Chapter 3: Project Development Process

Anchor: #i1004842

Section 1: Overview

Landscape and aesthetic design is one part of the TxDOT’s project development process. Each task in the process is described in detail in TxDOT’s Project Development Process Manual (PDPM). The process is divided into several sub-processes that group associated tasks and events. The tasks are grouped into numbered chapters of the manual as follows:

The Project Development Process Manual explains the overall process using a flowchart. The extent of involvement in each task depends on the needs of the individual project. Click LAFlow to see the flowchart.

The discussion in this chapter focuses on landscape and aesthetic issues that designers should be alert for and specific actions that should be taken. Most activities relate to Chapters 2, 3, and 5 of the PDPM. The numbers shown in the headings refer to specific task designations included in that manual. For more information about other activities included under a specific task, go to the referenced section of the PDPM.

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