistry and biological processes many be necessary. A multi-disciplinary team of experienced professionals may be needed to assess or investigate projects at high risk for hazardous materials impacts. This team may include structural and environmental engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, biologists, chemists, toxicologists, and/or industrial hygienists. The team will identify major concerns and any corrective or preventative activities required to resolve them. These activities may include health and safety training, acquisition of licenses and permits, and/or coordination with regulatory agencies.

Some districts may already have in-house staff with the knowledge, education, and experience necessary to perform or coordinate corrective or preventative activities. However, a district may also opt to use environmental consultants on statewide contract with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to perform this work. The services of environmental specialty contractors may also be required. District personnel can contact ENV for assistance.

TxDOT employees can obtain additional information on occupational safety, health, and training in the TxDOT Occupational Safety Manual, particularly the chapters on hazardous materials, safety rules, and standards.

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