Chapter 1: Introduction

Anchor: #i1001373

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1001378

Purpose of Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide the information and procedures necessary for establishing speed zones and advisory speeds on the state highway system.

Anchor: #i1001388

Users of Manual

This manual is intended for use by entities with authority to set speed zones. It is only required to be used by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and cities when establishing speed zones on the state highway system.

Anchor: #i1001398


The Traffic Operations Division (TRF) will:

  • prepare procedures for establishing speed zones and advisory speeds
  • assist districts as necessary with speed zone studies
  • review and approve district recommendations for speed zoning and prepare minute orders for Transportation Commission action.

TxDOT districts will:

  • conduct engineering and traffic studies associated with the establishment of speed zones and advisory speeds
  • submit recommendations for speed zoning, along with results of studies to the Traffic Operations Division (TRF)
  • request cities to pass ordinances establishing speed zones when necessary
  • erect and maintain necessary speed limit and advisory speed signs and notify local enforcement authorities upon installation of the signs.

Cities will:

  • request that the district conduct engineering and traffic studies associated with the establishment of speed zones on the state highway system, or conduct the studies themselves
  • upon approval by TRF, prepare and pass city ordinances establishing speed zones.

A commissioners court of a county may by resolution request, through the local TxDOT district office, that the Texas Transportation Commission determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit lower than that established by Section 545.352 of the Transportation Code on any part of a farm-to-market or ranch-to-market road without improved shoulders located in that county.

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