Chapter 14: Policy

Anchor: #i1000285

Section 1: References

Anchor: #i1000290


The following manuals are commonly referenced for rail-highway projects:

    Anchor: #DHKQTLTO
  • Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). Published by TxDOT, the TMUTCD provides legally enforceable design standards for pavement markings, signs, traffic signals and work zone setups. Applicable sections include Section 4C.10 (Warrant 9, Intersection Near a Grade Crossing), which describes a warrant that may be used for installing a traffic signal with preemption, and Part 8 (Railroad), which provides design standards for signing, striping and grade crossing warning devices.
  • Anchor: #ARJGRCKQ
  • Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Handbook. Published by the FHWA, the Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Handbook presents a comprehensive set of design guidelines for at-grade crossings.
  • Anchor: #ARAEIUUC
  • The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Communications & Signals Manual. The AREMA Communications & Signals Manual provides standards for various signaling equipment used by railroad companies. Of particular use is Section 3 (Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warning Systems) which provides design guidelines for warning systems and preemption at grade crossings, and Section 1.3 (Recommended Contracts & Agreements) which provides guidelines for provisions and cost estimates in agreements between railroad companies and public agencies.
  • Anchor: #PVGBFJMY
  • The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) 2022 Manual for Railway Engineering. The AREMA 2022 Manual for Railway Engineering provides design guidelines for railroad projects. Although the majority of this Manual is not generally applicable to highway projects, Chapter 5 Track, Section 8 Highway/Railway Grade Crossings, provides guidelines for at-grade crossings.
  • Anchor: #WDLLCKJF
  • Preemption of Traffic Signals Near Railroad Crossings. Published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, this report describes various recommended best practices for traffic signal preemption.
  • Anchor: #AYFFHTNY
  • A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Published by AASHTO, this Policy describes various aspects of highway design. Of particular importance is Chapter 9.12, Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings, which provides guidelines for roadway elevations for at-grade crossings to eliminate vehicle hang-ups and a procedure to determine proper sight distance at an at-grade crossing.
  • Anchor: #FHRGORGJ
  • TxDOT Roadway Design Manual. The TxDOT Roadway Design Manual provides guidelines on roadway design including roadway alignment, lane widths, medians, drainage facilities, shoulder design, roadway grades, superelevation, and use of guardrail.
  • Anchor: #CAGWKHEF
  • TxDOT Bridge Project Development Manual. The TxDOT Bridge Project Development Manual describes design criteria and processes for bridge projects, including the RGS Program.
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