Section 4: Strip or Spot Sealing
Anchor: #i1000111General
Strip sealing or spot sealing is typically performed by maintenance forces. This type of maintenance treatment is used to address specific pavement conditions such as:
- Anchor: #BLXCUNGL
- longitudinal or transverse cracking Anchor: #BSSXNSGR
- early signs of alligator or block cracking Anchor: #NFIXWQYQ
- flushing Anchor: #GXRBQHRT
- low skid resistance Anchor: #JWVUNGFB
- segregated spots in asphalt concrete.
It is critical that strip/spot seal work is done as soon as these specific conditions arise. If these conditions are not addressed quickly, they will degrade to the point that major repairs are needed.
Spot seal coats may be applied over spot base repairs or level-ups as an added measure of ensuring that no surface water penetrates into the base.